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Learning the Ways of the Force (Pt 1--Matsu Ike)

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio's bare footsteps quietly fell on the stone floor of the Jedi Temple. Voss was a beautiful planet, he had come to find in the past few days and the Jedi were an interesting group. He had been moving among them as a fly on the wall, quietly observing what he could of their understand of the Living Force as he could. He had spent hours in their library, even sat in on a group learning session, and even spoke with a few of their other padawans and knights in philosophical discussions on the Force. It had all been very good, educational and beneficial to him. But now he needed to begin to learn more. And there was only one way to begin this; at the feet of masters.

He had heard of one Matsu Ike who could begin this quest of learning, through learning the art of Force Imbuedment. He found his way to the entrance of the Temple, standing under the two great pillars that accentuated the great doorway. He wanted, here patiently for the master to appear and teach him.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Akio Diachi "]

Matsu was in her lab, the semi force science she was doing while the leviathan hides from Corbos were in there was a benefit before she was looking at it. Weaving the crystal weave into it and applying to it there was the outer layer of silk weave and underlayer of reactive weave. To give it a nice layer of protection from sabers and blasters while still maintaining the protective capabilities. Without treatment to preserve the properties the hide was just hide stretched a little and rigid in between while it work to provide material to harden with the force and attune the armor to imbue with the force.

The large sight of her lab was off to the side with one of the entrance doors leading to the artisan's and research division before she stood up. One of the researchers wearing it while the white robes looked beautiful and regal almost. "Alright now how does it feel?" She was looking at them while making it more comfortable and long sleeves, the leggings down to the ankles, shoulders a little pointed out to show while the weave glowed where they had loomed it together. The ossus robes made for this purpose but now being worked on further. "We should be able to begin experimentation with force saturation to create a resistance. soon enough."

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio turned to the side door and made his way into the lab where he had been told the Master Matsu could be found. He wandered into the lab and watched as she worked on the weave, creating the robe and handing it over to someone else. The amulet on Akio's neck glowed brighter, as the Force was stronger in here than normal. Its cyan blue light matching the wearer's skin. He waited for her to finish her work before stepping forward.

"Namaste, Master, Matsu Ike," he said with a bow, "I am Akio Diachi, a wandering student and servant of the Force. For several days I have been learning from and observing the Jedi at the temple. Your knowledge of the Force is extensive, more than I have found from any other. I was told that you could teach me the art of Force Imbuedment?"

He rose to his full height--which was not that impressive, an even 5 ft. What he lacked in stature he made up for in manners.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@Akio Diachi

Matsu felt someone come in as she was working and turned hearing his voice while she stood there. Bowing her head as someone who was her height was a rare thing... with the males she had met some of the females who were her size or smaller as she stepped down looking over some of the things. "I am, we often work on different force technologies others do not in the order to continue research." She moved off the platform and was touching up the robes while letting the others continue to work on it before giving full attention to the man. "Now you want to learn how to imbue equipment. ANy specific area? Weapons, armor, items?"

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
He was glad that he came here then; learning from others to do things that others could not do was exactly what he was hoping for. He would indeed have to continue to learn from these Jedi, their knowledge and skills were exactly what he desire to glean from.

He watched as she examined the robes, they were each unique in their own way. Each a work of art.

"I would ideally like to learn all of it," he said. "If you can teach me and are willing. Are there differences between imbueding weapons, armor, and items?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@Akio Diachi

"Yes there is a difference." She was looking at him and some of the things while showing the robes before she moved over to the loom with her attention going to it. "Normally imbuing the energies of the force into a weapon is easier. Jedi have done it for thousands of years. Different items is after that and easier as you are not going to be using them for fighting as the weapon usually." She had the loom they were working with and the mechanical spindle touching it. "Armor is the hardest but it and clothing can be done to make more personal. We have created the looms and spindle to fashion better ways to work it. The crystal weaves can us used on anything we need to create a lattice of energy."

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio followed her to the loom listening. When she said that imbueding weapons with the power of the Living Force, his ears perked. This was a strange thought to him. Yes the Force took life--but it also gave life. It seemed strange that making something able to kill, harm, or maim would be the easiest but he supposed it would only be logical.

"The purpose to destroy is easier it seems, than to aid," he noted, "Even in this case. Perhaps that is why the path to the darkside is the easiest to follow."

