Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Oh damn a thought came to her mind that they might have found the new and an even bigger great library. Imagine an entire planet dedicated to knowledge with a massive sprawling temple archives filled with layer upon layer of databanks. it was enough to nearly jump for joy and fangirl out but the jedi master was working to keep her composure even though [member="Sorel Crieff"] would be very very excited. Hell all of the lightsiders she really knew might be very excited to see this development as it was coming to pass.

"Welcome to the great temple master Ike, I am grandmaster Shi-Tong of the jedi order. This room you are in is the pride of our legacy, where all sects and ranks within the jedi order have a voice and value to work with and see that their teachings become something better. More refined, more dedicated and more specialized. We are glad to have someone from outside the great storm to have found us so we might be able to learn about the fate of the order. The last news we had was that it was searching for worlds across the galaxy to protect it."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was listening to them and trying to do the math in her head of how many thousands of years they had been well here... assuming the time for terraforming took roughly what at the least a good five decades to really ensure it was safe and then construction she could think about it. "If I may ask, when and who were you fighting at the time you sought out more worlds for the jedi to seed and give rise to te order?" She was looking at them as the grandmaster seemed to work out with the lead historian speaking up.

"Our ancestors were battling the Legions of Lettow who were out brothers and sisters that believed themselves able to use the darker skills the jedi had rejected. All of their works were heretical to the purposes of the light. We have learned the danger's of the Rakata and their darkside fueled technologies that sought to corrupt all of those who were using it." The historian was looking at the jedi master and Matsu was going through what history she knew from the holocrons giving her a few ideas fof the time table they were working with.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Then the idea of ancient jedi as it came to her with the temple coming up from their own works. The first real things from all of it and with the reverse engineering of technology by Corellian scientists gave her a few ideas of it. "Alright I know how long that has been and the expansion era of the Republic is a long time ago. You must have been here spending all of that time and terraforming all of the moons and worlds here that you could into places that could be habitable." matsu was contemplating it as a way but ancient jedi who had developed in isolation.

Matsu was looking at all of them as she spoke. "Much has changed since then, the schism that your ancestors left to find new worlds was finished and the followers of the darkside cast out of the order. They fled into the darkness of space and found a race of dangerous force users who had battled the Infinite Empire like the je'daii but unlike the order who rejected the darkside they embraced it and became a dangerous group. The exiled dark jedi formed the order of the sith, their legacy has survived much like you and threatens the galaxy."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The sounds that came up from all of them there were louder then she had expected, more interesting was what was provided when she was wondering about some of the things they might be discussing as the grandmaster spoke to her with a nod of her head. "Settle down, settle down we always knew this was a possibility." There were sounds across the different jedi ranks as one of them spoke out. "If our ancestors enemy has survived then that means other things could have survived from the darker times."

"If such things would have survived or continued to live on the galaxy could be an even more dangerous place. There is not any idea what might be able to happen. We have trained and waited but we have never encountered any in actual combat. If the jedi masters information is the full truth then we need to help our brothers." Matsu was listening to them with a nod of her head as she was bringing out the holocubes to use with the systems and show them all of the information. She needed the full historical records.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The others seemed to quiet down as Matsu spoke and they were displaying the holorecords showing all of the changed throughout the galaxy. She was detailing to them the changes to the jedi order and the schism to many of the things that they had been going. The other schism and civil wars, how the order eventually became fractured in many ways to create different orders itself from the disgruntled members. It wasn't the best but she was giving them the warts and all approach to the history.

The downside to it being warts and hall was that the good and the bad was there while she was showing them her own sins and records but also what she had been doing and the punishments as different things were being taught. The mention of the different force sects that had developed of the legends or the beings like the force priestesses were an impressive thing. The next several hours while the history continued to be reviewed and even more of the jedi there were setting up or going over it themselves.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"This has been a most distressing history of the order and the galaxy." The grandmaster stood there with a nod of his head when matsu watched him and then she was watching the others who were giving her a lot fo the attention. The other jedi seemed to be thinking much of the same when they got to the history of the galaxy detailing the jedi purges, the civil wars as well as the danger of sith appearing within the ranks then rising to power. It was a big thing but they were working on many more of it.

"I know we are not ideal or perfect but the jedi are out there, they are trying to stem the tide in a galaxy that wants to sprint towards destruction, towards death like it is an event and they are trying. The good ones at least many more are losing the faith in the light and embracing the darkside because they want to have that power and that is why when Grandmaster Raaf saw this there was some hope. That perhaps we would be able to find something that showed us the jedi order could survive across the stars."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The rest of the meeting was them debating it but there seemed to be a consensus that the jedi order was an important thing and if they could help out, if they could give the jedi a home or give them a place among the stars to seek out as refuge while still maintaining the levels of protection and study then it was worth it. Matsu could help them even more so as she had the means to provide them with more equipment, more force technology and more tools to be at their disposal from her own works.

