Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Leviathan Luxury Goods Corporation LLC

Corporation Name: Leviathan Luxury Goods Corporation LLC
Headquarters: Ukio

Locations: Ukio (HQ), Mustafar & Sullust. Various small-production/family owned farms Galaxy wide they contract for limited release specialty product.

Operations: Production/growth of needed crops to sustain luxury and mass-produced foodstuffs and consumables.

Parent Company: Akure Executive Interstellar

Rationale: Seeing a chance in the Galaxy after the success of LeviaCan tinned meat, Ostanes utilized good business sense to split some of his operations and contacts in making the LeviaCan product into a separate company to diversify assets and broaden his corporate umbrella. Besides, he is an eccentric billionaire who watched too much 'Cooking With [member="Popo"]' on the HoloNet and now fancies himself a chef.

Tier: 3 (Development Thread HERE)

Sometimes, good ideas are born of too much alcohol and watching late-night HoloNet shows. Othertimes, horrible ideas are born (see the Tenloss brand “ThighMaster 5,000 Power Armor Thigh-Guards” by [member="Popo"] for the latter). However, in this case, this idea is of the former. At least in the Executive Board of Directors of Akure Executive Interstellars' opinion. Never mind that said opinion is pretty much whatever the eccentric head of Research and Development/Chief Operating Officer (depending on the face being worn) says it is in most cases.

Leviathan Luxury Goods Corporation LLC was started out of Ostanes' rabid fanboyism over [member="Popo"] 's HoloNet hit series 'Cooking With [member="Popo"] '. It is, at it's heart, a company with an idea of three things – the proudction of speciality brand and regular consumption tier popcorn, as well as the crafting of mass-produced level and rare roast of caff.

The corporation was set up on Ukio to facilitate a grand environment for agricultural production, and the utilization of the fertile environment for proprietary butter production in small batch from corporately classified animals and processes. But satellite facilities were set up on Sulliust and Mustafar to help balance the specialized blends of caff Ostanes desired, as well as in so far as Sullust goes the growth of a specialist coffee bean/plant of exceptionally dark and tasty quality. The facility on Sullust focuses mostly on roasting and grinding of the various coffee blends, shipping out the final product from there.

Various select variety of caff bean, spices, and the like are grown on facilities when able, or utilizing their parent companies extensive network, sourced from select small-hand, family owned third-party farms throughout the Galaxy. Leviathan believes in giving back to the people, and beyond needed cost for R&D and expansion when required, they often invest their profits back into the communities, small-farms and other such things that help them make the fine products they sell.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Primary Source: N/A

Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review

Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review

Pending initial review

Pending Initial review

Pending Inital review
[member="Bianca"] - Despite repeated prodding, my posting partner has went AWOL on this... I'll try and get something out over the weekend for dev on this. Sunday at the latest. Feel free to archive this until then, my apologies.
[member="Uriel Escria"]
It's perfectly understandable. I gave everyone some extra time because of the outage. I'll archive this until then, just PM an admin or RPJ (Like [member="Spencer Jacobs"]) when you want it taken out.
[member="Alric Kuhn"] | [member="Spencer Varanin"] | [member="Braith Achlys"]

Talked it over with the previous author and I am going to take over the submission. Dev thread has been completed, can someone transfer the ownership so I can make any edits that are necessary?
I'm sorry. I did not agree for this to be taken over. I agreed for it to be unarchived, and for me to help finish dev on it. What was done was the dev was finished(without telling me it was in progress, or giving me the ability to participate as agreed), without my input, so I never asked for it to be un-archived. Apparently, this was un-archived without me, the author of the submission, asking for it to be(which is curious in and of itself)...

I'd like this re-archived, given *I* am the author and didn't turn anything over to anyone, just implied we could finish the project jointly. I can't prevent Cerita's writer from using the thread as dev, or using the idea/thread as dev for their own sub, but I can (so far as I know) per board rules prevent my submission being taken over by another writer without my leave. And that is what I am asking take place.

[member="Cerita Sarova"] | [member="Spencer Varanin"] | [member="Braith Achlys"] | [member="Alric Kuhn"] | [member="Cira"]

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