Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Level 1500

(OOC: Set two days after the previous thread)

Artificial rain began to pouring down onto level 1500: One the lower levels of Coruscant a level that was still inhabitable. A hooded man began walking through the rain, the only thing keeping him warm was the cigarette in his mouth. Saul Colsan kept his hands inside his pockets as he continued to look over the railing, Coruscant Police were everywhere searching every room, interrogating any suspect that they could find. It wasn't anything new for the Coruscant police, they were usually harsh towards the people who reside in the lower levels often seeing them as criminals. However, there were more police presence than necessary even for the lower levels. Two dropships flew over Saul as he looked up, more policed armed with advanced DC-15 Blaster Rifles. They were scanning the area for any sign of the SIA agent his face was plastered onto every street corner and screen. Saul Colston: A wanted man, the Collector was hellbent in getting Saul out of his hair. Well he and Femmi that is.

Saul continued to walk deeper into the city the rain starting to subside and the musty air replaced with the stench of soot and waste product. He spent the past 4 hours scouting the area out and saw that it had become worse with Police on his tail. No doubt the SIA were informed of what he did and of course if Saul managed to escape the Collector and his troops, he would be in trouble with the organization. It's like getting out of hot water and diving straight into Lava, Saul was screwed either way. The best course of action was to protect the woman who held the important information that will expose The Collector into not only as a corrupt businessman but a traitor who sold helped the Brotherhood initiate their attack on Coruscant. If it costs Saul some jail time than so be it.

Taking out his cigarette, Saul flung it across the street it fizzled out as soon as it hit the pavement. The Police were relentless but that didn't mean that they were very observant. Crime was rampant in the streets not only due to the sheer size of the lower levels but there were hidden areas that were created just to avoid the police. They found only a fifth of many entry ways and Saul's apartment wasn't one of those. Grunting, Saul saw the building of his apartment and sighed.


Stef's 24 hour diner still had some customers, a Droid was serving soup to the inhabitants. Saul befriended Stef over the years and he allowed him to continue his Spice dealings if he allowed him to set up shop at the apartment above his diner. Saul walked upstairs and entered the small apartment no doubt knowing that Femmi was still whining over the fact that the apartment was not to her standards than worried that her life was in danger.

"Scouted the area," Saul said taking off his rain coat shaking his head to remove all of the water that was on his hair. "Place is swarming with police, they've got nearly every block covered in the level."

Femmi Kae

Femmi Kae

Current Outfit

Femmi was so focused on the holoscreen that she barely registered Saul Colsan Saul Colsan 's entrance into the small apartment. She bit her lip as all of her attention was given to the hologame she had discovered a day ago and hadn't stopped playing it since, her hands gripped tightly around a controller that looked too big for her small hands. She sat dainty on the dingy coach, quite a contrast for the man cave to have such an elegant and sophisticated woman grace its chambers. Occasionally she would let out little squeaks or gasps in response to her progress in the game, which was a rather simple shoot-em-up style game... something the young model had never seen before. But for some reason... it was absolutely enrapturing for her.

"I beat your high score!!" She squealed with excitement as a look of pure glee washed over her face, her eyes gleaming, but never leaving the screen. "How long did it take you to get it? I totally got it in like two days. I must be really good!" Suddenly she shrieked in horror as her character met an untimely end. She slouched back into the couch, pouting for a moment, before quickly resetting the game and starting again, a strong and resilient determination had taken her over.

"So whats your plan?" She yelled loudly over the sound of the game, "Haven't you killed the Collector yet? Also, I'm hungry... and i'm not touching ANYTHING in that fridge... did you bring us dinner?" despite the poor condition of the apartment and the lack of proper amenities, there was a part of Femmi that really enjoyed being a slouch. Staying up late and playing video games, having her own personal butler who waited on her every need and demand... was this the good life?

