Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let the Spice Flow

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
High Orbit
Tho Yor class Attack Vessel - The Praetor
Brilliant flashes in the night sky fell upon the backdrop of the endless twilight of blinking stars upon the darken tapestry of space. The pyramidal vessels slowly pushed their way through the void, their sight upon the world that was renowned throughout the Galaxy for its spice, and for just how many people had over the countless years, died in its mines. Kessel, once a prison world held by the Galactic Empire hundreds of years ago, and now back in the hands of the Hutts.
He had been invited to some sort of tournament, and he had in turn accepted such an invitation. Though while that date of the event was still far off, he had chosen to visit the Hutt worlds sooner rather than putting it off until that date came around. For the most part he was seeking those that would be willing to aid him, to help ensure that the Outer Rim Territories would be capable of looking after themselves.
While the Techno Union would be an easier prospect, he felt that the true power would always remain with the Hutts, even long after the rise and fall of the Outer Rim Imperium, or any faction for that matter. In a thousand years when his name would be all but forgotten, the Hutts would still remain the power out here, and he was smart enough to understand that.
As the vessels pulled into a High Orbit, he nodded his head before the communication officer began to broadcast.
"This is the Tho Yor class Attack Vessel Praetor, holding Tasgetius Blackwood, Supreme System Lord of the Outer Rim Imperium. Requesting permission for a landing vector for a shuttle and starfighter escort."
Here on the planet Kessel, the air was always... different. Maybe it was due to the huge clouds of dusk that escaped the open mines. No it couldn't be that. Was it the constant ringing of steel hitting rock as diggers, both machine and sentient went to work? No not that. Maybe the screams of protest, pain, and sadness leaping from the slaves' mouths as they were beaten, wiped and mistreated? No, it was the spice! The smell of both unrefined and refined spice polluted the air, like the scent of newly blossomed flowers in spring. To some it was the smell of a substance that ruined lives, to others it was just as beautiful as flowers in spring.

Cadan sat in his office, his feet up on a large wooded desk, littered with datapads and empty bottles. When he had accepted the job to be the Spice Lord of the Cartel, he had assumed that it was going to be more ceremonial, bu he was largely mistaken. You wouldn't believe that amount of paper work that needs to be done! So when that message from [member="Tasgetius Blackwood"] chimed through his comms it filled him with joy. Anything to get out of doing work.

"This 'ere is Cadan Tazi, Spice Lord of the Cartel, and Jackal leader." Cadan spoke in a husky voice, although not the kind that some might imagine to be attractive. It was one that was shaped by the constant shouting at men who disobeyed, from smoking, and pure mistreatment over his life.

Cadan flipped up a data pad and began sending co-ordinates to the Tho Yro class Attack Vessel Praetor. " 'Ead to these cords for a landin' spot."

Cadan had been warned by [member="Sempra the Hutt"] that soon people would begin to take an interest in his actions as Spice Lord, and now was one of those times.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
High Orbit
Tho Yor class Attack Vessel - Praetor
As the coordinates began to stream across the view screen, Tasgetius moved a bit closer, his eyes following the steady stream of data. Arms clasped behind his back as he slowly turned, pivoting upon his foot before he approached the communication officer and nodded silently, a message ringing through the vessel to have a shuttle and fighter escort prepared for his arrival.
Taking a moment, he looked over his shoulder, back out the large view screen and upon the world before him. A world of spice. Though it was also a world of death, despair and destruction. While he had his own reservations as to what he was about to do, where he was about to step foot, he forced himself to remember that this was in fact Hutt Territory, and to those whom they held a yok upon, they could do as they pleased.
"Double the guard."
He said, shaking his head for a moment to push the thoughts from his mind, only to nod his head again.
"Yes, double the guard."
He spoke before bringing his hand up, running it along his goatee before slipping from the room. While this wasn't the best place to be, he none the less had to deal with the Hutts sooner or later. At least in that moment he had a few war ships on his side, though he was sure that he was to a point out gunned and out manned.
As he moved through the vessel towards the hanger bay he was quickly surrounded, a series of guards marching alongside and surrounding the Supreme System Lord as they approached the waiting shuttle. With a heavy breath he stepped in, the guards quickly following suite before the shuttle and two of the Crescent class Starfighters screamed out of the hanger bay right behind it, the trio of vessels following the coordinates that had been given.
"Arrival time estimated at five minutes."
The simple message was broadcast in response from the shuttle, the pilot keeping an eye out for any interference or attempt at intercepting the vessel. Even though it was Hutt space, they weren't going to relax.
[member="Cadan Tazi"]​
Slaves began running about the place, cleaning up. Cadan had decided to look his best for his new arrival, and he wanted his new arrival to feel welcomed. Cadan didn't want to have to deal with Sempra after failing to keep a guest entertain and welcomed. Slaves were sorting through the office room, sweeping, dusting, and re-arranging it to be able to hold both Cadan and [member="Tasgetius Blackwood"].

Cadan caught a glimpse of himself in the dirty glass. A blue skinned, red eyed, alien was reflected in it. The right side of it's face severely burnt from explosion of a thermal detonator, it seemed to be life times away when it happened. A time when he was simply a merchant of illegal weapons. But now look at what he had accomplished. He was leading the whole spice market for the Hutt Cartel!

"His ETA is about five minutes sir." Spoke one of the pirates that made up Cadan's guard on Kessel, snapping Cadan out of his little day dream.

With a small nod Cadan gestured the man away. He then left to wait by the landing pad for his esteemed guest. As he made his way past the small kitchen he could smell the delicious scent of Jemba's stew and various other meals left by Jemba. This might actually be a good meeting.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
The Kesh class Modular Transport cut through what little atmosphere there was to be offered on the world of Kessel. The starfighters that escorted it were just as quick to move alongside the vessel, their pilots making sure that nothing was to take them by surprise. Then again, the entire vessel in orbit was already on a high alert, with the remaining squadrons that it carried ready to fall upon the world below should the unthinkable happen.
The vessel let out a low groaning noise as it came to a slow, hovering for a moment over the landing pad as it slowly spun around, the crew doing their own sweep. It wasn't that they didn't trust those whom they were about to meet with, it was simply that they were cautious. As the vessel finally came to a complete stop, the two starfighters also dropped for a moment as the seldom used landing struts touched the landing pad.
Light slowly crept into the interior of the vessel as the door opened with a loud hiss. A small platoon of soldiers quickly moved off of the vessel. The armored men securing the platform as a small handful formed in a circle around it, watching for any unwelcomed visitors that might decide to otherwise interrupt what could potentially be a lovely meeting.
Soon after a series of four soldiers marched out, behind them an elderly male whom stepped out into the light, with an additional four following behind him. His steely blue-grey eyes fell upon the Duros, taking a moment to look him over. The scars upon his face pulling him back to his own memories of the arm he had lost and later replaced.
[member="Cadan Tazi"]​
talking to himself in his head while he gazes down off the landing platform "landing zone clear for now ..." hearing the sounds of more footsteps coming from the transport and as his employer steps out "sev" decides to join a few of the other guards close to Mr.Blackwood with his gun facing the ground but his hand still on the trigger just incase a firefight broke out and awaited further orders either from the leader of the guards or Mr.blackwood himself

[member="Tasgetius Blackwood"] I [member="Cadan Tazi"]

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