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Private Life in Colour

Ajinar Djo


LOCATION: The Dormitories, Jedi Praxeum, Ossus
TIME: Mid-Morning
THEME: School of Magic Ambience
TAGS: Iris Arani Iris Arani

While his dear cousin and other padawans were off preparing for and engaging in an operation on Cato Neimoidia, Ajinar was left behind; as a recent addition to the Praxeum's population, the extent of his training from his parents needed to be tested, though none of it was combat related, so he still had much to learn before... or if he would be sent on those kinds of missions. At least his head was in an ideal position for this way of life, due to the influence of his father's Luka Sene background.

Then they returned varying degrees of battered, in particular the one girl who suffered the worst… the one who was covered in paint the first time he had seen her as she passed by on the day of his arrival. He knew her name now, and that she shared a master with Brianne, but he hadn't yet managed to find time to introduce himself when she was neither healing, nor off-world... until now. The life of a Jedi was much busier than expected, but it was a mission of his own to get to know the other participants in the arts, in this place.

So when he tapped gently at her door in the padawan wing of the Praxeum's dormitories, he did so with some trepidation. Who even knew if she would be there… but surely his senses were not fooling him. There was someone in there. He adjusted the strap of his satchel, and turned his head to look down the corridor; the low din of activity permeated the facility inside and out, its nature rather different from the streets and estates of Ta'a Chume'Dan, and he could spend a bit of time listening and teasing apart the sounds and sometimes languages that he heard. Being trilingual himself, he had an ear for and interest in such things.

"You are not the easiest personne to pin down…" he murmured to himself about the other painter, while awaiting an answer at her door, "...mais aucun about this life is easy, ne?"

Living In Color
Codex Judge


Iris's room here in the Praxeum was rarely used. The apartment she shared with Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren had become more of her home than the Temples, but through her travels it was always nice to have a place to sleep. A place she could still call her own. Like this dormitory, who's walls were already painted an array of bright colors. Currently, that's exactly what she was doing. Painting.

A knock on the door pulled her out of her little escape world. She blinked once, then stepped over to the door to open it. Once more she was covered in paint, various colors on practically every inch of her clothing and hair, dotting over her skin. Iris just tilted her head as she watched Ajinar Djo.

"Who'r you?"

Ajinar Djo


TAGS: Iris Arani Iris Arani

The sound of the door opening pulled at the edge of his attention, but her voice asking, perhaps a touch bluntly, who he was, diverted his gaze back to the threshold… and down. The sight of her, at over half-a-foot shorter and once again covered in paint evoked a mildly amused smile on his face.

A hand to his chest. Aji gave her a response, "I am Ajinar Djo, mais call me Aji, I insist." His hand dropped, "Brianne," he paused, "Briana is my cousine."

He flicked a glance up into her room, just as covered in paint as she was. He had to wonder, looking back down, if being so marked was her natural state, or if it was just his timing.

"I too am an artiste," he informed, "what are you painting, may I ask?"

Aside from herself, that is.

Living In Color
Codex Judge


Oh no. She understood some of what Ajinar Djo was saying, but there were words here and there that she didn't know. What language was that? Not one that she knew at least. Some of the words sounded similar enough to others, so that'd make this guy cousins with Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren ? That was enough for her. She smiled and stepped back, motioning for him to step into the room. Better than hanging out in the hallway. And some of the paint she was working on was going to dry if she didn't get back to it.

"Nothing specific. Just.. Letting the colors guide me. These dorms are really bland." She turned from him, stepping back to where she'd carelessly set down her brush on a chair. It, like her, was spattered with different colors.

"Er.. Feeling, I mean. Feelings. Of the people around." Right, most people didn't know what she meant when she said color. She scratched her cheek, adding another layer of teal to her skin before she went back to painting away.

"Is there something I can help you with..?"

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