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Let's do a thing [Demonsgate mining] [ask to join]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Patricia was back on Demonsgate and was getting operations ready for another phrik movement, as of late she had been moving a lot of the ore not for wholesale but rather for crafting purposes. She'd been making a lot of armor and weapons which of course had a purpose, however she was of late needing to actually move some ore out of the facility to pay taxes to the black rose. That was the thing about being a criminal, if you wanted to keep being an outlaw you needed to pay your taxes. So with a cup of coffee in her hand she sighed as her ship landed and docked. The automatic door opened up and Patricia stepped out into the docking port of the mining facility.

"Good morning Miss Blonde, welcome back. May I assist you? A worker droid greeted Patricia and she simply sighed before speaking.

"Bring me a bear claw from the kitchen please, I'll be in my office." Patricia said in response before stepping down into the bay.

"Right away Miss Blonde." The droid said with a bow before walking away.

Her feet clanged against the metallic floor as she crossed the bay and into the tile covered hallways of the facility. She walked down the halls for a minute before reaching the door of her office, the name "Miss Blonde" was printed on the door. Taking her key card she swiped it and the door opened to reveal her neat and tidy office with personal desk and holo table.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Stepping into her office the woman flipped the light switch to illuminate the area, that was the thing about having an office here, there were no windows due to the whole it looked like hell outside. And of courts this wasn't a metaphor, it was literal fire and ash, real biblical level damnation. So rather than have a window the woman recently had "window" installed from her friend Ali's company that would display images.

"Take me home." Patricia said in her normal speaking voice.

The window activated and listened to the command. The window played an image of the beaches on Relovian, the faint sound of waves ebb and flow against the sand, Patricia sighed and relaxed herself before moving to sit down in her seat. She plopped down and set her cup of coffee on her desk. Relaxing for just a few moments she took a sip then looked off towards the beach, she missed home very much so this helped quite a bit. Reaching for her coffee she took a long sip then set it back down, it was time to start up the operation.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
With another long draw of coffee the woman began to stretch her finger out and pop them one by one, this was the life of a billionaire, sitting back working behind a desk. She did however enjoy field operations, nothing like getting the juices flowing out in the field. But the crime lord was in her thirties now, she didn't have the spry and spring in her step like she possessed in the past, she wasn't a republic agent anymore. Nor was she a personal bodyguard to Cryax, no she was beyond that and the occasional field op calmed that itch.

Reaching towards her holo table there was a knock on the door and Patricia withdrew her hand from it before pressing the button beneath her desk to allow the door to open.

"Come in." she said then adjusted herself in her seat to seek more professional.

The door slid open and soon the droid she had sent to get her pastry had arrived. She smiled brightly at the hellhound strategic droid then tapped at her desk to let the droid know where to put the bear claw.

"Thank you Q. Just set it down here, I'm about to get started on the movement so I require privacy." Miss Blonde said to the droid.

"Of course Miss Blonde, as you wish." The droid set the pastry down on her desk then quickly left the room.

Patricia closed the door behind the droid then reached over to the pastry and took a rather wholesome bite. The sugary sweet pastry melted in her mouth and she let out a sound that was a groan of goodness over how she missed her junk food. Patricia was just about an addict for junk food and as she got older she didn't have the metabolism of her youth so she had to portion these things out.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
With her bear claw and coffee to her side the woman booted up the holotable and let it warm up for a minute or so, while that did so she stared out her window and watched tropical birds land on trees and cry exotic sounds that she missed about her island. She'd return someday soon and live that life again, or maybe she'd find a new beach house, anything was better than what was really going on outside.

The table dinged and Patricia turned her head to see the display images loaded up. Pressing her hand to the "mining" icon she activated it and began to look through various data, there was a issue in the refineries belt system, that was taken care of last week and she could see Waldo's signature printed on the work order. There was a current stand still for last week's shipment of phrik and that was partially due to the woman taking it and using it to craft out some armor. Then apparently there was a malfunction on Sleven's hydraulic system that was still being looked at, again she could see Waldo's signature on another work order.

So pulling up a blank mining operation form the woman began to fill it out with the standard information that was placed there. A few hundred pounds of phrik ore would be needed and Patricia was going to save this for the auction, it was about time to go and make some money anyways to help pay taxes and use the cash to help keep the local government happy. Once the form was all filled out the woman signed off on it then sent it down the line for processing.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Once the approved stamp came back on it Patricia pushed it aside then moved her hand down the mining icon's list. She sighed reached over for a bite of her pastry and a sip of coffee before pressing on the Colossal mining droid button, the screen changed and soon she moved her hand to click on Droid 36 that she had given the name Zeek to. So moving through Zeek's functions she started his warm up process and would get the droid activated for the movement.

"Wake up Zeek, it's time to go to work." the woman said with a slight smile.