She let out an amusing and overly devilish laugh as she made another kill on the screen.
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As soon as Saul entered the apartment he could hear Femmi squeaking like a mouse who found a piece of meat. He could also hear small beepings one of his Hologames? Saul is a gamer and would play Hologames on his spare time but the game Femmi was playing sounded sounded old school like 800's circa era Hologames old. "I thought I told you to keep quiet while I was away?" Saul grumbled casually tossing his wet rain coat in his laundry basket and looking over his clothing they were still dry even after spending 4 hours in the rain. Saul grumbled a bit looking over his small, messy apartment he wasn't in the military any more which meant keeping a neat room was an option and it was the way he liked it. Saul had a tendency of finding things in the pile of beer bottles and strewn clothing everywhere. Femmi on the hand nearly fainted on sight and spent most of her time sitting on Saul's lucky couch barely budging.

"That's Wookie Hunter," Saul said looking over her shoulder. "Made by the Trandoshans in 800 BBY, controversial game Wookies called for boycotts but like anything controversial, it attracts an audience trying to see what was going on and it gained a cult following."

Saul squinted Femmi's "high score" turned out she only beat one of his high score. Saul's score was easily in the trillions. "Nah that's my 1,000th highest score," he chuckled taking the Holoscreen and scrolling up. "There," he said. "2 trillion is my highest."

He patted Femmi's head. "But you're getting better Femmi," Saul smiled. "Pretty good."

Femmi spent the last two days acting like a spoiled princess, even dressed like one judging by her current outfit. "The Collector is far away from Coruscant that's for sure," Saul said heading to the datapad while pressing a few buttons. In half of a second the apartment room started to blare some rock music though on medium volume.

"He's not the hands on type preferring to pay others to do his dirty work." Saul said. "Plausible deniability on his part." Saul grunted when Femmi whined about being hungry despite Saul repeatedly telling her that there was food in the fridge. The Agent went to the kitchen took out a bottle of beer and some noodles casually tossing it to Femmi.

"Warm up some noodles Princess," Saul said. "I'm still having Ian my personal A.I to decipher the information you have. So far there's some Holomail detailing a weapons deal between the Collector and the Brotherhood. Also some auctions of some kind, It was still hard to get it encrypted."

Saul opened up his bottle wedging it in the corner of the table and took a quick swig. "Right now what we need to do is to finish the encryption so I can send it to the SIA command." Saul said. "We also need to find your informant, several datapoints I've found needed his neural implants."

Saul sat down next to Femmi though his eyes gazed on the metal door of his extra room. "What do you know about your client?" Saul said. "If I'm going to take the Collector down, I need to know more details."

Femmi Kae

Femmi Kae

Femmi blushed, putting her hand over her mouth as she realized she had been slaughtering wookies for sport.

"Oh. My. Force." She gasped, "Thats... thats awful... just awful..." Her eyes zeroed in on her next victim, a mischievous grin betraying her verbal dissent. "People are just, so messed up... to create a game like this... YESSS!" she squealed as another wookie bit the metaphorical dust.

As Saul paused the game and scrolled up, revealing that she had only beaten his lowest score, She "tisk'ed" at him as if it was somehow his fault, her face visibly very upset from the revelation.

"Whatever... You're a sick Wookie killer... How could you play this game anyways..." She tossed the controller down and went to go dig through the rest of his games, hoping to discover one of them that she might actually be better at than Saul Colsan Saul Colsan .

But she instantly froze, her brow furrowing with confused horror and irritation when she heard a horrendous excuse for music being suddenly blasted through the speakers of the apartment. She slowly stood straight, turning and glaring at Mr. Ruffles, her jaw dropped open in utter shock that he would listen to such things... for pleasure...

And then... THEN... he grabbed a pack of instant noodles... and... and...

Femmi flinched as she caught the package, looking at it as if she had just seen a ghost. She held it up in Sauls face with two fingers and shook it at him.

