Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Leon Daraphix


NAME:[background=#08080a] Leon daraphix[/background]
FACTION:[background=#08080a] Jedi [/background]
RANK:[background=#08080a] Patawan (officially)[/background]
SPECIES:[background=#08080a] Human[/background]
AGE:[background=#08080a] 19[/background]
GENDER:[background=#08080a] male[/background]
HEIGHT:[background=#08080a] 5'\11[/background]
[background=#08080a] emerald green[/background]
HAIR:[background=#08080a] white[/background]
SKIN: fared but a bit tan
DISTINCTION: Uncommonly green eyes, white hair, unique lightsaber design in hilt, silver light saber
[background=#08080a] Yes[/background]

STRENGTH:[background=#08080a] 4[/background]
DEXTERITY:[background=#08080a] 6[/background]
CONSTITUTION:[background=#08080a] 4[/background]
INTELLIGENCE:[background=#08080a] 10[/background]
WISDOM:[background=#08080a] 6[/background]
CHARISMA:[background=#08080a] 6[/background]

[background=#08080a]Leon is a very cool and collected individual by nature. Though he is daring and sometimes reckless, He is more often then not quite calm and expressionless, waiting to strike at the perfect momnet. He balances his force powers out with his lightsaber combat matching his personality as well. He likes to tinker witch machines and spends quite alot of time in the holocon librarys of different sectors of the galaxy learning up on the old ways of the Jedi. Considering his form 2 makashi a testament to the ways of the old knights he regards it as a more elegant form of fighting and is one of the few to practice this old style of combat[/background]

from the planet naboo Leon was discovered by a jedi who was passing by on a diplomatic mission. Once he was taken at the age of 1 he was brought to the temple for formal training, Being as he had never trained before the only real thing he managed was meditation and making his own lightsaber but all else he had to learn in the library. LIving a rather uneventful life he trained on his own for quite awhile though since he is without a master he is lacking in several categories. One day he went down to the tattoine dune seas and after running across a jawa sand crawler, he bought 3 astromech droids. they were in rough shape at 1st but after extensive repairs, they were up and working. once he had left the dune seas he returned to his training. with teh lack of a master to train him properly in the force it has proven to be quite difficault for him but even still he tries. He left his home life on naboo so long ago he barly remembered it, He had thought of returning but if he was tracked or the sith made there way there then they would fall in an instant under the dark force weilders so he thought it best to remain hidden. As of now he is hiding out in the Belkidan systems to help hown his training on his own. Wail Leon is exelent in his combat skills with a lightsaber and in makashi, and even though he is fair at force powers for his situation, lacking the proper teachings of a master

[background=#08080a]mind trick[/background]
Force Blindness
Force Healing

[background=#08080a]saber fighting[/background]

[background=#08080a]Form 2 Makashi[/background]

[background=#08080a]Leon's strength lies in his saber combat and his Mind. Not only has he studied saber combat for days and days on his own since being able to read but all of his work and time spend studying and training by himself has boosted his minds i well over 200. Wail always in a state of calmness he is often anticipating plans and making counter plans in his head as he goes along. His elegent form of the combat timed in with his IQ make fighting him a deadly scenereo. His weakness lies in the fact that he has never had a propper master. WEail he has practiced quite often on his forms and what force powers he knows of, he hasnt been able to learn any others or the skills in whiich a formal master would be able to train him in[/background]

[background=#08080a]re breather[/background]
[background=#08080a]jedi robes[/background]
[background=#08080a]jedi tunic though with modifications (see picture)[/background]
[background=#08080a]Silver light saber[/background]


-- The Content Below is Optional, but Encouraged!--

[background=#08080a]wail it isnt any corrilian ship, Leon has a moderit sized ship that is meant to travel around the galaxy for any missions hhe is to be lead on. Its a silver exterior with a hyperdrive and custom shielding he modified himself. It can hold a small group comfortably...and many many more people uncomfortably[/background]

[background=#08080a]R3-K5, R4-P7, R7-F4[/background]




[background=#08080a]none yet[/background]

[background=#08080a]Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.[/background]

[background=#08080a]Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.[/background]

[background=#08080a]Has your characters been in any matches in the Dueling Ring? If so, post the names of those he/she has fought and include a link to the match. Also be sure to specify who won the match.[/background]

[background=#08080a]Has your character been involved in any Grand Tournament matches? If so, post the names of those your character has fought against and include a link to the match. Also be sure to specify who won the match.[/background]

[background=#08080a]Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.[/background]

Carona Totsari

It takes true strengh to turn the other cheek
Welcome to Chaos! Nice wip!

Are the droids you listed canon, or your own inventions? I've seen an R3 running around the Star Wars world, some "goldie" who enjoyed setting up the Jedi he worked for for General Greivious. "That stubby little backstabber..." lol!

Once again, welcome! :)
HAHA stubby little back stabber, i love it!- as far as the droids they had up to r-7 cannon i believe so i assume its didnt go R-2, R-4, R-7 cannon lol. I will have to look though haha. thanks for the welcome! and i like it to lol thanks !

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