Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler

Intent: A uniform for Captain rank or higher in the defense forces of the Levantine Sanctum.
Development Thread: No
Manufacturer: Jal Shey Mentors of Levantine territory, in association with Shule's Workshop
Model: Levantine Captain's Uniform
Affiliation: Levantine Sanctum
Modularity: No
Production: Minor
Material: Zeyd-cloth, tikulini leather boots
Classification: Uniform
Weight: 4kg
Quality: 1 (4 for boots)
Special Features:
- Functionality comparable to a Jal Shey mentor belt, primarily tuned to resistance against hostile battle meditation and similar influences.
- Functionality comparable to Jal Shey meditation gloves, providing increased clarity of mind and awareness of immediate surroundings (primarily a starship's bridge).
- Boots are non-alchemized tikulini leather; they retain mild lightsabre resistance, as against glancing blows, and can withstand a glancing shot from a blaster. Note: Tikulini are found on Kyrikal 17.
The Levantine Captain's uniform allows a ship's captain increased resilience against hostile battle meditation and comparable mental influences, as well as improved clarity of mind and awareness of the bridge. This is a very straightforward combination of two standard traditional Jal Shey creations.
In other settings and circumstances, the uniform's benefit is generally less applicable, though the uniform offers a degree of added resistance to (and awareness of) mentalism and mind-affecting substances, as well as improved situational awareness and overall clarity of thought. Notably absent is the trademark functionality of Jal Shey armor, which is imbued with the Light Side so as to calm others into a more receptive state of mind. The Jal Shey mentors felt it might impede proper bridge operation or cause unforeseen complications. This hesitance to interfere with others besides the ship's captain also made the mentors reticent to expand the anti-battle meditation effect beyond just the uniform's wearer. A captain wearing this uniform may have added resistance to such influences, but would have to watch their effects take hold on his bridge crew.
Those new to the uniform may also experience a form of tunnel vision, in the sense that their enhanced awareness of their bridge readouts and crew reports may distract them from internalizing their view of any given situation outside the viewport. This effect goes away with experience.
Wearers of the uniform may experience difficulty receiving mental messages and impressions from Darksiders. The uniform is not recommended for Darksiders, as it may impede their Force senses and/or cause physical sensory overload; non-Jal-Shey-altered versions in Forceless cloth are available.
As with all Jal Shey creations, the uniform is fully functional for non-Force-sensitives, though relevant Force powers may 'stack' with its effects in a situationally dependent manner. Specifically, this means that appropriate use of mentalism, Force Light, etc. might allow the wearer to, for example, make the entire bridge crew resistant to negative mental influence, or significantly improve the wearer's personal resistance. Likewise, Force powers which enhance situational awareness and/or the senses may have greater effect when the uniform is worn. Removal of the overcoat or other major parts of the uniform will lessen the effects considerably, but is necessary to get into most space suits. In other words, this cannot be worn with heavy armor.
Primary Source: N/A