Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let it Snow

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
"Another one?"

Rawnie looked down at the dead uxi... or what was left of it. The carcass was torn open, entrails scattered for yards all around the clearing. The Tal'verda Alor bent over the ruined meat, touching the teeth and claw marks with one black gloved hand. The snow had not fallen since the night before last, but the cold had prevented the creature from decaying much in the time it was here.

"It's only been here a day at most," she said, "Keep your guard up. They might still be lurking. They never hunt alone..."

These bite marks were... huge. Just like the wolf that had attacked her and her brother that one time so long ago when they were out hunting with their father. In all this time, she had never found another one quite as large as that mother wolf. But she knew of course more had to be out there. And here was the evidence.

And so close to the village too...

"It's the third one this week," she heard someone say, "If this keeps up, they won't leave anything for us. This'll be a hard winter..."

Rawnie stood back up, hand holding her swollen belly for balance.

"Don't worry. I have an idea. Let's head back. We're not going to find anything today."

And she did have an idea. But she had to be careful how she presented it. Putting it bluntly, Clan tal'verda simply did not have the manpower, or the resources to launch a hunting party to take out the wolf pack that was killing their main source of food. They had to get help somehow, from outside the village. Much as it pained her to admit.
But she could not outright ask for help. That was the key. She had to protect her clans honor. Asking for help was a sign of weakness. So she had to disguise this hunt as a celebration.

So she sent out word that her clan would be hosting a great hunt for the elusive giant wolf. She had to pull out all her extra resources to throw a party as well. Anything to make this look intentional, anything to hide the fact that if this didn't work, her clan would be hurting come winter. But it was the only shot she had. With the baby on the way, she had to do something. She could not hunt this thing alone. It was either take the risk and possibly eliminate her clans greatest threat, or endure a very hard, very hungry winter.

"Will we have enough tihaar?" she asked, walking by where food and drink was already being set out on a long wooden table.
This was more food than her people ate all winter. Could they spare it? They'd had a slight surplus this past harvest season, and a lot of this would probably go bad before winters end anyway, but still, they could have sold the extra. Credits were a little tight right about now...

"If they don't drink too much," an older woman replied, "But we have wine, ale, beer. I think we'll be alright."

Rawnie nodded, pulling her thick fur cloak tighter around her. She wondered how her guests would feel about the cold up in the north? She hoped it wouldn't make them turn back. Actually, as of right then, the weather had been pleasant, all things considering. No snow for a few days. The wind was calm as well. And soon they would light a fire in the center of the village square.

The very pregnant mandalorian pushed a stray lock of white hair away from her face. She was... nervous. She could interact with her people just fine, but when it came to hosting strangers from other clans? She looked down at her shaking hands. Well. At least if she shivered in front of them, she could blame it on the cold.
[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]

"It is frakking cold." Levy was standing there in her armor, the lightweight scout variant of the bladesisters armor with thinly pressed plates over vital sections of her body and the cloak over her. The membrane cleaking an optical camo effect as it bent light around her but not the twin rail pistols she had been working on. Micro missile launchers under the barrels and rail pistols to makes things blow up good with bolt caster shots. She was responding to the invite and held a small grin on her face under the mask as she pulled a cig out of her pocket and a lighter. Pulling down the face mask enough as she set it between her lips and lit it up shaking her body. All the others around her obscenely tall while she walked to find this woman who had summoned them. Her hood remained up looking around.
Kalyn had no idea why she had come, but here she was, on some hunt for some wolf. She did like helping people, but she had important things to do, places to be, but here she was in the northern reigiond of mandalore. She brought her droid R7-L9, the news of the hunt got to her soon after she landed on mandalore. She was at home in bars, she normally did this to get the latest news, it was often the first thing she did when she landed on a planet, this is where she overheard the information about the hunt. R7 convinced her into coming, otherwise, she would have been gone by now. She didn't normally hunt animals, but she did pack the firepower to kill practically any living creature, and many droids too. She simply stood in the bar with her helmet off, but held it at her side.