He looked the Crystal weave over, taking in every inch of it, and studying it for several minutes before nodding. It made sense; the Force was the energy that created all things, channeling it through the weave created by this machine would only make things stronger, easier to imbued with it.

"Does it work on all things, or only armor?" Akio asked.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@Akio Diachi

"It works on everything, just have to make sure it is in it when you are constructing it and that you can attune it to yourself and the force. It facilitates making it easier to preform the task and not needing more intimate knowledge of how to craft the equipment itself." They had been working on it and working over some of the things before she had the one researcher wearing the robes. "These for instance we are infusing with two weaves, one to augment its resistance to the force and darkside influence and one for making it naturally able to resist energy that comes towards it. Blasters and lightsabers on top of its force augmented defenses."

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
That was certainly helpful, Akio thought. He was not a craftsman of any nature, except when it came to his exotic weapons. He looked the robes over, they were quite gorgeous in a way that transcended the natural.

"You are a skilled craftswoman," he said genuinely.

The Chiss reached into his back satchel and retrieved a small crystal he found during his expedition on Illum with Stardust. He had obtained the amulet around his neck the same way, but this one was rough and uncut, unlike the one around his neck that had been hand carved into a circle. The Firkrann crystal in his hand refracted the light on its white facets in the palm of his hand, lightly glowing.

"Would you mind giving me a walk through on how to use the Loom, Master Matsu?" he asked. He was sure it would give her a chance to do her work, and a chance for him to learn, she seemed to be a very busy and important woman.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@Akio Diachi

Matsu looked at him and bowed her head with a nod while she motioned for him to come and look at the work. The machine was moving slowly with the weave before she was bringing another section of the robe. "Alright I will show you." She sat down at the station as the weaves were in the needles suspended with the robe. It was going through and interweaving on the sections of cloth. "The controls of the loom work with the feet controls and your hands can guide the materials. Depending on what you was weaving the material onto it will need to be set and measured properly." She was working on it and while she agreed in being good she knew there were others just as talented.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The Chiss watched with glowing, feline-like eyes as she explained the workings of this machine. One could almost imagine a tail flickering behind his body as he was engrossed in the process she described. Ordinarily he would have sat like this for hours, waiting patiently until his questions were answered through observation or the master's own statements, but these Jedi seemed to respond positively to questions, so he would venture a few. It was not in his nature to ask questions. The monastery had not been conductive to questions, they made it clear that one was to observe and learn through observing.

"How does the imbueding take place?" He asked, "Do you move it into the material like you move water with the Force? And are the specific substances that are imbued, do you decide what is put into it, or does the material decide what emerges? If you do, how do you imbued certain attributes into them?"

The Chiss took a step closer, his curiosity getting stronger and his natural desire to learn taking over his conditioning to remain distant and aloof.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@Akio Diachi

There was a lot of questions there as she continued to work the loom and watch him now. "The materials you weave the crystal into determine what can be done in some ways. You aren't going to be able to turn a shirt into a piece of armor that is able to resist sabers and still keep it flexible. However you can make it able to help you create armor from your own aura within the force to shield and defend yourself. It is why subtle applications and attacks can be resisted easily. You have spent so much time your aura can just fend them off. Here in the loom we are weaving crystal into the robes so that all three layers of it are able to be saturated and strengthened together by the jedi wearing it. Allowing for not as much flexibility but the robes will be able to resist lightsabers, they will be able to resist blaster bolts and enhance the one wearings its defenses in the force."

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
"It appears that every gain comes at a cost," Akio thought aloud. It would make sense, the Force was always working like that, in strange ways.

He took note of all of it, to press his own aura into something, giving it intentionality, a meaning, a purpose. That was, after all, what one did when using the Living Force in other ways. And since it combined and lived in all things, it would only make sense that it would work in this way; that one could imbued it into another and decide how it affected it--to a degree.

"I appear to understand," he said at last, "May I try with this crystal?"

