Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kyle Tethair

NAME: Kyle Tethair

FACTION: Razor Team

RANK: Razor Squad Demolition Expert

SPECIES: Human, born on Dressel

AGE: 26

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'10"

WEIGHT: 175 pounds

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: White





+ Physically Fit: Intense Remnant physical training keeps Kyle in shape.

+ Soldier: Dude knows his way around a lot of blasters and military equipment.

+ Killer's Focus: Kyle can remain unphased during battles.


- Extreme hatred of Sith and Dark Jedi: Exactly how it sounds, Kyle will recklessly attack Sith and Dark Jedi on sight if he knows what they are.

- Prone to Violent Outbursts: Kyle is prone to acts of violence and outbursts if emotionally stimulated.

- Mentally Disturbed: After finding the Sith ritual site where his parents were killed, Kyle hasn't been totally right in the head.


Kyle Tethair is the most beautiful man in the galaxy. 100/10 there is no comparison. Kyle has grown out brown hair, brown eyes, and stands 5 feet 10 inches tall unarmored. Kyle has a muscular build from his farmer roots and Razor Squadron's intensive physical training regime.


Kyle Tethair was born and raised on the planet Dressel. His family were farmers in the planet's northern hemisphere, and they lived a mostly peaceful and simple life harvesting crops.

Until his mom was abducted by a Dark Jedi for a ritual. His father went out to search for her, but never returned.

Kyle grabbed an old blaster pistol from his father's gun safe and packed a backpack full of rations to search the hillsides for his parents. He eventually found the cave where the Dark Jedi had taken his parents to by discovering a crashed Republic gunship, and following a trail of dead mercenaries, but he was far too late.

With no more family, and no desire to continue his life as a farmer, Kyle tracked down the Republic Remnant and signed on as an enlisted soldier. After displaying distinction in several battles while serving in a squad known as "Shanty squad", Kyle was reassigned to the special forces squadron known as "Razor squadron".

When Razor went AWOL and became a mercenary unit, Kyle followed.

GEAR: Heavy Republic Infantry Armor (painted black upon joining Razor Squad),








Sugar and Spice - Sov dominion of Kessel thread. Kyle and Shanty squad free some slaves.

Run Like Hell - Skirmish set during the day after the fall of the GA Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Bump in the Night - First mission with Razor

Return of the Republic - Razor sets up base

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