"EXCUSE ME?! You CAN'T be serious..." She was absolutely furious, "Do you want me to gain 20 pounds?! Do you even KNOW what is in this... this... gaaahhhhhhh..." She exclaimed as she turned and threw it across the room, then went and sat forcefully on the couch, her arms crossed and her chin in the air.

her mind was fuming. He was so unaware. He was so uncultured. So brutish. So dirty. She looked back again at the mess that surrounded her, before quickly diverting her gaze once again, unable to bear it.

"I'll tell you what you need to do... you need to tell your 'personal A.I.' to get me some proper food!" she huffed.

As Saul sat down next to her and asked about what she knew about her client, her eyebrows raised, an idea suddenly coming to her. She turned, giving Saul a pretty and innocent smile.

"I know all about my client. In fact... I can lead you right to him..." her eyes narrowed, "But I have three demands. One? You need to deep clean your entire apartment. No more piles of clothes or trash. Two? You need to feed me three nutritional meals every day, and they won't come out of a can or container. and three?" She got up, walked over to the datapad and hit a couple of buttons. Suddenly the rock music stopped, replaced instead with this...

She turned, giving Saul a sweet smile and a wink, "No more of whatever that other stuff was. Are we clear?" She put her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrow at Saul, waiting to see how he would respond to her demands.
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Saul scowled at Femmi's demands, the girl is ordering him around in his apartment? Part of him was happy that she wasn't the sobbing mess from two days ago but with how haughty she was acting part of him wished someone was shooting at them again. "This is the lower levels Femmi," Saul muttered. "Finding healthy food is like finding Beskar in a septic tank. People here don't have access to clean water or good food like it in the upper levels." This was getting ridiculous, yet Saul needed the information in the worst way. Besides, he needed to check with Ian: His personal AI and see if he his infiltration in the Coruscant Police's communications was successful.

Not only did Saul scout out the area outside but he also managed to swipe one of the Police's radio and sliced in their communications. Ian was supposed to decrypt and make it so Saul's hack can remain undetected while eavesdropped on the Police. It'll be easier to anticipate what they'll be doing and come up with a plan to escape. "Listen," Saul growled at Femmi. "You can have a "healthy" meal but the music," he pressed a few buttons and the chit that Femmi called "music" changed.

Saul was a huge fan Heavy Metal dated all the way back when he was adopted. It was a way for Saul to escape and get sucked into another world. He even formed a Rock Band back when he was in the military. Saul had fond memories of it: Dubious Nebula and it comprised of four men: Himself, Harold Private from Dantoine, Snurrk the Wookie, and Chigg: A Rodian from Courscant. They gained a cult following and disbanded once Saul entered the SIA. Nowadays, Saul wondered where they were now. "I'll clean my apartment," Saul said. "And I'll give some health food well the closest thing to food in this level but the music stays."

The Agent gave Femmi a death glare one that read: I will fracking kick you out of this apartment and have you fend for yourself. "Do you understand?" Saul growled before turning around and heading deep into apartment room. There was a metal door next to his bedroom, Saul sighed and peeled off the loose wallpaper hiding a scanner. Saul pressed his hand, the green line analyzing his fingerprints. "Welcome back Agent Colson," a female voice said as the door opened.


Saul entered the room, it was one of many hideouts that he had across the galaxy that allowed Saul to plan out missions, survey the areas around the Galaxy, and communicate with other agents. Right now communications were down which Saul suspects that the SIA were trying to come up with a plausible reason for his actions to the press before dealing with Saul personally. Sitting down on the chair, Saul stared at the large screen surveying the common areas of Level 1500. Police had them all on lockdown searching every room and shaking down every person. Saul needed to hurry and get the Collector otherwise innocent are going to get hurt.

"Hey Saul," Ian's voice was filled the room and an image of a black box appeared on the table. "Nice of you to drop by."

"Ian," Saul said. "How's the information coming along?"

"Slowly," Ian lamented. "So many blocks of information that require a neural implant to access. You need to talk to Femmi and find that informant."

Saul swiped a year old energy bar from the table. "I'm working on it," he grumbled. "What about the Collector?"