It was a long shot, to say the least, but it was worth it. He would not try to stretch himself, but even a small victory was a step towards learning--and mastery.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@Akio Diachi

She didn't need to look at him but this was a teaching session, she needed to let him experience it and work on it himself to understand. Others treated it like it was something so simple and easy but she understood the danger of it as well as the training involved. He was learning it and getting the lessons first hand compared to others who simply worked or studied it in books. "Very well." Matsu rose up looking at it while she moved from the loom over towards the spindle she could operate and thread the first pieces into so he could work on things. Leaving the seat so the young man could work on things before she set the threads and started to slowly intertwin them together so he could have more weave to work with.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio took his seat at the weave and lowered his head for a moment, thanking the Force for the opportunity to learn and for guidance in his learning. After a minute, he raised his head and put his feet on the pedals, like she had. He was in no rush, rushing would short cut the learning process, causing mistakes. He wanted to take his time, to follow the road to mastery. He slowly took a bit of the thread in his hands and began to gingerly weave, working slowly, thoughtfully. His nimble fingers brushed along the threads, memorizing the action as he worked.

His eyes began to go out of focus, taking in both everything and nothing at the same time as he deftly worked. The Force began to flow through him, through his aura, into the fabric. It was a slow trickle as he made it in, creating, crafting, becoming nothing more than an extension of the creativity of the Force. At last he woke from his trance like state. How long had he been working? Hours? Days? Minutes? He blinked the moment out of his eyes and observed his finished work, looking to Matsu, "How is that?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@Akio Diachi

Matsu was watching him as she continued to work the spindle and weave the crystal for the loom, sensing how he was focusing and working at it to get a better idea before he spoke earning a nod of approval. The white cloth over the hide with some silk in the inside was looking and feeling like what they needed it to. A piece of protective fabric for the jedi that they could wear and next she would work and show him how to infuse the force with the weave he had just made in the robes. "Good and now there is the second part of what you are doing. You need to make sure you are finished, then we shall move to the second stage."

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio wrapped up his work at the loom, delicately moving the threads between his fingers. They were not accustomed to such fine work, prolonging the amount of time it took for the Chiss to finish his work. At last it was finished, and he moved to examine his work. Or at least, as the master had said, this portion was finished.

The process, the Chiss had to admit, was quite different from what he had expected. He had envisioned so much more. Chanting, flowing and glittering streams of energy, as well as brilliant flashes of light. It was a much humbler than he had expected. He supposed the Force enjoyed working miracles in the humblest of ways. What did that say about people then, he wondered.

He offered the master the fabric, "I have finished, master, what is the second step?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]

I am very sorry about how long it took me to reply to this.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@Akio Diachi

She was watching him and seeing the force energies as it was being worked on. "The second step after using the loom is to work the force weave yourself. Augmenting and crafting it to whatever you want the force to be able to do." She was showing him as the force energies glowed making the intricate weave of the robes she had made and worked on. To show him how to do it but also what it should look like. "Just like that you can work it and then pour your own force energy into it to make the equipment your own. The more skilled you are t it the more it will be a part of you and then it will almost be bound to you.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
That sounded reasonable enough, to just imbued it with the desired ability. But as the Chiss hovered his hands over the garment he realized he didn't know what he wanted. Truth be told, he had no clue what he wanted at all. For quite some time he had been following the whim of the Force, going as a leaf flows on the surface of the water. He had never changed things, instead he took them the way they were with thanks to the Force for that.

But now, he supposed, it was time to start changing that. A thought came to mind, something he had always wanted to see and follow. His hand began to glow as Akio washed himself in the power of the Force. What he wanted more than anything else was guidance. Guidance to follow the Force wherever it sent him. To the past. To the future. To the present. The ability of far-sight was a gift, and one that Akio knew was vital to those who see to follow the ways of the Force.

He opened himself up wider, like a faucet going to full blast. The power surged through his veins in a buzzing energy. It flowed, moreso as a torrent from him, through his hands, into the clothing like a fiery river. For several moments Akio held it, letting the Force go through him as strongly as he could, as long as he could until his body buckled, and stopped it. He lowered his hands with a pant. For most, such as a master, that would have probably been easier. Almost whimless. But for Akio, it was an exhausting chore, that had drained him greatly.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@Akio Diachi

He seemed to think about it and then act to have something he wanted more then anything else... which makes sense. The jedi master understood there there were things, buried deep and that sure might not be acted on but people did want things. It was part of the nature of being alive, be it wanting more or wanting safety, wanting family. Yes you can do quite a lot of saying you are better but she knew everyone did... and it wasn't something to be upset or shameful about. THough here watching him work she could allow some of the energies there while they had the equipment to do a whole lot of things as Akio worked on his things. "Looks very well."

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