Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Lady Nyx - Daughter of Chaos


General Information

Name: Eramis Blackhorn
Alias: Lady Nyx
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Homeworld: Unknown

Occupation: Sith Lord
Known Residence: Presently Unknown
Affiliations: None right now
Allegiance: Herself and her followers

Force Sensitive: Yes
Alignment: Dark

Physical Information

Species: Maelibus
Height: 8'5
Build: Lithe
Hair Colour: N/A
Eye Colour: One Grey/One Blue
Complexion: Pale

Familial Information

Significant Other: N/A
Children: None currently
Parent(s): Deceased/Banished
Siblings: N/A

Psychological Information

  • Mutations - Unlike the usual Maliebus, Eramis was born with a number of mutations that differed fron their usual traits. The most prominent and present are a set of wings. Providing her the capability of flight, in both traversal and fighting.
  • Regeneration - Capable of regenerating limbs that have been severed, although this takes a degree of time depending on the severity of the injury.
  • Patience - Between the trials and tribulations, to being locked away in darkness for years. All of them have drilled in the value of patience within Eramis. It doesn't matter to her if it takes years for a plan to come to fruition, she will wait until the right time arrives.

  • Dark Creature - Due to her father and later her own usage of Dark relics, Eramis is very much tied to the Dark side of the Force. So stepping into a place that is heavily influenced by a Lightside Nexus, is going to be a significant challenge. Requiring no shortage of preparation to counteract, and even then be at a constant handicap. The same goes for Force attacks heavily aligned to the Light. Abilities such as the Wall of Light, that could easily deal a devastating blow if Eramis is caught in it.
  • Towering Figure - Due to their typically towering stature, Maelibus have the tendency to stick out in a crowd. But for Eramis, she has a number of features that would make it particularly troublesome to navigate certain parts of the galaxy. Thus requiring the usage of a follower in her place, whether voluntary or through Eramis' compulsion.

  • Long ago, Eramis' father and other like-minded Maelibus sought to elevate their kind above what they were at the time. Some would come to call it evolution, others referred to it as ascension. They sought out and delved into the Dark Side of the Force. A large handful left their homeworld of Iego and settled on a planet that had a history tied to the Darkside. During this time the leaders adopted monikers and fashioned them into titles. Sin, Pain, Chaos, Destruction, and so on...
  • However, as time wore on they were eventually discovered by the then active Jedi Order. Who sought to stop their manipulations with the Darkside, and confiscate the various relics they had uncovered. But then they erred a bit too much on the side of caution. They did not desire to condemn the children for the evils of their parents, thus deciding to let them live.
  • Eramis and the other children grew up with a hatred for the Jedi and their precious Light. And while they had been taken and scattered across the galaxy, in time they returned to one another's side. The survivors settled on a seemingly innocuous planet, one that had numerous towns and villages dotted across the surface. Each child took a Dark relic with them, residing in one of those towns or villages in secret, steadily building up a powerbase as the years drew on. It was during this time that Eramis took on a name; an alias, honouring the moniker her father had originally adopted. She became Lady Nyx, Daughter of Chaos.
  • But as Fate would have it, the Light would come knocking once more. Be it through a specific means, or just their righteous fervour to eradicate the Dark. The Lords of Light descended upon the planet. Led by Michael Sardun, they fell upon every village and town that, whether they knew it or not, were secretly harbouring one of the demonic Maelibus. Eramis' domain was the last to be breached, on account for the fact she had the entire town under her influence. She managed to take down two of the Lords, before the might of Sardun and the remaining others were finally able to subdue her. But despite being soundly defeated physically, Eramis' spirit still fought on, drawing out the battle as she repeatedly revivified her own body to fight again. Ultimately, the Lords of Light separated both body and soul, sealing them down in the deepest depths of Eramis' own temple. Sardun himself saw to it, ensuring every single lock was placed and secured.
  • And that was how things were for a while, Eramis locked away in darkness.
  • Until the day when Michael Sardun died.
  • Ever since then, the locks that had sealed her away steadily eroded away. Each one letting more of Eramis' influence slip out to the surface. Where explorers and the like ventured through the now desolated town. Where they fell under her thrall, and began their work in feeling their new Master.
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