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Lady Abaddon

Lady Abaddon

Lady Abaddon

NAME: Cylinder Nine. Abaddon.
RANK: Apprentice
SPECIES: Near Human
AGE: 30 Human
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'9"
EYES: Green
HAIR: White
SKIN: Pale


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Near Human Perfection:
  • Abaddon is a clone. Grown with a mixture of DNA and Force Alchemy to create a more powerful subject that the original host. As such Cylinder Nine Abaddon shows remarkable tenacity for bodily vigor and Force Potential.
Bone Morph Slime:
  • Abaddon has in internal and an external skeletal structure. This hardened carapace makes her much heavier and sturdier than most near human species. It can also emit a black membrane that protects against extreme temperature and can allow her to hibernate in a vacuum. She is not immune to radiation decay however.
A Singular Purpose:
  • Abaddon suffers from a Dark Side origin clouded in shadow and flame. As such, her mind is a brambled fog of dark intelligence and insidieous plots. However, her singular purpose in life to destroy her original host creature and take it's place in this life and the next.
Swim like a Fish:
  • Dispite her unique body formation. Abaddon is a remarkable, nigh impossible swimmer. She can even hold her breath from almost an hour in even the most terrible of depths.
A Siren's Call
  • Abaddon has no sexual functions, drive, or desires. She exists to kill, feed, plot, and grow stronger in the Darkness. However her body is the picture of womanhood surrounded by pale jagged bones. She walks like a delicate, stalking predator and her eyes do not blink from her prey. And like the beauty of a beckoning Siren, her body deceives the lusting vagrant. To his doom.
PvP Strengths and Weakness:
  • Abaddon is a bestial carnivorous fighter. Favoring her claws as much as her sword blades. Her alchemical body makes her strong, durable, sharp, unflinching, and grants renown stability. She is not easily pushed, rushed, toppled, or impaired. However she is not particularly cunning, quiet, cooperative, or precise.
  • Abaddon is not very mobile upon two legs. But she can run faster than any human on all fours, and can swim even faster in the water.
  • Abaddon suffers from bloodlust and rage during combat. Immune to pain and danger, she is a bold and uncaring opponent. However her rage distracts her tactics, rational, and observations.
  • Abaddons connection to the Dark Side of the Force is absolute. Should she ever be severed from her connection. She will wither, petrify, and shamble away into dust within only days.
- wip -

  • Cylinder Nine was born a Clone on the moon of Yavin Eight. The personal experiment, and intended revenge, of a Geonosian Scientist named Maktash. Maktash drew his meager powers from a Krath Holocron originally taken from the depths of the Deep Core. This cult manual created many foul necromancer creatures for the Doctor. His crowning jewel being birthed from Cylinders Four to Nine. Five near human creatures all with the appearance of the same mysterious woman.
  • Cylinder Nine escaped the Doctor's weak metal confinement and showed remarkable ferocity in slaying her four other sisters with ease. Guided by the Dark Side that birthed her, she destroyed the Doctor and his assistants. Eventually claiming the Krath manual for herself before burning the laboratory and the surrounding forest to the ground.
  • Three years in isolation taught the creature to survive her cold environment, it's diseases, and it's predators. With the Krath Cult Doctrine in her hands she grew protective of it's secrets. Even if she couldn't read.
  • At the end of her journey on Yavin Eight, Cylinder Nine infiltrated a local tribe of mermaid-like creatures and joined their ranks. Learning to speak, read their texts, swim as a fish, and even labor underwater for long distances. She learned their culture, their history, their cohesion as family unit, and even about the greater universe beyond the stars. She was an outcast of their Caste System but treated with some respect for her similar appearance to one of their Pantheon Gods. Abaddon. God and Goddess of Death.
  • Two years later, when the tribe of mermaids was suddenly destroyed within their crystal caves. Only one new creature remained. Abaddon. And her quest to infiltrate the galaxy had only begun...





Lady Abaddon

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