Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lauris Floyd


Name: Lauris Floyd, born Lauris Sidra Chice
Playby: Gaspard Ulliel
Age: 21 Standard Years
Species: Human
Occupation: Spacelane Scout/Space Explorer; Lauris travels through the Nebula, finding safe passages between the known worlds and scouting out the unknown reaches of the Galaxy in hopes of finding hospitable worlds and resources. It's a dangerous job, but it pays pretty darn well - at least, when he's contracted with the right kind of company.

Build: Mesomorphic
Hair: Dark Brown, Usually rather unkempt
Eyes: Mostly blue-grey, with a slight brown hue at the rim of the iris
Skin: Caucasian
Distinguishing Marks: Faint tattoo on his inner right arm
Cybernetics: Not Applicable
Force Sensitivity: Unknown

Physical Strengths:

Athletic...Ish: Spending weeks at a time within space leaves a lot of empty time; sure a lot of his time is taken up by monitoring his progress to ensure the ship doesn't hit anything unexpected, and he still needs to eat and sleep, but beyond all of that there's only so much he can do. As such he breaks up his time via exercise. His ship is only so big, however, so it's limited to mostly pull-ups, sit-ups, etc... Not very well rounded at all.

Gunslinger?: Not quite. Not quite at all... But Lars does know how to handle a blaster. After all, it would be pretty stupid of him to be traveling to unknown planets if he couldn't. Hostile natives, hostile wildlife... He has a whole lot of living left to do!

Spaceman: Exploring is his thing. He's a pretty damn good pilot, or else he'd be dead, and knows the intricacies of his ship and what its trying to tell him. Finding safe lanes through space is no easy feat, and yet its the mess of a career he's gotten himself into anyway. He can only hope and pray he didn't make the wrong decision.

Physical Weaknesses:

No Soldier: Lars has never truly had cause to be professionally trained in any capacity. He has no military mind, isn't even a remotely great tactician, and is limited in his combat experience. He finds it difficult to follow orders, and for this reason cannot really work well in groups. Nobody tells him what to do! Unless there's good money involved, of course...

Frightfully Average: While he has a fairly toned and healthy body, Lauris is no superman. He is not particularly strong or fast, he's not likely to outsmart you or outfight you without some sort of trickery involved. He'd much rather just keep his nose out of it unless push came to shove, and then he'd look for the earliest way out possible. Adventure he can handle, but strife and drama with fellow man? Give him the unknown any day!

Youthfulness: Although he may like to act otherwise, Lars is still only just leaving his teenage years. There is a lot left for him to learn and experience, and added to his lack of schooling this can lead him to being disrespected and viewed as inferior and incompetent. Thankfully his name usually precedes him where his work is concerned, 'else he'd be down on his luck in all regards!


An eccentric and somewhat bubbly personality, which is limited in its growth by long periods of isolation when en route between worlds. Lauris, mostly known as Lars - or sometimes simply Floyd - is a happy go lucky, glass half full kind of guy. He has an obsession with some unmarked planet he discovered, dubbed Lithios Prime, that is just below the level of 'unhealthy', a fate which is only expedited by the broken, grainy transmission from the world which will oft play on loop whenever his ships comms are on the frits. It's not often enough to pose a problem to his safety, or slow down his work, but still enough to have him humming the tune from time to time and dreaming of the world he will one day stand to explore.

Since he hasn't actually visited the world, it remaining just out of reach for now, his knowledge of it is pretty darn dismal, and even the contents of the transmission gives him virtually nothing to go by. Yet he clings on to the hope that one day he can find out more. For now piecing together the tiny slithers he has, and mixing them with little white lies to feed those he meets with the wonders of this strange new world, will have to suffice.

His work involves a boatload of travel, which suits Lars just fine! A mingler by heart, he loves the adventure which comes with his profession - one few in the Galaxy would willingly undertake given the dangers involved - and lives to find new worlds and civilizations amidst the stars. Although there are always language barriers and misunderstandings aplenty, meeting natives makes all the dangers of unmarked space travel worth it - even moreso than the pay.

Mental Strengths:

Brilliant: Lars' mind is always active and curious. He craves information, and not in the academic sense, wanting nothing more than to discover new places, beings, and adventure. The isolation his work provides is both a blessing and a blight, as it gives him ample time to think and process... But also forces him to disconnect from the worlds he longs to explore and the people and stories held within. He is also prone to optimism, commonly found sporting a grin and a whistle as he jumps from task to task.

Busy: Needless to say he likes to keep himself occupied. He can only take so much of the isolation before he finds himself somewhat agitated, and the only thing which helps is keeping his hands and his mind busy. Tinkering with electronics, writing theories on what the heck the transmission is trying to tell them, planning future routes through space, or even simply working to keep his body and health in shape, Lars is always active!