"We thank you, these pieces of technology will continue to aid us in maintaining our life style here while we continue to build up the order and perhaps expand it to aid the jedi in reclaiming or rebuilding. It will also help continue to fortify these worlds from the darkside as we shall be able to reconstruct from the ground up using it where we can to improve the quality of life for everyone." The grandmaster and the tech division leader seemed the most excited at the prospects that were being presented to them.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu could work with that, she could work with slightly impressing them and if they were wanting to get her stuff she could well not deny them. By all accounting the funding for the mission was still on in accounts and they had the access keys to them, she doubted the credits would have been removed as more then likely for long term missions someone forgot about them and they were just sitting in there collecting interest each month and growing. She did a little of the math in her head while going over some things.

She was happy to work with them as well as they were providing her with help in her project. The massive interest from the other jedi that were there in some of the things while she was getting to show off her mesh. The force synthweaving that was being done and the bigger works like with different tech. It was letting the jedi master meet with the jedi here when they constructed with new materials. She was walking through the massive hallways of the world temple to go and see the biodomed valley of the jedi.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Which surprised her a little but it seemed to be a preversed section of the planet that they had transplanted and brought over. All of it beautiful as there were some creatures grazing and she imagined this was how they got some of the meats they needed to eat, sure a majority of jedi are and chose to be vegetarians even vegans but well you needed meat to serve a purpose in a healthy diet while she was working with a few of the things they had. Matsu could work with them to continue to work on their food stores and resource management.

"This world is so beautiful, I hardly know what to say with all of it, I just want to be here and work with the jedi as a large thing." The jedi themselves were working on many of the things, many ways to keep their temples stocked for themselves but there was more before she was pushing with some of her attention on the bigger things they used. Matsu was working with a few ideas when she entered and opened the case showing them the mesh with a small look of interest to the grandmaster and their lead artisan.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"This is a very impressive piece of equipment if it can be used like you wish to use it then it could prove to be effective." The grandmaster was looking at the mesh and holding it as it gleamed with the lightside of the force in his hands. The other jedi who had joined them in the tour were well also observing it along with some of the other force enhanced equipment she had crafted for the jedi to be able to use. "Would you be able to with the right resources create more of these items. Enough for an entire order?"

There seemed to be some ideas and their artisan's were going over the different sections of it, to have an idea of what they could and what they wanted to do. Matsu herself was seeing the ideas while reading some of the bigger things they were doing like mining the asteroids and debris fields for ores, minerals andin some cases large crystals that they used to create crystals for their lightsabers. Matsu could work with that as they were making impressive sabers across the board for all of their things here with the artisans.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was looking at the different artisan's when they were being brought to one of their labs the high councilor of the artisan's who was laying the mesh out in their labd on the planet. Monitors and holograms displaying the other tech oriented jedi that were discussing the designs they had gotten to see themselves when matsu was setting it up. Here ont he world she could see the different jedi that worked here. "Thank you for this." She said it seeing the different masters all showing their talents with the force when it came out.

They were pouring it as a concentrated effort into the lightside of the force that would infuse the mesh with the power to the point the jedi would never be able to hide within the force if they were wearing it and feeding force energies into it. In contact with the force itself the abilities would still function but they wouldn't be to the highest degree as others might be able to see. Matsu herself was showing them the gloves developed for channeling and they could push more energies into the gloves to channel them into light fingers.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was working with them when she shared some gloves with the lead artisan before the channeling gloves and their tools were pushing the force energies into each link and weave of the mesh allowing the force empowered shell it created to become saturated with the lightside of the force that would be give them all something to work with. Matsu was speaking with them before she looked up at the larger woman who was built like a wookiee but she was also extremely delicate with her nimble fingers.

"Your skills are impressive, I know many artisan's now who do not have the skills like this for making different things." matsu was small and felt smaller compared to her while the grandmaster joined in with them working the different weaves pulsing with more force energies until she allowed the thoughts to drift with their voices conversing. "Yes, I have been working on some of the things but we didn't hve as many advancements as you. We have just had what we could do and learned how to do it very well."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She was getting some nods from them in confirmation that yeah they didn't have all of the advances but they had managed to create a large amount of the bigger things. All of the work going into sections of work created as several hours passed for them with a bow of her head to them in thanks testing all of the equipment. Matsu was working with them as there was some dreamsilk to make the robes themselves look better in some cases. With everything she might be able to do there was Domino who could help as well.

"THis is a very impressive feeling to the material, it might be lightweight but compared to many others I believe we can safely say it is more protective then many other things." The artisan was speaking with a bow of her head to it holding up the meshed robe when they were looking over it as a thing to wear. She was putting the information in for the other artisan's and workers and with all of them they could create a powerful locations for the jedi to create a massive factory and processing of the equipment.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The jedi themselves were trained to the techniques for creating and using the force in their equipment so this would be something of a benefit as Matsu walked with them through the depths of the fortress world with a small look on her face. Determination over all of the things they had been building up and crafting giving her no need to pause as she saw some of the padawans working well with the other students they had before getting trained for some of the different styles of lightsaber combat.