[member=rawnie tal'verda] [member=levy willamina]
Malcom had arrived before most the guests. With him, he brought several cases of booze of different types for the thirsty Mandalorians, along with several platters of food for everyone, and a sled full of wood for a nice roaring fire. Having spent many years alongside the Tal'verda, Malcom new their situation in life and what was really behind this hunt. The problem was, he also knew the new Alor of the Tal'verda would not except help. Stubborn nerf. So he decided to be sneaky about it instead. Approaching from the back way with the repulsorsled full of supplies, he caught sight of Rawnie speaking with a woman. Walking up to her he said, "Rawnie. Here you are. Those extra supplies you ordered for the party. Sorry I'm late, didn't mean to scare you guys into thinking you wouldn't have enough. We were having some technical difficulties getting some of our equipment running today."

Rawnie was no fool. And she had worked with Malcom enough to know when he was being sneaky too. The man hoped that she would pick up on this actually and play along. The words he used were carefully chosen after all. It was meant for anyone nearby listening rather than for her. That way nobody would suspect him of bringing aid to them as opposed to simply bringing in an order that the Tal'verda had already taken care of.

"Where would you like your supplies?" He said plainly while giving the slightest nod hoping she would understand and simply play along. He was not dillusional enough to think she wouldn't have some choice words for him later. Quite frankly, it had sort of become a habit of the two.

[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
The Tal'verda Alor eyes Malcom with a mix of horror and... gratitude? Although, of course, she was rather furious that he would go behind her back like this.

"Malcom," her tone had a hint of bite to it that only he would hear, "You had me worried. Let me help you with it. Over there. Behind this tent."

She didn't wait for a response, instead grabbing him by the arm to drag him away. The very instant they were alone enough, she leaned in to hiss at him.

"I never asked for you to step in to save me, Mal. What are you playing it? You think I'm going to accept charity? If that's what you think, then you're even dumber than you look. We've gotten by just fine before without you."

The blonde sighed, running her hands through her hair. She turned away, biting her lip as she did inventory on what he'd brought. There was no way they could afford this... But she couldn't send him away with it either or it would be far too suspicious. She closed her eyes, sighing.

"Alright. This is just a loan. I will pay you back for it. With interest. I... I'll figure a payment plan out somehow. I already owe you for saving my shebs back on..." She trailed off, shaking her head, "Thanks. Just... give me a price. I'll pay it as soon as I can."

Great. Now her clan was in debt to Renolds.

[member="Malcom Renolds"] [member="Kalyn Skirata"] [member="Levy Willamina"]
As Malcom was yanked behind some tent, he couldn't help but allow a smirk. Some things would just never change. He was careful though to have wiped the expression away by the time she turned back around to face him. The mando stayed quiet and motionless as she went on her proud rant. Her stubbornness was both her strength and curse. Especially when it came to actually needing help.When she had finished he let out a small sigh, but started off again calmly. "Angel..." He'd wait till she faced him again. Then he took off his helmet. "You owe me nothing for Muunilist. Call us even for you saving me in the South Pass, if you really want to look at it that way."

"As for the supplies. I wasn't bringing charity. I knew full well you wouldn't accept a bit of simple friendly help. So pay me back what you can, when you can. But no interest. I won't accept it." He ended the last sentence in an unyielding stern tone. He then handed her a datapad with the cost of the supplies. The price for the goods of course being wholesale price, with no profit in it at all. As soon as she took it, he smacked her in the shoulder.

"Good. Now let's get to this hunt so we can get to the party." This was in fact the first time he had seen Rawnie since that cursed attack on Muunilist. In fact, he had left before she woke up. His concussion was much more easily recoverable than her rather severe wounds. And it was quite obvious that despite all he had done to save her life, her husband still had no regard for him nor any desire for Malcom to stick around any longer than he had too. Malcom and him were really going to have a problem one day that a simple rifle butt to the face would not solve....he could feel it.

Putting his helmet back on, Malcom turned on his heel and finally moved to join the rest of the guests. He stopped though and turned back around to make one final comment. "By the way, Rawnie. Check the drinks. You may or may not happen to find seaweed juice there." With a nod, he was then gone.

Being a local of this cold part of Mandalore, the mountain man smirked as he noticed a couple of the early arrivals seemingly shivering their shebs off. "What's the matter ladies?" He said a bit teasingly. "It a bit cold for ya up here?" Meanwhile Malcom stood by comfortable as could be. "Well wait till tonight. That's when it starts to get a bit brisk. Course then we'll have some roaring fires goin'. So we should be good. Anyway. The name is Malcom. What's your names?"

