Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Lady Vicis



  • Full name:
    Narine Dearil​
    Dathomiri Zabrak​
    Ashen white, with black markings​
    Force Sensitive:


  • Narine was scooped up at a young age due to her aptitude with the Force. She started as most do, on the lighter side of things, and it didn't take long for anyone to realize that she was going down a Dark path and no one was going to stop her. As she grew, her hostility became uncontrollable, and more than once she hurt a fellow Padawan just because she could. She had no compassion, no care or remorse for the things she would do to others. In fact, those things only seemed to feed her ego more and more.

    Eventually she was cut loose without so much as an ultimatum, and this did not bother her one bit. Narine had decided she was going to leave as soon as possible anyhow, and the Light siders had merely done her a favor by kicking her aside. She used this as fuel to go out and seek those who could teach her the things she wanted and needed to know. How to control the Darkness that coursed through her veins.

    By the time she was 21 she had worked her way through three Masters - one quite literally. A man who cannot take no for an answer is not worthy to teach nor to remain living. Nari would not find another to work with until her late twenties, and this one for all intents and purposes has stuck thus far. Someone who can not only keep up with her, but is able to put Narine in her place without setting her off is a key element to the delicate balance of relationship between Master and Acolyte - a balance that is tested each and every day simply due to the brashness Narine possesses all the way to her very core.
  • Z0suGs0.jpg
    Narine is sharp witted with an even sharper tongue. She does not care for the little petty things like how her words may cause someone discomfort, or how she may or may not hurt their feelings.

    In most cases, she would rather be causing physical harm, but emotional harm is sometimes the harsher of realities. Sarcasm is a second language for her, and she wears her words like armor whether that's for deflection or protection depends on the situation. By no means does the woman believe in mercy, and Gods forbid someone scorn her.

  • Strengths and Weaknesses

    +Quick Wit
    +Fast Learner
    +Melee Weapons Efficiency
    +Physical Aptitude
    +Force Adept


  • Belongings:

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    • xxxx
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Template by Pluperfect
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