"Right now he's calling in every favor to kill you and Femmi," Ian replied. "He's even got the Police that is on his payroll to basically cut off level 1500 from the rest of Coruscant. No one going in or out and right now and there have been hushed reports of Police brutality towards the citizens as they shake them down for your location."

Saul closed his eyes. "He has that many cops working for him?" he said taking out a pack of cigarettes from his drawer finding one and sticking it his mouth. "I've seen them up close, it's practically the size of a battalion."

"Well when you're the one providing the cops with weapons," Ian said. "You tend to have authority."

"But what's his next move?" Saul said lighting the cigarettes.

"The Collector has been covering his tracks of late," Ian said. "But from scant messages from other rich weapons launderers from the dark web, he's planning on running a Fashion walk way at the annual Gala located on the planet: Cantonica. The show is supposed to be a cover up for forming alliances between the big wigs and establishing spheres of influence. Given his big play in wiping out his competition due to helping the Brotherhood on the attack on Coruscant, The Collector is likely cashing in his chips and making himself the weapons dealer in the Galactic Alliance."

Saul sighed. "We're gonna have to expose him," he said.

"And that starts with finding that informant Saul," Ian said. "I'll try to find the date but you need to get that informant to unlock those hidden data points otherwise the Collector can just deny them all."

Femmi Kae
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Femmi Kae

Femmi visibly flinched as the music changed back to... that awful, awful angry sound. She rolled her eyes as she accepted the compromise... at least the room would be cleaned and she wouldn't have to eat... junk…

Just the idea made the girl shutter in horror.

Suddenly she turned upon hearing a females voice talking to Saul, her eye brows furrowed with curiosity,

"Um… who is that?" She questioned without hearing any response. She stared at the door Saul had gone through for a second, pondering the possibility that there was another woman in Mr. Ruffles life…

"No way..." She said to herself with an agitated sigh as she quickly got up off the couch and marched over to the door, "There had better be a good explanation for this mister…" She said as if she somehow owned Mr. Ruffles. How DARE another woman even think of talking to her Mr. Ruffles! This just would not do…

As she crossed the threshold, she was about to start accusing Saul of something when suddenly a blaring alarm went off and red lights flashed on. She let out a squeal as she jumped in the air from fright, startled by the sudden sound.

A spherical droid immediately descended from the ceiling, a blaster in one of its metal arms, pointed directly at Femmi.

"INTRUDER ALERT… INTRUDER ALERT…" It blared over and over through a distorted speaker as it reached out and grasped around femmi's throat with its free metal appendage, pulling her upward so that she was on her tippy toes. Femmi's eyes were wide with fear as she grasped at her neck,

"Saul…. Saul…" She coughed, hoping her knight in shining armor would notice quickly that his idiotic and overly violent droid was about to blast her head off.

Saul Colsan Saul Colsan
"Deny them all?" Saul said taking another puff of smoke.

"With that cache of information and the source that it came from the Collector can easily deny the evidence." Ian replied. "Femmi received that info from the slush."

The slush.... that primordial soup of information that's taken from unsecured networks. It's the source for nutjobs looking to create conspiracy theories, the data taken is legitimate but the problem is that there's so much of it that it becomes useless. Finding reasonable conclusions from the slush was like trying to solve a hyperdrive physics equations it's just so much work even for A.Is. "The Slush isn't exactly a reliable place," Saul said. "Unless the source was using it as a way to distribute the information. With so much junk being peddled in the Slush, his info would've easily slipped through the cracks."

"Indeed," Ian said. "But until we can unlock the denied passageways, the Collector will just say it came from the Slush via hackers. You know the old saying: Bad records always end up in the slush."

"It's the sewage system of the Holonet I know," Saul said. "But the SIA do keep tabs on it every now and then."