Mental Weaknesses:

Cabin Fever: The demon he has to conquer each and every time he sets out on a voyage through space, Lars' mental wellbeing cannot truly take the isolation he forces himself into. Even during the times he has a crew member, or a droid onboard his ship, he finds himself slowly slipping into an erratic state of mind and quickly grows bored with their company. If he doesn't keep occupied he can slip out of control for anywhere between a few hours and a few weeks... Usually with no recollection of the events inbetween.

Hung Up: Though he has never set foot upon or even really seen Prime, Lars has some weird obsession with it that he simply cannot shake. He keeps his ears peeled whenever on Waypoint or other hubs of activity for any snippets of information he can find, going so far as to carry around a notebook filled with scribbles and ramblings... None of which actually have any sort of connection or implications. Anyone who read it would deem him a madman who's spent far too long alone in the void.

Largely Uneducated: A lesson here, a workshop there, Lars didn't have a traditional education and took the first chance at work he got. He knows his trade pretty damn well, but outside of that... Well, why does he need that useless stuff anyway? While he cleans up nicely, he'd stick out like a sore thumb in any lucrative scenario by words alone.


Born on Waypoint Station Three, Lauris Sidra Chice grew up amidst industrialists as the shunned child of two educators who wanted little to do with parenthood. Despite this Lars was raised in relatively pleasant surroundings, and learned a few handy tricks throughout his youth by following around his engineer of a Guardian, Vasin. The lack of progress from Waypoint to the outer reaches of space frustrated him even from an early age, and the boy found himself longing for the stars and what lay beyond.

Experience came in all manner of forms during his most formative years, from the grumblings of tension amidst his caste to the every day doldrums of blue collar existence... Living to serve a cause far greater than himself. To benefit those far above himself. He wanted nothing more than to break from the bindings he had fallen into, he despised the thought of serving the higher-ups, and conspired daily to find a way off Waypoint.

By ten he was flunking the lessons he was being given, and his future as a fellow engineer began to fade much to his Guardian's displeasure. Vasin's patience would last just two further years before Lauris was told to find a new venture. While he was never truly abandoned, Vasin's teachings ceased and Lauris was frequently pushed toward any entry level opening that appeared in their zone.

Enter Miraphaet.

She was a beauty, though little more than a hunk of old metal, and from the moment Lauris laid eyes on her he knew what he wanted in life. To travel the stars, to put distance between himself and the station he called home. The only problem was her Captain, a reluctant, grizzled old man who had flown circles around Waypoint and had no interest in taking on some thirteen year old engineering dropout.

At least until Lars offered to work for free. Experience was experience, and away from Waypoint what did he really need that Mira couldn't provide?

That was that. Lauris was ripped from his home before he could fully comprehend what it meant, and plunged into the depths of space alongside a madman in a tincan. Pelayo, it turned out, was actually a fairly decent human being when you whittled away at the rough exterior. He taught Lars how to fly Miraphaet over time, and what it was to scout the local systems in search of safer passages and habitable worlds.

His time with Pelayo had him wondering why it was the people of Waypoint - his people - were so damn picky about where they settled. How could they not feel the same longing he did to bury their roots into anyone of the surrounding worlds and call it a day? Wouldn't things be more interesting with fellow sentients?

Lessons came to a very abrupt end, however, in the form of a heart attack. Pelayo had ventured through hostile worlds, met with barbaric cultures, and flown through unstable pockets of space, and in the end he died as many men did... Lars couldn't help but think how unjust that was, surely he had deserved an adventurers death?

Regardless, this left him alone with a ship he had only just come to terms with flying. And an apparently dodgy radio... Within days of his mentors passing the ship began picking up a strange, fragmented transmission the likes of which Lars had never before heard. He could make no sense of it, not that he initially tried to at all, but as the days passed into months, and then eventually years, he grew to yearn for the systems little hiccups if only to hear a little more of what it had to say.

Lauris continued his mentors trade. At first he was less than hopeless, and it's a wonder he remains alive to this day, yet with perseverance and a grim knowledge that the only other option was to return to Waypoint for more than the few days he previously had to, he found a natural knack for it and the ship which was now his.

It has been a great many years since Lars Chice first left the Waypoint, and he has learned a great many things, yet with this transition in his life came another change. The next time he returned to the station he called home it was not as a Chice at all, the family who had forsaken him long since forgotten, but by another name entirely. One he had heard countless times amidst the transmission... Floyd.

By now Lauris Floyd has made quite a name for himself as Pelayo's sole 'prodigy' - a title he certainly doesn't live up to, but, hey, if it helps with commissions... - and while he is nowhere near as well versed as his mentor, he is well on his way toward deserving his place as Mira's Captain.

He is by no means the greatest explorer and lane scout the Galaxy has ever known, but he's not too shoddy... And with a job as dangerous as his, there's not many others throwing themselves into his position.

Truth be told, Lars had never set out to join so deadly a profession... But it's a tough job, and somebody's got to do it.

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