Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Laura Na'Varro

NAME: Laura Katerina Amata Na'Varro
RANK: Rogue Padawan
AGE: 25
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 55kgs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Fair


LARGE BASE OF KNOWLEDGE - As a tank-born clone, most of Laura's knowledge was fed into her brain via external technology. As a result, her mind holds a large and eclectic library of information about seemingly random things, as the process was not completed.
CURIOUS - Wants to know how everything in the galaxy works. This expands her mental aptitude with each passing day.
MECHANICALLY-MINDED - Can fix things. Lots of things. Even things her dad doesn't know how to fix.
GIFTED FIGHTER - Those Na'Varro genes are good to go.
STREET SMART - Suspicious, critical mind. Reads people easily. Doesn't suffer fools or their bullcrap.
GENEROUS - Gives a lot of her time and resources to make others comfortable. Naturally kind-hearted.
INTREPID EXPLORER - Think Indiana Jones here.

FEARLESS/FOOLHARDY - Feels untouchable and unbreakable, and fears nothing. This often puts her in danger.
EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE - Prone to emotional outbursts, and doesn't know why.
SOCIALLY AWKWARD - Not a great communicator, unless with her father or other trusted people.
EASILY FRUSTRATED - Things she doesn't easily understand frustrate her beyond end, and she loses motivation easily as a result.

Laura is a pretty young woman, tall with brown hair usually worn in a simple pony tail and hazel green eyes. Her skin is of a fair complexion, with some freckles dotting her cheeks. Her movements are graceful, but in more of a cat-like, predatory sense than in the way a princess might be graceful, for example. She typically wears jeans, shirts and her Dad's army jacket, and has a favourite beanie for when it gets cold. She favours wearing pinks, reds, and purples, but will never be seen dead in a dress.

Laura's case is an odd one. Originally created by her father [member="Alen Na'Varro"] as a half science project, half Sithly-nefarious scheme, Laura is an exact genetic copy of her old man, except female. Cloned with the help of the cloners on Kamino, Laura is a perfect replica, in terms of DNA, of Alen. Her aging process has not been tampered with, nor her tissue. She was originally designed to assume all of Alen's memories and experiences into her mind, and be activated on the event of his death to act as a torchbearer for his legacy. However, over the years, Alen Na'Varro became a changed man. No longer interested in such a scheme, he brought his clone out of stasis, named her Laura, and took her in as a daughter.

While in stasis, Laura was directly fed information from the Holonet, giving her a huge library of knowledge to delve into once she had been awoken. Having been awoken at age 10, for the next two years she had only her mind and her father to play with. Developing a close relationship with the middle-aged Sith Lord with waning powers, she learned everything she could from him. How to fight, how to reroute a hyperdrive, how to distinguish Mon Calamari sea urchins from Gala sea urchins, how to use the Force, how to tell if someone is lying ... it was an odd childhood but one that gave her a well rounded skillset.

Upon Alen's defection to the Galactic Republic, denouncing of the Dark Side and taking up of the Light, Laura came with him to Ossus. Refusing to join the Jedi Order outright as a Padawan (according to her amalgamation of accounts from various sources, the Jedi Order is illogical and approaches the question of balance in a manner that is wrong. "In fact, no organised Force user groups in the current galactic community approach the question of balance in the correct way, so what's the point, Dad?") She proved to be very stubborn about this. Instead, she learned the Force, and everything she can, from just about anybody she assesses as being "right enough". That list was pretty short. Not long after, she fell in with the Brat Pack, a collection of children and youths that also had one or more legendary Masters as parents. They found themselves in all sorts of trouble. It was a good time.

Since then, Laura has branched out on her own. A keen explorer and salvager, she has spent most of the last five years skimming the edge of the galaxy. Her goal? Finding new tech to salvage and expanding her abilities and understanding of the Force.
||| ||| ||| |||
Apprentice - Lower Knight - Upper Knight - Master
Force Push [ ||| |I]
Force Pull [ I|I |I]
Force Throw [ |I| |]
Mind Speak [ ||| |I]
Force Sense* [ ||| |II ]
Force Jump [ ||| |II]
Force Speed [ ||| |II]
Force Shield [ ||| |II]
Form I: Shii-Cho* [ ||| |II II]
Crucitorn [ ||| |II]
Tutaminis [ ||| ]


Total: 11 - Complete: 8​
Total: 5 - Complete: 3
Yavin IV Jedi Academy Part II (Force Sense training)
Obstacle Course! (Force Jump/Speed; assorted powers training)
Building Lightsabres (Lightsabre Construction)
Saving Private Thanewulf (Force Sense)
I Thought You'd Be Taller

Total: 1 - Complete: 1
Bark at the Moon! (OS Invasion of Telti)

Total: 4 - Complete: 3
Old Man Sun's Looking Down On Us
Do You Wanna Build A Spacelane?
The Covenant
Everyone Dies In The Summer

Total: 1 - Complete: 1
Brat Pack Battle Royale (Spar vs Aela Talith)

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