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Taken from:

Name: Libertas

Designation: Semi-sentient
Homeworld: Almania
Language: The Force
Average height of adults: 1 meters
Skin color: Metallic black
Hair color: N/A
Breathes: Oxygen

Strengths: (+) Agility and Speed: Due to their size, the Libertas are incredibly agile and speedy, making them very difficult to catch or destroy.
(+) Small: The Libertas are tiny, as per they were intended to be made. This gives them an advantage, as they are barely noticeable in their activities.
(+) Stealth: Due to their size, agility and speed, the Libertas are extremely stealthy.
Weaknesses: (-) Poor Longevity: The Libertas do not live for a long time. When one is created through the power of Sith Alchemy, they are only given a life span of one or two years; and towards the end of their life, they begin to lose the agility and speed that they once had during their relative 'youth'.
(-) Small: Because they are so small, it wouldn't taken much to destroy a Libertas.

Distinctions: Libertas, when they are in hibernation, are found in round, cylinder shape balls that are reminiscent of marbles; and when found in their cylinder shape, are pure black in coloration and definition. Their unique color retains itself when the Libertas is brought out of hibernation, sprouting four legs and thus creating a shape reminiscent of a spider.
Average Lifespan: One to two years.
Races: No distinct races.
Estimated Population: 86, found on Almania.
Diet: Libertas feed off energy, such as electrical and plasma. Ion energy, as it is for most machines, is poisonous.
Communication: Libertas communicate to each other through a sub link found within them; and are able to accept commands through Force based telepathy, although they are unable to communicate back through this method. Their behavior for outsides are their main way of communicating their intent.

Culture: The Libertas are a subservient race that only care for the service of their masters; and their culture revolves around the being that they serve. Other than this they have no real culture to speak of, being a semi sentient race created for the purpose of servitude.

Technology level: The Libertas can use computers, datapads and other forms of these types of technologies.

General behavior: The Libertas are deadly still in their hibernation form of metallic, found spheres. They are brought out of their sphere shape into a spider form and display spider characteristics. When in a defensive or offensive stance, it will raise it's behind slightly, shake slightly and hiss out loud, which can be quite frightening when faced with several of them all at once.

History: Little is known of the Libertas. They were a semi sentient metallic race that serve the Dark Jedi Master @Vilox Pazela. They originate from the planet Almania and were created through the process of Sith Alchemy, after the Alchemist gave life to a metallic object that had the ability to transform itself from a sphere into a spider like creature.

Notable Player-Characters: @Vilox Pazela
Intent: To create a race of Sith Alchemy spiders that have the ability to swarm my opponents, infiltrate buildings and deactivate stasis fields, ray shields and other forms of defenses and detainment devices, in the event I am captured in character.
[member="Vilox Pazela"]

Hoo boy. Oya moy. Welcome to my domain. Now... see, I have a problem with this:

1) No dev thread. This 'species' goes no further without a dev thread, except...

...well, there are more problems:

1) I'm well aware there is a thread in progress with the intent to capture you. Using these in that thread would be in direct contravention of the rules. Your timing of these could not be more questionable.
2) Your intent for these makes me uncomfortable. Honestly, it comes across as a bit OP. Submissions are entirely capable of being denied on intent alone and you could easily abuse this submission on the basis for which you are creating them, and because of...

...more issues:

1) One metre in height is in no way tiny, especially when you can put eighty-six of them together. Either reduce the size, or reduce the number of them.

2) There is no realistic way they can use computers and datapads. For one thing, this on top of their other abilities makes the species itself a bit OP, and considering they are subservient only to you makes you pretty invulnerable. Another thing is... they start to look more like tech and less like species with this point. Which brings me to a further point - it would be better to achieve what you're trying to do with tech. Now tech... tech I could understand being able to use the aforementioned technology by establishing some sort of technological link or... having fingers.

Furthermore, feeding off of energy does not at all equate to controlling energy at all, including in tech to get tech to do what you want - the only thing outside of being completely sapient enough to fully use technology (which at a level of semi-sapience would be not be likely) are a couple of abilities in the Force.

3) So...

Vilox Pazela said:
The Libertas are deadly still in their hibernation form of metallic, found spheres.
...wait. They can disarm technology, use technology, and kill? And they're only semi-sapient? No. No way. Beyond even the consideration of how they would kill in the first place (which you have not explicitly mentioned), combined with the other abilities you seek to give them, this species is simply too powerful as is.

Vilox Pazela said:
Diet: Libertas feed off energy, such as electrical and plasma. Ion energy, as it is for most machines, is poisonous.
Come on. Is this a species or is it tech? Pick one.


TL;DR? -- Basically, what I am saying is without...

1) a dev thread, and
2) substantial edits

...this species will be denied.

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