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Lady Shambleau

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
NAME: Known as Shambleau
FACTION: Ke'dem, Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps
RANK: Lady, though that could refer to anything; aide to Lady Ajira Cardei; Dark Jedi Padawan
AGE: Appears late twenties
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: Medium height
WEIGHT: Lean and wiry
HAIR: None
SKIN: Muted violet (generally assumed to be a Zeltron, Umbaran, or Omwati)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) Skilled with a lightsabre.
(+) Skilled at hiding her presence in the Force.
(+) Limited shapeshifter: can take a lethally tentacular form.
(-) Will freeze into a statue in direct natural-spectrum light. Can operate just fine at night or on overcast days.
(-) Post-traumatic stress issues.


Lady Shambleau is a Dark Jedi operative of Ke'dem. A Force-sensitive, she was one of many Ke'dem recruits who were selected due to losses and collateral damage inflicted by the One Sith over the past years. Her grudge against the One Sith is significant. She participated in the anti-Sith raids on Crina, Erida, Mayferria, and Lujo. On Lujo, she faced the full power of Spencer Varanin's Force horror. She survived and escaped, barely, but the experience forced her to reevaluate her life. Her focus shifted from a youthful, gleeful, cathartic sort of rage to a more focused approach toward the extermination of the Sith.

In the aftermath of Ashin Varanin's death, Lady [member="Ajira Cardei"] of Theed reached out to her as a secret associate of Varanin. Together with [member="Seren Ordavo"], and with Cardei's guidance, Shambleau brought Ke'dem to heel and smoothed their transition toward a closer association with Clan Rekali. However, Shambleau had no interest in the Witch/Mandalorian clan.

She now serves as Cardei's agent and messenger. A longtime aide within Theed Hangar, she has the seniority to command a patrol fleet.





Dear Alderaan (minor role) - Shambleau assists in negotiations between Theed Hangar and the Royal House of Alderaan
Cathedral of Ruin: A Companion Esk Treasure Hunt - Shambleau journeys outside the galaxy to Companion Esk, and recovers Pius Dea secrets from a crashed cathedral ship
Weekend Treasure Hunt Infinity: At Last We Will Have Revenge - Shambleau's sister is killed as Aeri Vyn, some Herglics, and Jack Raxis fight over her; Raxis dumps the body over the Valley of the Jedi at Ruusan; Shambleau absorbs the Valley's power but is unable to bring her sister back to life
Long Haul - Shambleau commands a Colo-class sailing frigate on a shakedown cruise from Naboo to Kelsier, where she bargains for stygium on behalf of Theed Hangar
Carida Finale: Let's Go Fly A Kite (minor role) - Shambleau assists in the Naboo/Spencer Varanin buyout of Theed Hangar, taking it from Clan Rekali
Greatly Exaggerated (minor role) - Shambleau and Lady Cardei meet with Raziel; Shambleau gives too much away, and learns that Lady Cardei is Ashin Varanin
The Tightening Grasp - Shambleau voyages with Spencer Varanin, who kind of broke her mind; Spencer teaches her to defend her mind
Ain't No Sass In Our Kaas (minor role) - On Lady Cardei's orders, Shambleau observes the SSC takeover of Dromund Kaas from afar
Arise from the Dust - Shambleau wakes Jacen Cavill, Darth Kryptus, and strikes a deal with him on Lady Cardei's behalf
How Much for Just the Planet? - Shambleau, as Lady Cardei's representative, makes a deal with Alicia Drey/Darth Ayra
Brawling Over Pebbles - Shambleau fights Sith Triumvirate soldiers for a holocron in the Cularin system
Project Praesidium - Shambleau assists Lady Cardei in negotiations with Chandrila Group and Rendili
Are You A Patriot? (minor role) - Shambleau assists Lady Cardei in negotiations with Lord Graxin Rade
Kade Kelborn vs. Lady Shambleau - Shambleau duels the Mandalorian warrior Kade Kelborn, does some damage, but loses
Scavenger - Shambleau hunts for secrets on the desolate planets that appeared after the Second Akala Crisis
The Gathering (minor role) - Shambleau attends a trade summit
Gungans and McMansions - Shambleau negotiates with Ugohr Poof
Naboo System: Points of Interest (minor role)- Shambleau briefs Cardei on a pair of crises
The Silver Jedi Come (minor role) - Shambleau reconnoiters a rebellion
Two Coronations and a Wedding - Shambleau disrupts a wedding of state in her true form
Heritable Modification - Shambleau negotiates with AEI about Otherspace
The Full Reach of Law - Shambleau commands a Naboo recon fleet at the Battle of Atrisia
For Your Eyes Only - Shambleau submits briefing notes to the King

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
The Force and Lady Shambleau

Shambleau has a well-rounded skillset and a firm grasp of the Core Powers. Unlike her employer, she is not a devoted specialist in any particular direction. However, she has picked up a few notable abilities along the way.
  • Shambleau is quite good at hiding her Force presence or scattering it to obscure her exact location.
  • Shambleau, as a Ke'dem member, is quite good at Force shields, including adiabatic shields.
  • By exploring the wreck of an ancient Pius Dea cathedral ship, Shambleau discovered scrolls on the infliction of pain and the creation of Force Shadows. Appreciating these techniques' elegance, Shambleau studied the scrolls at length, and has used them in combat.
  • On more than one occasion, Shambleau has experienced overwhelming mental attacks and infiltrations, and has given away secrets. This has led her to practice mental defense and seek related training from [member="Spencer Varanin"].

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Mikan Information


The Mikans were creatures native to Jellyfish Cove. They took the form of beautiful near-Human women with pink skin and pure-white eyes; however, once they had attracted someone to them, they turned into huge jellyfish-like creatures and consumed their targets. They could only come out in night or on foggy days, as when the sun came out, the light reacted with their tissue and froze them into statue-like rocks. Bara was a Mikan.

Jellyfish Cove was an Imperial prison on the asteroid Mika. Garve and Dando were two of the guards posted there.

Dando was a mercenary hired by the Galactic Empire to oversee Jellyfish Cove. He was killed by Bara, who used his uniform to walk in daylight.

Mikans have perfected their shapeshifting ability to the point where they can transform into a human shape. These beings from Mika (or “Jellyfish Cove”), in the Arkanis Sector, resemble purple jellyfish in their natural form, but use the human disguise to lure targets, usually as beautiful women. Their liquid tissue solidifies upon contact with sunlight, so they are only active during the night. There are no stories of Mikans ever taking on other shapes, but then again, encounters are usually fatal.

Original Source:



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