The Agent took another drag of his cigarette. "First on the list," Saul said puffing out more smoke while placing his feet on the table. "Is to evade the Police and to find the-"


Saul spat out his Cigarette while taking out a Pistol, the Security Droid caught someone? It couldn't be that they were caught already? Rushing to the entry way, Saul sighed to see Femmi being strangled by the Droid. "Ugh," he sighed. "Droid stand down," he ordered.

The Droid let Femmi go before retreating to its pod, Saul holstered his pistol while grabbing Femmi's arm. "What are you doing back here?!" Saul grumbled hoisting Femmi up. "I thought I told you not to come in my room!"

Femmi Kae

Femmi Kae

She coughed lightly as she rubbed her neck gingerly. She was tired of being strangled!!

"I thought I heard something... What is this? ooooh, this is like you top secret office or something?!" She said as she brushed past Saul and looked at all the high tech stuff. Wow, guess he was the real deal.

"Hey droid! Can you please order me a salad and some Guava juice? Thanks!" She said to Sauls A.I.. She then turned to Saul Colsan Saul Colsan and gave him a cutsie smile,

"So you want to know more about my source? He goes by the name of Skarr… But I call him Skubby. He's a regular, so… don't kill himor maim himor touch him…" She stuck her finger in Sauls face, giving him a look that said, 'seriously'.

"Anyways, I can probably arrange a meeting with him if you'd like. He has a soft spot for me." She batted her eyes at Saul, as if to imply that, of coarse, EVERYONE has a soft spot for her… she is just so adorable…

She pulled up a picture of Skarr on her datapad and showed it to Saul...

Saul didn't tell Femmi about his hideout, given her..... habit of attracting trouble and the fact Saul wanted to take on the Collector himself it was best to keep her away. Knowing Femmi so far, she would probably prefer that. "Something like that," Saul muttered eyeing Femmi with suspicion. "Don't touch anything."

If she touched say the weapons cache, she'll receive 10,000 volts enough to knock out or in some cases kill the intruder. Saul made sure that if anyone infiltrated the hideout, they would get some nasty surprises. In extreme cases, Saul had installed a self destruct function in case the intruders tried anything bold. Ian was a little wary of Femmi's standoffish nature, "you're right Saul," he said his avatar staring at the woman. "She does sound like a child crying about not getting Ice Cream"

"You're not very good at keeping information to yourself," Saul muttered causing Ian to shake his head. "Oh right!" he said. "Sorry!"

It was then Femmi revealed who her source was, a mercenary named: Skarr. Saul frowned, a battle hardened merc huh? Shouldn't be too hard to track down as they probably had a place to advertise themselves on the Holonet or simply joined the Bounty Hunter Guild. "Ian," Saul said. "Run a scan on Skar ASAP, a guy like him definitely traces of his presence online."

"I'm on it," It took half a second for Ian to pull up the files. "Here we go: Skarr not much is known about his past but he is a veteran working mostly in CIS territory. He's pretty popular though getting work for high profile people namely our man: The Collector."

"What's his last location?" Saul asked as stared at the screen of the many files that have been uploaded on the Holocomputer.

"It's a little hard to track him," Ian said trying to sift through pile of information. "But according to private messages to his sister, he said that he was going to the lower levels of Coruscant. Said something about laying low for a bit."

Saul slowly placed his cigarette in his mouth. "You thinking what I'm thinking Saul?" Ian asked.

"Looks like Femmi and I aren't the only ones the Police are after," Saul said puffing out smoke. "Access the maps of the lower levels of Coruscant and cross-reference them with Skarr's location."

"It'll be easier if we can get Femmi to contact Skarr," Ian said while Saul craned his head towards the woman.

"All right Femmi," Saul said. "Set up the meeting."

Femmi Kae

Femmi Kae

Femmi gave Saul an offended and slightly hurt expression upon hearing the remarks of his A.I.. Although on her exterior she acted as though she was indifferent, in honesty she had become more drawn and attracted to the SIA Agent. He had saved her life countless times within the span of a week, and he seemed to be willing to withstand her crazy and prissy antics…

And so she was genuinely hurt upon hearing how he had described her in secret to his A.I. She quickly turned from him, choosing to hid the hurt she had just expressed and cover it with more indifference. She would choose to pretend like she didn't care about how Mr. Ruffles felt about her.

