
Name: Layna Akhora
Faction: Jedi- Galactic Republic
Rank: Padawan
Species: Twi'lek
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Height: 1.55m
Weight: 52 kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair: N/A
Skin: Green
Force Sensitive: Yes
Layna Akhora is physically smaller than most but uses the Force assisted acrobatics of Ataru in order to compensate. Like most users of Form IV, she is less effective at blast deflection and must further develop those skills. Also, she is less effective in tight quarters. She sometimes can be overly brash and aggressive from a personal standpoint.
Layna is of smaller than average size for a Twi'lek female. She moves with a dancer's grace, as many of her species are known to. Her attire is usually the simple brown Jedi hooded robes with beige tunic and trousers, brown boots and a utility belt.
Layna Akhora was born in the small Twi'lek village on the world of Tython. Many generations ago, her ancestors had settled there illegally during the time of the legendary Hero of Tython. Raised by her mother and father, both simple villagers, her early life was simple and happy. It was a stark contrast to life elsewhere.
Even the village's isolation didn't completely spare it from the ravages of the Plague. There were occasional deaths, but the relatively small, spaced-out population largely prevented the wildfire-like spread of Coruscant and other densely packed urban centres. Still, every death was a tragic loss and several entire families were taken away in time. Into this village came a Jedi in the year 824 ABY.
The Jedi had come before many times in the history of the village but not for some time. The brown-robed Human had arrived to speak to the Matriarch of the vilage. Ostensibly, he was there to check on the welfare of the beings there, but when he emerged with the Matriarch, she looked grim. The Jedi then looked up from his conversation with her and over to a little female, standing with her parents.
Many villagers had gathered to see the outsider, for it was uncommon to see any but another Twi'lek. The tall man approached the four yesr old female with a gentle smile and knelt down to her level. She smiled back shyly; he was a stranger, true, but in the implacable logic of a child he was a benevolent presence. Also, in spite of his being different in almost every way from her, she also knew that he was like her.
He knew it too, he felt the Force in her. The Jedi asked her parents permission to test a small sample of her blood. He said it was to check up on her health, and it was...from a certain perspective. They consented when the Matriarch nodded her approval. The test confirmed what he had felt with the Force. Her midi-chlorian count was higher than normal, the mark of a Force sensitive.
The Jedi asked to speak to the parents and the Matriarch inside the elder's home. They feared Layna was ill, but he quickly assured them she was far from illness. The Matriarch wasn't surprised when he told them she was Force sensitive. He asked them to take her with him so that she could train in the ways of the Jedi. They refused out of fear as they knew the Plague still existed outside. The Matriarch stood with them in spite of the Jedi's gentle persuasions and he eventually acquiesced.
One year later, almost to the day, the Jedi returned. Tragedy had struck as Layna's parents had both died of the cursed illness. The Matriarch held the now five year old, crying as only a child could cry in mourning. She didn't understand death, but something told her that mother and father wouldn't ever wake up again. It was then that Layna Akhora went away with the Jedi. She would become like him and she would know Peace, he explained gently as the ship lifted off from Tython....