Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Laws are overated

He was running. Faster than he had ever ran. He chanced a look over his shoulder and saw four armed mercenaries over his shoulder. Damn these people were hard to shake off. They were running through the city of Naboo and this was his first time visiting. He was on a smuggling job for Jezeekand there were a lot of units involved. The objective was simple enough. Slip inside a A148-VModel1Cruiser and take the small child who was aboard. But of coruse nothing is never that simple. As soon as he stepped outside 4 rifles were pointed at his head. Apparently the kid was important to something or other but he didn't really care at this point.

The baby bounced his his armed as he leaped over a fence. He could hear shouts of cursed words followed by pulse rifles disintegrating what was a fence so they could all easily pass through. Then he began to panic. He had to pull off one of his stunts if he was going to get out of here alive. He ran down a thin alley way and grabbed a smoke bomb out of his pocket before throwing it at the ground. Instantly the smoke stung his eyes but he was still able to see. He glanced around and saw the sewer pot hole lid. He grimaced at the thought but the lid was quickly off and he slipped inside.

Once he was inside he pulled the lid back over him and was suddenly plunged into darkness. He pulled out a lighter which allowed him some lights. He made sure the boy was alright before dragging his feet through the inches of stinking sludge he was walking through. Hours must of passed before he saw some way to escape. "About time." He mumbled to himself. It was a ladder and began to climb. It was extremely wet so made it very difficult for him to get a proper grip. Once he was off horror struck his face as he realized he was in someones bathroom...

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