Out in the droid storage area the massive droid shuttered to life and a loud charging noise began to load up from its core. The droid's green optics turned on and Zeek began their preliminary scan to go through their systems. After a minute or two everything was cleared for work and the droid stood up fully to tower over other people inside the storage area.

"Outside." The woman said then took a sip of her caf.

The droid let out a metallic groan then proceeded to step it's way outside back into the hellish environment that was Demonsgate.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Fire and ash whipped against the large droid's side as volcanoes exploded in the distance, the entire planet seemed to want to keep everyone away from the phrik ore today. But luckily Arakyd industries didn't mess around when it came to just how tough these machines were built, but with the weather this bad Patricia didn't want Zeek to be out there for more than an hour. There was a possibility of him overheating with just how much crap was going on out there today.

"Proceed to the Hot Box." Patricia gave her vocal command and it would relay to the droid.

The droid let out a robotic roar and soon it would be marching it's way across the fields of ash and volcanic rock. Pushing its way forward it had about a kilometer to cross before it hit the mountain range where the phrik was located. In the mean time Patricia still in her office sat back and focused on her pastry and caf, taking bites and sips she looked over to the window and watched the tide come in and out from the shore. She'd of given anything to dip her feet in the water right now, maybe to watch her kids play on the beach front.

But for now this would just have to due.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Patricia received another dinging noise to tell her that Zeek had made the crossing to the Hot Box, he had traveled a thousand meters worth of hellfire and brimstone and was ready to begin the process of mining phrik ore. And due to the size of the massive droid this wouldn't be much of a problem to break open a vein and collect as much as you could before scurrying him back.

"Commence dig." Patricia said issuing her command.

Outside the droid groaned and started to hammer down on a vein it had located on the mountain. The droid pummeled and pounded the vein helping to break up a lot of the ore, but it seemed this vein wanted to be more stubborn than the rest. So taking a drill modified into its front legs the spider like droid began to push the spinning tools into the vein of phrik, the lightweight metal gave way and they were in to the vein. Patricia smiled a bit and watched as the droid pulled the drill out and retracted it back inward.

The droid would then continue to pummel the vein causing rock to shatter and fall.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Ore slide down the side of the mountain and onto its base that was the pick up zone, the droid needed more phrik ore however so for now it continued to pound the vein and hit it with its drills to get more ore to fall. Patricia was going to need a fair amount for this auction and she wasn't one to let down her customers. Her auctions were usually a rousing success but this time she wanted to bring the house down and nothing did that better than materials like phrik either raw or crafted.

"Just a bit more thirty six then bring it in." the woman said with a smile.

Taking her coffee she took another sip and was about to finish it off as she tracked the progress the droid was making.

With one last large metallic roar the droid struck the vein and cracked it hard causing plenty of phrik ore to drop down into the collection zone. The droid calculated the amount and it was enough to fulfill the work order that had been placed. So crawling their way down the mountain the droid made it to the base where the phrik had fallen and began to pick it up and place it in its cargo hold. This process would take a few minutes but when it was done the ore would be ready for transportation to the facility.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"Bring it home and place it in the loading bay then return to the charging docks." Patricia gave her last order then watched it become so.

Outside in hell the mining droid gathered up the last of the phrik on the ground in the pick up zone and carried it within its cargo hold, after it was secure the droid began its movement towards the refinery. It would take a few minutes to walk through the fire filled wasteland that was Demonsgate but the droid was strong and capable enough to make it through unhindered. As for Patricia she had to go and make sure the phrik was delivered and taken to the refinery.

So she downed the rest of her coffee and finished off her bear claw before turning off her window then standing up to stretch. Pressing a button on her table she powered it down and pushed the chair in behind her. After she was set she walked over to the door and opened it with a push of s button.

Stepping outside she then turned around and locked her office behind her, she had no intention of staying here and working this week.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Patricia began her walk down the hallway to get to the refinery, along the way she gave the occasional hello and good morning to people on station. Metallurgists, droids, whoever she crossed. The woman smiled and soon turned the corner into the loading bay. The sight she saw was a pile of phrik laid out on the ground, which was always pleasing.

"Load them up and get them going!" Blonde yelled as she stepped forward.

A protocol droid holding a form approached miss blonde holding a form for her to sign up, the woman always hated this part because this droid was particularly talkative.

"Good morning Miss Blonde, lovely day today, it's so great to be alive, breathing in the fresh air and living the dream." the droid said in an overly excited voice.

"You don't breath C-936" Blonde said as she took the form.

"Oh but if I could I would love every second of it, did you know breathing is something organics have to do all the time or they will die? Well most organics, there are certain ones that can-" the droid was interrupted

"Uh huh yeah that's fascinating, here's your form." the woman said as she signed it and quickly walked away.

The phrik was loaded up and she had another successful mining operation.

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