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Approved Tech Kurlsta'maras, the Monster's Bane

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  • Intent: To create another weapon for Elani
  • Image Source: Sebastian Schulz
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Planetbreaker: While Kurlsta'maras may appear to be just a blade, but it strikes with the force of a mighty hammer.
  • Planetbreaker: As stated above, the Kurlsta'maras strikes with great force, much more than one would expect from such a weapon.
  • Empowered: The Force strengthens the inner workings of the blade. This makes Kurlsta'maras much more durable and multiples it's already formidable cutting power.
  • Voided: In the presence of Ysalamiri, Void Stones, and other force nullifiers, Kurlsta'maras is reverted into a normal katana.
  • Defense: Deflecting blaster bolts and slugthrowers is very difficult with such a thin blade.

While Murakami has become one of Elani Zambrano's favored weapons, she required another. Her unending want for powerful artifacts has rawn her to yet another empowered sword. This one, known as Kurlsta'maras, or Monster's Bane in Sith, was once a blade used by an ancient Sith who hunted beasts across the galaxy with nothing but his katana in hand. He, however, lost his life when becoming far too arrogant and cocky and hunting down a pack of Maalraas and getting torn to shreds by the beasts.

The katana was thought to be lost forever.

Until Elani had came across the blade in the black market. The seller could not truly understand the blade's worth, but, just by holding it, Elani could instantly tell the sword had history. Instead of purchasing the sword, Elani walked off with it. Before the seller could say anything, Elani cut his head from his shoulders with the sword.

Not long after Elani returned with the sword, she gave the sword to the Jen'Vikas, the Sith Empire's cult of dark side prophets, in order to try and mimic the method of empowering her new sword much like how Murakami was empowered. And so, they did just as she asked. However, the results were not entirely the same. While Murakami aids in Elani's stealth, Kurlsta'maras hits with a power much larger than it appears to be.
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