"Well at least I'm not a slob." She said coldly.

She pulled her data pad close, avoiding further eye contact with Saul, as she typed out a quick message to Skarr:

Hey! I'm in trouble because of that info you gave me. I have a friend and we are going after the Collector. We need your help. Can we meet ASAP?

She sat down in his chair at the desk, glaring at the A.I. unit. And then she got a ping back. She read the response…

Femmi… are you setting me up?

Femmi responded quickly:

No! I'm being hunter by the police, I promise I am clean. You know me, I would never give you up. Trust me.

Ok. Meet me at 'The Prickler's Pub'. I'll message you once you arrive.

She got up and walked past Saul, shoving the data pad aggressively into his chest.

"Here. You have your precious meeting." She walked out of his room and went into the kitchen to get herself some water, still fuming at Saul Colsan Saul Colsan .
Saul sighed when Femmi began to huff, it wasn't her usual antics but rather her feeling betrayed. He wanted to say something but didn't want to, he didn't want to dig himself into a deeper hole. The Agent remained silent while Femmi set up the meeting, the location was at the Prickler's Pub.... Saul snorted, he went there a couple of times. The food was stale and drinks tasted like they came from the sewers. "Know that place," Saul said. "I'll get there immediately."

"Heads up Saul," Ian said. "I've detected multiple Coruscant Police Force converging on the location.

"Did they find Skarr already?" Saul said heading to his wardrobe.

"I don't know," Ian said. "But I've tapped into their battlenet and there's some reports of shootouts between minor gangs and police.

"Gangsters don't like it when someone intrudes on their territory," Saul said putting on his Sneaking Suit. "Especially cops."

"Good gangsters know when to lay low," Ian mentioned. "The flashy ones are laid out to pasture but in any case it serves as a distraction for you to sneak by them."

"Good," Saul said wrapping his bandana around his head. "Is the camouflage ready?"

"Not yet," Ian. "I'm still having problems adapting it to people, you can't even maintain invisibility for five seconds without shorting out. A person's body heat can easily cause the camouflage to malfunction."

"Well," Saul held his Silenced Blaster Pistol and placed it behind his back. "I'll do it the old fashion way, it's more exciting."

"Don't go causing trouble," Ian said. "We need that info."

"I know," Saul replied. "I also have a price on my head and I'm not going to lose it to some thug who wears a uniform."

He began to walk out of the room before Ian sighed. "You gotta talk to Femmi Saul," he said. "She was really hurt by your words."

"Your words Ian," Saul said. "You may said once that you never understood human behavior but with what you just let out well now you know why some things should remain silent."

"Maybe don't tell me next time if you know Saul," Ian said. "We're going to need her if we're going to get the Collector."

"I'll talk to her," Saul said before heading to Femmi. "Hey," he said. "I'm going to need your help."

Femmi Kae

Femmi Kae

Femmi glanced over at Saul passively as he engaged her in conversation. She raised her eyebrow over her glass of water, bringing it down before responding,

"Well, of COARSE you are going to need my help... it's MY contact after all. He won't come out until he sees me. So... when do we leave, Mr. Gruffles?" She changed his nickname slightly to emphasis Saul Colsan Saul Colsan 's apparent "grumpiness". she gave him a sarcastic smile.
Saul shook his head. "Don't talk back," he thought heading over towards the closet to grab his overcoat. "You'll just embolden her." Saul didn't mind bothering correcting Femmi in regards of him being a grump. It was true, Saul was a big grump mainly because he was out of the loop from the SIA's plans. He was happy to be back in action, to have an old enemy trying to kill him. It was almost perfect, keyword: Almost perfect. Femmi while for while a cute girl has been nothing more than a nuisance to Saul. She was on Saul like a thorny, poisonous vine from the jungles of Felucia on his side. She probably couldn't wait to get out of here. Femmi could barely stand Saul's apartment not that he cared, she should be thankful that she had someone who gave a chit about her.