"We have worked very hard to ensure we have some of the best when it comes to our saber skills and force abilities. The lightside of the force is an important part and the darkside is strictly forbidden. Those who practice it or try to are exiled and sent to try and find their own path outside of the storm if they are able to reach it. So far none have ever returned to try and be redeemed or take over with an army of their own so we are glad to see they don't really push past the debris. Telling tales of secret jedi worlds."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Well that was a plus that matsu could get behind, they served the light and didn't fraternize or pursue the darkside as an allie because they sought to understand and know the forbidden secrets that made the sith able to fight. It was a silly notion and when jedi claimed they were strong or special enough to use the darkside without facing corruption well she kind of just scoffed to herself because that was a harder sell then many of the other things. "That is good to hear, you wouldn't believe how many jedi now view the darkside as something to play with."

It was in her opinion a sad state of affairs and she would have loved to do things with it, to cleanse and purify the dark from the light but those in charge wanted to be friendly with such things and it stirred them the wrong way since entire orders were built on the notion fo the darkside being welcomed but call them a darksider and sith and you are being gravely insulting. Matsu continued to walk with the grandmaster as he went near the children and was working with them in their lessons a little.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She was watching them with the force, all of the little children were having fun which she supposed what might have been a very important things. The harder works that were going on here while the grandmaster picked one of the smaller children up on his shoulder as they held the training lightsabers with a few more laughs. Given all of the things she was learning about here, the jedi of the system seemed to have a number of traditions that were jedi like but the marriage and siring children was an important thing.

"So all of the jedi marry and have children here or are married?" She asked it looking over a few of the bigger things there. "Yes to keep the order populated there has always been a need for children and for creating powerful force houses throughout the jedi order. We of course work with many of the things to teach the danger's of love and passions that can lead to the darkside. We try to work with many of our padawans and initiates so that they can love and have a spouse without getting jealous."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu could understand that and they had been working on some of those ideals. She knew plenty of jedi who now had families and lovers in the open as opposed to the old ways... Even herself had five daughters that were roaming around the jedi order helping people... Well four of them, Kia was with her and Hanna providing a quota of cute adorable baby when she returned home to Shri-Tal but she might be looking to relocate a family home to this world. a fortress planet surrounded by jedi would be a very safe place.

"Hmm that is interesting, I like the idea though of working on it and if possible. I would like to move my family here to stay with the jedi. My daughters need a safe place to live and grow within the force itself instead of just being around the galaxy and risking coming into contact with their jedi order members who like using the darkside and encourage its use and corruption as a means to teach or expand your mind." There were some looked from them as matsu offered a small smile to them with a grin.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"That could be acceptable, we are meeting again with the jedi and throughout the galaxy at large. I am sure if things go the way you seem to be hoping that we shall have a massive amount of people coming as an influx." The master of the order, a woman she didn't really have much to speak on was there with her very fine and sharp features. They were jedi and jedi liked being with other jedi so this could all prove to be one of the most effect uses within their different things. She would just have to find a stronger purpose maybe.

"We will also be able to with the right amount set in start constructing and getting you some of our resource and defensive stations. Across the entire system itself so that food production will be at a high level same with everything else. I want to ensure you find the most comfortable ways to train the newest generations of jedi throughout the galaxy." Matsu was thinking about it and might need to contact the Republic itself and Gir Quee about defensive stations to have over the system as well.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"I think with our jedi brothers and sisters we will be able to do that and handle more of it. We have been looking for ways to develop new equipment and technology to combat the force storm around the system that would allow us to pass through and find locations to break through the anomaly so we could go back into the galaxy at large. If we are able to use your new equipment and marvels to create stronger more secured relays and beacons to lead the pathway through the storm and breakwater then we will be happy to work with it."

That was what matsu was liking to hear as she pushed some of the force energies out in excitement and joy almost. It was thick in the air while they were working on many of the things. "That will work, I would be happy to work with the jedi here and to help us develop even more. I have recently begun with some of my padawans working on the first temple of the jedi. Not just from Tython but from worlds that we have found the first official jedi temple itself." She offered a look to them with a small grin on her face.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"The first temple? Those were ruins that had been abandoned when our ancestors departed the order to go out. I am not certain what it has been made into but if you have been instrumental in restoring the orders sites. We will help in any way that we can. The archeological divisions and the explorer corps are a very important thing to us so they will be able to work with many of the things." The master of the order stood there and was going over the placement on the datapad from all of the information they had been working with.

"We will be able to work with you on many of the things, the artsan's and tech division are getting rooms set up for your equipment to begin working on this protective mesh and we are allocating several sections of the moons for the breakdown and conversion of matter that you require to produce for yourself. We will be able to work with some of the bigger things like mining the larger asteroids and debris in system so that you will have everything you need to work with it." She had a nod of her head while her silver hair gleamed in the light.

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