Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Lemke

FACTION: The Bedui troop Hali
RANK: None
AGE: Estimated thirties
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: About 1.27 meters when standing upright
WEIGHT: About 40kg
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Orange-red
SKIN: Greyish in places, peach in other places


Agile: As a Bedui, Lemke is amazingly agile.
Knowledge of Botany: Lemke has in depth knowledge of various plants and herbs, ecspecially those with special properties.
Intelligent: Lemke's a thinker.
Precognitive: The only way Lemke's force sensitivity has surfaced naturally is through his Farsight. Lemke has been known to know with suprising accuracy when one of his troop is in danger, or if someone means him or his troop harm. It is not rare, either, for him to see glimpses or visions while resting or sleeping, much like the Jedi of the Republic did. However, these premonitions are very vague, and rarely paint anything resembling a clear picture.

Short legs: Like all Bedui, Lemke has very short legs, making walking counter productive.
Surface parasites: Due to his race, Lemke secrests a natural body oil that attracts parasites such as fleas... As of yet, he's found no way to get rid of them.
Violence inept: Lemke's not a fighter. He can't operate a blaster rifle, or a sword, and would not be very useful in a fight.
Ape: Despite his full sentience and intelligent it's not odd for other sentients to think of him as an animal, or a primitive- ecspecially the more xenophobic.

Lemke was born into one of the Bedui starship caravans that roam the galaxy, trading goods and preforming for credits. His hcildhood was nothing unique- he learned to juggle and haggle, learned to travel and how to make minor matience repairs on their ships, everything you would expect. Around the time he reached what Humans would consider adulthood, however, his Farsight began to manifest. He would sense that one of the troop was hurt, or whenn something was wrong. Twice this saved him and his troop from disaster- once they were almost stuck in a Tatooine sandstorm, another time one of their shuttle's fuel tanks had ruptured and they only barely got out in time. Eventually Lemke was respected and looked up to- reconized for his abilities, despite the fact that The Bedui knew little of the Force or the origin of his skill.


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