[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"] | [member="Kalyn Skirata"] | [member="Levy Willamina"]
Kalyn chuckled. She wasn't cold, and wasn't going to be, she had a temperature management layer under her suit, as she was a spacer, a heating failure could cause a ship to become very cold very fast, the layer. allows her to be comfortable in hot or cold environments. Her armor was also insulated.
"You think im cold, ive spent time on hoth, and compared to that this is nothing." She snarkily remarked.
She then put her helmet on, waiting for the details to be given.
[member="Kalyn Skirata"] [member="Malcom Renolds"] [member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]

Levy looked up when she heard some one speaking while she blew hot air on her hands with her cig while she spoke. "Frak you." Her attention was on the others there as she was moving and got a little warmer before she brought her hands to her chest. "Going to shoot things." She was thinking of ways to warm herself up and let the cloaking membrane of her armor going forward to get into someplace. She saw the others. "So come on, who are we meeting and when to I get to shoot things." She felt a little better at least jumping up and down with the sounds of the guns in her holsters under her shoulders.

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
Rawnie took the data pad from Mal biting her lip. Then he had the lack of foresight enough to smack her on her still healing shoulder. It was everything she could do not to cry out. Both from pain and the shock of how many zeroes were listen at that price. Oh, she knew he was cutting her a deal too. That was what really got to her. Even at that great price, it was still more than Tal'verda could afford for a while. She started frantically doing to calculations in her head.

So if I begin taking jobs again immediately after Galaar is born, and I go from 3 meals a day down to 2, and I start buying the cheapest ammo, I would still have to take about two jobs a week to be able to pay this back by the end of the season and keep the clan running...

She was almost too invested in her own personal hell to hear what he said about the drinks. But she did. He... brought her seaweed juice!? That was a luxury she knew she could never afford, but it was her favorite. Getting it imported was pricey, so she always stuck with tea, or water. Still... now that it was here, she bit her lip. Maybe she could have a glass before the hunt started. Since it was here and all. Waste not, want not, right? And she was going to pay this back. It wasn't charity.

She sighed, hurrying to get herself a cup of seaweed juice. Just one cup. That was all.

[member="Kalyn Skirata"]
[member="Malcom Renolds"]
[member="Levy Willamina"]
Lor sat, as usual, far away from the situation. Up a tree. He figured that not even Rawnie would expect him to have enough self-control to stay out of the way. Of course, the Renolds bastard had to come and walk right under his hiding spot, along with the two women who'd come crashing through the forest... Just as he'd began to get comfy and nod off, too. As a result, he was in a rather bad temper right now, and there was a loud thunk as a repulsor throwing razor went sailing past Malcom's face and into a hardwood tree.​
"Good morning, you annoying frakkers..."
[member="Levy Willamina"] [member="Kalyn Skirata"] [member="Malcom Renolds"] [member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]​
The razor startled Kalyn, but had trouble identifying the exact location from which it came, but got back to business.
[member=malcom renolds]
"Names Kalyn by the way, and this little droid right here is R7." She responded to Malcolm earlier question.
She then observed the razor lodged in the tree, she picked it up, but there were very little identifying marks on it, she then put it back into the tree, and left it as she found it.

[member=rawnie tal'verda] [member=doctor azure] [member=levy willamina]
Yeah for some reason, my mouse is broken, but instead of not working it clicks things twice, so i accdientally post things twice, so if an admin sees this, please remove these over the course of this weekend, until i get back home and use my normal mouse, thanks.

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
Cup in hand, Rawnie sipped happily as she wandered the village, overseeing all preparations and looking for early arrivals. She spotted Mal a short distance away, talking to two strangers.
...Oh. She was probably going to have to talk to them. She took another long sip of the bitter green juice, and nearly spilled it on herself when something sharp whizzed through the air in front of her, aimed at a tree by Malcom and their two guests. They may not have seen where it came from, but Rawnie had. She closed the distance between her and the tree her husband was sitting up in, then looked up, frowning.

"Lorane. Was that necessary?"

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Malcom gave a simple nod to [member="Kalyn Skirata"]. "Ah, yes. That place, as I recall, can make these mountains seem like a sauna in comparison at times." Upon hearing [member="Levy Willamina"]'s response, he laughed. "Well I can always go grab a blanket for y---" His words however, were cut off when a blade came whizzing past his face and into a nearby tree. His good natured attitude soured some when he looked up and saw ol' blue balls complaining in his perch above them. "That's one." He thought to himself. Growing weary of the man's annoying attitude, Malcom decided he was going to give the Chiss all the rope he needed to hang himself, figuratively speaking of course...