The agent was draped his hood over his head when the security Droid walked over towards he and Femmi, a small device in its hands. "Hey Saul," the Droid said the voice sounding nothing like the robotic, mechanical Droid that Saul programmed.

"What the?" Saul took a small step backward. "Ian? Is that you?" he asked.

"Hey did you already forget that I can hack into any software system with ease?" Ian chuckled. "Before you leave take this." The hacked security droid held out the item.

"What is it?" Saul slowly grabbed the device. "Doesn't look like a weapon......"

"It's a sound amplification device." Ian explained. "A handheld long-range microphone capable of picking up any conversations even it its behind concrete walls. You can pick up sounds from at least two smashball fields away. I figured that it could come in handy in case the Coruscant Police Force get wise to our taps. It took me a month to develop it so it hasn't gotten much field testing."

"I like it already," Saul said placing the device on his belt. "Could be useful in detecting long range conversations."

"Be careful Saul," Ian said. "There's already more fighting in the areas near Prickler's Club. Already I'm getting messages by the Police Department."

"What did they say?"

"Unseal the hushed casket." Ian replied. "I don't know what that means and I'm running it by their database right now. Whatever it means though, it's not good. Be careful Saul."

Saul nodded and nodded at Femmi. "Let's go," he said opening the door.

Femmi Kae

Femmi Kae

Femmi put her water down and grabbed her coat, pulling it around her shoulders and venturing with Saul outside. As they made their way down the corridors, she followed closely behind Saul, with her hood pulled up over her head... Not that it really did much in ways of a disguise.

"Promise me you will be nice to him! He is a personal friend of mine, ok?" She whispered.

"So... what is your plan? I heard you mention something about a Fashion walk? I don't know if you know this... but... I'm a model... I mean... I'm sure you had already guessed because of my elegance and sophisticated grace... But anyways..." She went to flick her hair elegantly, forgetting it was covered in a hood, which instead resulted in an awkward head bob that was not what she had been going for at all. She blushed in embarrassment, hoping Saul had not noticed.

Saul Colsan Saul Colsan
The outside was a bit musty due to the level finishing its artificial rain cycle, Femmi grabbed her coat as well pulling her hood over her head while she stuck close to Saul. The agent placed his hands over the large front pockets of his coat, looking at Femmi when she requested not to hurt her informant. "That depends," Saul said. "If he's cooperative or not." A Police Speeder flew over the two as they exited the apartment sirens blaring while it accelerated.

Saul listened to the Police battlenet the bulk of the police force were concentrated on to the northern end of the level. The riots were still going on which was beneficial for him. Meant less Police to sneak past. Saul bit his lip while brushing past a few drunk locals one of them leered at the hooded Femmi but a dirty look from Saul sent them scrambling. "After we access the databanks," Saul said. "We're going to check out what the Collector is doing, he's running a fashion show on Cantonica along with his wealthy benefactors."

The Agent turned to Femmi. "You are cute I'll give you that." Saul said. "Graceful and elegant? Let's not go too far."

"You've been put under the missing person's list," Saul continued. "But if you have connections to the fashion business then let me now. It'll be easier for me to infiltrate and find out what else the Collector is planning."

Femmi Kae

Femmi Kae

She glared at him,

"Well, of coarse he is going to cooperate! He's volunteering to meet us!" She shook her head. What happened to the 'Intelligence' part of the SIA anyways? "He wants the Collector off his back as much as we do... trust me."

