Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kwaartz Initiative Foundation

  • Corporation Name: Kwaartz Initiative Foundation
  • Headquarters: Domain Kwaartz Worldship (WIP, placeholder link)
  • Locations: Typically near Yuuzhan’tar
  • Operations:
    • Biotech services and products
    • Litigation and representation services for Yuuzhan Vong matters
  • Parent Corporation: N/A
  • Subsidiaries: WIP
“The Kwaartz Initiative Foundation is multifaceted and highly innovative for a Yuuzhan Vong organization. We offer various services to a wider range of customers than our previous, outdated cultural doctrines would typically allow. To be clear, we do not offer our services to abhorrent synthetic beings such as HRDs or droids, but we do see the value opening our arms to those who can be led to embrace the enlightenment of the Yun’o pantheons.

“Joining our ways is not necessary to receive our services and products, but showing a degree of reverence for the sensibilities of our people is a requirement before we will accept your patronage. For any cyborgs out there, we have two requirements before we are willing do business with you:

  1. Your brain must be 100% organic. We offer services to remove neural devices in house, for a fee, of course.
  2. You must permanently sacrifice one cybernetic augmentation for every product or service that you wish to receive from us. No exception. We are willing to perform the operation ourselves for the appropriate fees. The removal of neural implants does qualify for this.”
The Kwaartz Initiative Foundation was founded by the elders of the Kwaartz Domain when Tsungtiin was just 15 years old. They handed him the keys to the company and sent him off on a pilgrimage where he could grow his knowledge and skills away from the discrimating eyes of the traditionalist priests at the time.

Originally, the company was mostly just a legal front, allowing Tsungtiin and his small team to attend research excursions and scientific conventions with a degree of official status. But as Tsungtiin’s knowledge grew, so did his ambitions. He used the company to offer services and make connections to augment his resources for research. As he began to recruit more and more beings to his ideals, he gained more employees and skill sets to add to his sources of revenue. Over time, they managed make technology, offer grafting services, and provide representative services in the interest of Tsungtiin’s Yuuzhan Vong vision.

When Tsungtiin and his company returned to the Yuuzhan Vong people, the main bulk of their society protested the characteristics of Tsungtiin’s industry, claiming that they were in contrast to the teachings of the Yun’o. The political infighting deteriorated from there, and once things reached a critical point, the Worldship of Domain Kwaartz emerged from hiding. All of the members of the Revelation of Yun-Ne’Shel, the Kwaartz Domain and their allies, and the Kwaartz Initiative Foundation embarked on the massive vessel and sought to find their own way from there on.
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