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Approved Tech Len'gan

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Image Source:
Intent: To Create a replacement arm for Mierin so that she can punch things.
Development Thread: Can Provide
Manufacturer: Intergalactic Solutions
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Intergalactic Solutions
Modularity: No
Production: Limited *Edited 10/28
Material: Terenthium/Desh Alloy
Classification: Arm!
Size: Arm Size!
Length: 76.3cm
Weight: 1.4kg Empty, 2.57 with Amphistaff

On Alderaan something rather unfortunate happened to Darth Mierin, mainly the loss of the lower half of her right leg, and the entirety of her right hand. Due to the accursed Jedi and their terrible habit of de-limbing people Mierin lost both of these appendages. Both of these limbs were lost by Mierins own hand in truth, each severed with the cut of her own lightsaber.

Mierin like many other One Sith wears Yuuzhan Crab Vonduun Skerr Kyrric crab armor into battle. Unbeknownst to her, on Alderaan was the Ithorian Jedi [member="Boolon Murr"]. Boolon like many filthy Ithorians was entirely covered in the wretched reproductive substance of the Baffor Tree. When Mierin fought Boolon she came in physical contact with him, her foot connecting with his chest, which as stated earlier was covered with the disgusting reproductive substance of the Baffor Tree. The filthy Baffor Tree Pollen upon Boolon's clothes caused Mierins Vonduun Skerr Kyrric to have an allergic reaction.

Immediately the armor began to swell and press, threatening to simply squish Mierin as the allergic reaction spread. In order to prevent this from happening Mierin simply severed her leg at one of the weakpoints in the armor, right below her knee. Later, after having killed Boolon, leaving nothing but an empty robe, the Strumpet known as [member="Adele Adonai"] threw the robe towards Mierins face, in order to not die Mierin quickly threw up her arm, blocking the robe but causing the allergic reaction to consume the appendage.

Once again to prevent her death, Mierin severed the limb at the armors weakpoint, directly beneath the shoulder(Armpit).

Obviously now missing two limbs, Mierin was immediately sent to the nearest Titan Industries facility. Her leg was easily replaced with a basic cybernetic prosthetic, not much fancier than the richest person on Coruscant could afford. Her arm however was replaced with something more befitting a Sith Lord.

The design for the prosthesis that would replace Mierins arm had originally been created several months ago by a random Titan Industries employee fooling around with the melding of normal Galactic Technology, and Yuuzhan Vong Weaponry. The arm was simple in design, made up of a Terenthium and Desh alloy which made it extremely light and capable of being nearly hollow(given that the outside of the arm took up less space while still maintaining strength). It retained many of the same functions as other cybernetic replacements, superior strength, regular maintenance needs, inability to channel force lightning, and so on.

The arm and its synthetic muscles make it capable of crushing duracrete, durasteel, and pretty much any metal short of Beskar and Phrik.

Its unique light weight and hollow design allowed for one unique addition that was decidedly devious. Within the arm lived a slightly smaller than average Amphistaff.

This Amphistaff was in no way different than any other Amphistaff except for its small size. The Amphistaff was housed within the length of the arm and could be ejected through a small “trap door” in the palm of the arms hand. Once the trap door was opened by a certain motion of Mierin the Amphistaff would poke out head first, either biting or spitting its poison, depending on Mierins intent.

Though the Arm is hollow, because of the alloy materials that it is made of it is still stronger than durasteel. This makes it harder to break the arm in general, vibroblades and normal swords would find a difficult time cutting through it, though with enough force such a thing is entirely possible. Even Lightsabers struggle to cut through it. Due to its mechanical nature and the systems powering it, if struck with an EMP the arm will be disabled, meaning it will hang uselessly at Mierins side for several minutes until systems can reboot.

As of late, Titan has Begun to produce this arm in limited quantities as per ask of the One Sith.

Special Features:
-Super Light Weight
-Houses an Amphistaff
-Heightened Grip Strength
-Needs to be Maintained Regularly
-Vulnerable to EMP
-Unable to use Force Lightning


Amphistaffs take "Hand Motions" as commands(Per the Wookiee), so in my head the Amphistaff knows whether to spit or bite by the way the hand is orientated when the trap door opens.
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