She stuck out her tongue and made a face at Saul Colsan Saul Colsan after he had rebutted her comment about her being graceful and elegant. She then rolled her eyes as she continued to follow him closely, "The Modeling world doesn't care about any missing persons list. They are only interested in themselves... trust me, i would know. I have connections, I could easily ask to be one of the models. That would give me access back stage. I could plant a bug or something... i don't know... like do some... spy stuff." She threw herself up against the ally wall, as if she was suddenly being super stealthy. She giggled.
"You never know," Saul said while he walked through the street. "Seedy character like him could either be bribed or broken by the Police Force. You'll be surprised how efficient they can be."

Saul had worked with police before and even learned interrogation tactics from a former Coruscant Police Force Commissioner during his training as an SIA agent. No Jedi mind tricks could match the effectiveness of police interrogation. Femmi claimed that the modeling business doesn't care about missing people which caused Saul to doubt her. Models make a living based on name recognition and considering that Femmi did have some connections it was likely that they would inform the Collector of her whereabouts.

"Could be a plan," Saul mentioned rolling his eyes a bit when Femmi imitated being a spy. "But on the safe side, we're going to give you a fake name."

Femmi couldn't be that popular otherwise she wouldn't be dabbling in the dangerous world of information brokering. Just then Saul heard the sound of a high whine above. "A Speeder?" Saul looked up and saw large black drop ship whiz above them landing on the streets.

"Get down!" Saul grabbed Femmi's arm dragging her behind some trashcans scattered near the alleyway. The agent peered from the corner seeing more CPF pouring from the dropship at least six of them.


"Small patrol," Saul muttered. "But it's concerning, they've expanding their search."

Femmi Kae

Femmi Kae

"What do we do?" Femmi asked, taking a small peek around the corner. "We can't keep him waiting for too long or he will get spooked and leave. Can you just..." She made a "pew pew" motion with both hands, referring to having Saul Colsan Saul Colsan dispose of the police unit with physical force. "I don't have any clue how to get around down here... I've never been this deep inside Coruscant before."
"No," Saul said to Femmi. "It'll just alert command to our presence." Taking Femmi's hand, Saul continued to hide behind the trash cans that were scattered around. His eyes kept watch at the two Police officers looking around with their blaster pistols raised up. Saul heard a couple of speeders ahead, about two of them approaching the pair of Policemen who pointed their pistols at vehicles. "Stop right there!" One of the officers said his voice amplified through his helmet.

"Get down," Saul went prone and crawled onto the dirty ground observing what was going on. This could be an opportunity for them to make a run for it or oberserve.

Femmi Kae

Femmi Kae

Saul Colsan Saul Colsan

Femmi quickly darted behind some trash cans for cover, instantly twisting her nose in disgust at the smell. "Oh… Awful!" She moaned under her breath.

The speeders seemed to not want to stop as the police opened fire on them. They were too fast as they darted in between the blockade. Both drivers dropped thermal detonator behind them as they quizzed past, causing the police to yell frantically and try to run for cover.


The alleyway erupted as the blockade burst into flames and chaos, bodies flying everywhere and screams of the wounded began to ring out. It was evident that the tension was beginning to burst the level at the seams… gangs revolting and the people getting tired of the misuse and overreach of the police. It would not be safe to remain down here for long.

As the explosion erupted, Femmi screamed and began to run down an alley in the opposite direction, terrified of the violence she was witnessing. She ran out into a street, then instantly heard a voice…

"Hey! You!" Femmi froze, looking back to see three officers from a different police unit walk up to her, all three with heavy duty weapons in their hands… not the standard police issue.

"Yeah… thats her." One of them said, raising his blaster to the ready. The other two circled around her, looking around for any signs of Saul. They knew that if Femmi was here, that Saul was likely somewhere in the vicinity.

"Oh… she's a cute one, isn't she?" One teased as he pushed the nuzzle of his blaster rifle into her arm, causing her to pull back in fear.

"Ok, call it in… Let the collector know that we have her in custody."

"Copy that."

One of the police grabbed onto Femmi's arm and pulled it behind her back, causing her to cry out in pain as he handcuffed her hands together behind her back.

"Please…" She whimpered.

"Keep an eye out for the spook. Call for backup."

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