Turning toward Kalyn, Malcom nodded again as he withdrew the blade she had just put back in the tree. "It's a pleasure to meet ya. And your your droid." He finished with a second nod to R7. Catching a glimps of Rawnie approaching and speaking to her husband, Malcom decided now was the time to return the weapon. And since the goal seemed to be getting close to the targets brain....before [member="Doctor Azure"] could respond to [member="Rawnie Tal'verda"], the throwing blade was suddenly lodged into tree right in between the Chiss' legs, just below his pride. "I think you dropped this." He called up to the pest before turning his back on the arrogant boy.

Looking back to the two ladies, he shrugged. "Anyway, I don't think it'll be too much longer. More than likely just waiting on a few more people from some of the other clans to arrive before we head out. So, what clans do you two hail from?"
[member=malcom renolds]
"Skirata, but im a spacer, so i really dont keep up with the clans much, i just happened to drop in about this time for an "extended vacation"." She said.
R7 then started speaking droidspeak, as he always did.
"No it has nothing to do with that." She responded to the droid.

[member=levy willamina]
[member=malcom renolds]
"Skirata, but im a spacer, so i really dont keep up with the clans much, i just happened to drop in about this time for an "extended vacation"." She said.
R7 then started speaking droidspeak, as he always did.
"No it has nothing to do with that." She responded to the droid.

[member=levy willamina]
[member="Kalyn Skirata"] [member="Malcom Renolds"] [member="Rawnie Tal'verda"] [member="Doctor Azure"]

Levy was looking at the ones who were there, when she was about to speak a blade was going past them as she moved her head drawing a gun quickly watching the man and their host speak while she kept her hand steady with the slugthrower. "What the hell." She said it while moving now and seeing Kalyn she shrugged. Spacer, jungle girl it mattered little as long as she could shoot straight with the tiny mando blowing out a line of smoke. "So we're here, what are we shooting at and where can I get some booze."
Lor snorted when Malcom threw the knife back at him. Rather than lodge itself into the branch of the tree, the weapon's repulsor generator activated and gently guided it back into his hand.​
"And you missed, Renolds."
The usual cheerful note was back in his voice as he dropped out of the tall tree, activating his boot jets so he landed solidly on his feet. There were audible cracks as Lor yawned and stretched the last bits of sleepiness away, and then turned to give Rawnie a mock-pained look.​
"I was taking a nap. Not my fault if I thought there was a rancor charging through here from all the noise."
[member="Kalyn Skirata"] [member="Kalyn Skirata"] [member="Rawnie Tal'verda"] [member="Malcom Renolds"]​

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
Rawnie put one hand on her hip, sighing as her husband came down from the tree.

"Why were you sleeping up there? The cabin is-" she cut herself off, shaking her head, "Never mind it. Doesn't matter. Lor'ika, are you going to help with the hunt? We could really use you."

She eyed the liquid in her cup. Frost crystals were already starting to form on it's surface. Great. She tilted her head back and finished it off, unable to really savor it like she wanted to.

"I could really use you."

[member="Doctor Azure"] [member="Levy Willamina"] [member="Kalyn Skirata"] [member="Malcom Renolds"]
[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"] [member="Levy Willamina"] [member="Kalyn Skirata"] [member="Malcom Renolds"] [member="Doctor Azure"]

The Mandalorian's were hunting he had heard and he had promised a friend he would go and inspire confidence, encourage, and show that they had real blood and flesh leaders that they could always come to for any reason at all. The tension had been high and clans were quite often getting anxious around one another as much as anything.

He remembered when he was younger and a long talk with @Gilamar Skirts that ended up in a drunken barbeque. He'd never forget that. So with that in mind Ordo walked out to meet the hunters carrying his bowcastor and wearing nothing but beskar combat boots, a bandoleer and his buy'ce. His big scar riddled body look held together by the scars and various tattoos more than smooth skin. It was cold sure but that had little effect on the big man. He walked from behind the nearest group and stood beside them as if nothing at all was out of place.

"What are we hunting?" he asked completely calm and comfortable.

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