Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Kreenk
Faction: No Factions
Rank: Mercenary
Species: Trandoshan
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Height: 6'4
Weight: 225 lbs
Eyes: Light Blue
Hair: No hair, however, the scales on top of his head form a slight Mohawk formation
Skin: Light Green
Force Sensitive: No
Personality: Kreenk is a calculating and strategic individual, hiding his cunning behind a mask of an eccentric. Despite his oddness, he has an outgoing, friendly, and calming demeanor. Whenever he conducts business with his employers, he puts on an emotionless and passive attitude. He never allows himself to seem visibly frustrated, whenever his plans are ruined.


• Resourcefulness – Kreenk is very resourceful, capable of turning anything he is holding in his hands at the time into a weapon, or a distraction and he also adapts to his surrounding area fairly quick, willing to exploit the surrounding area to his advantage anyway he can.
• Tactical Prowess – Kreenk’s ability to plan for any possible scenario is above good. Always taking his time to study his target, before attacking, always making sure to come up with a back up plan, if something goes wrong.
• Marksman – Kreenk has had the luxury of wielding a variety of blaster rifles and pistols throughout his life, so when he found the ideal arsenal for himself, he did nothing but constantly excel in their use.
• Brawler – Kreenk is a brawler, his brawling strengths come from the fact that he is a Trandoshan, his hardened skin, giant arms and sharp claws make it ideal for him to land a critical blow. However, Kreenk lacks in any kind of hand-to-hand discipline, in a hand-to-hand fight he can be outmaneuvered easily.
• Pain Threshold – His threshold for pain is higher than a humans, all because of his Trandoshan hardened skin and regenerative biology. However, it is lower than a Trandoshan’s, all because Kreenk tries his best to not get damaged at all. So when serious damage is dealt to him, unlike many other Trandoshan’s, he will immediately begin retreating.
• Agility – If in a fight, Kreenk reacts quickly to upcoming attacks because of his heightened Trandoshan senses. However, when it comes to running, or climbing, he is weighted down by his Trandoshan biology.
• Melee Weapons – While he is resourceful, it doesn't automatically mean that he will be efficient with a melee weapon in his hands. If he ends up with a melee weapon in his hands, he will try to think of a way to use it as a distraction, rather than a weapon.
• Technology – Kreenk is horrible when it comes to technology. He wouldn't be able to hack a computer, even if his life depended on it. If it’s not a blaster rifle, or a blaster pistol, he can’t fix it. He only knows how to use various technological devices, only if they’re not too sophisticated.
• Loner – Kreenk is a loner, he’s been a loner since the day he was hatched. This not only wears him down emotionally sometimes, but it also shows that there is nobody out there to have his back, which is dangerous, especially for a Trandoshan, a race that bears a very rotten reputation of being savage killers and slavers.




Underneath his jacket, he is wearing a vest made out of Duraplast.



Kreenk always carries with himself two BC434 Heavy Blaster Pistols in his two gun pouches on his belt, which he can use perfectly in a close quarter shootout.

In his back gun pouch which he hides underneath his jacket, he carries an HM-88 Heavy Blaster Pistol, which he uses only as a last resort, due to the power of the blaster.

To his back is strapped a Model-MXI Verpine Sniper Rifle, which he uses mostly to take out targets from long range. If required, he can also use it as a melee weapon, but only when he has no other choice.

In his belt pockets Kreenk carries 3 types of grenades: Physical Concussion Grenades; Gas Grenades (Not poisonous); Stun Grenades.


  • Early Years:
Unlike the majority of Trandoshans, Kreenk was hatched to no family, far outside of the city of Forak (The capital of Trandosha) in the large Jungles and Forests of Trandosha. Since the moment he was born, he was forced to learn to adapt to his environment, in order to secure his survival.

  • Adolescence:
As he grew older, he grew stronger due to his Trandoshan biology. He learned very quickly that by staying in the open all the time, he has more chances of encountering danger, so he began building and establishing a safe spot in the area of the jungle that he was in, by setting up traps, constantly scouting his area and building defenses out of anything he could get his hands on.

  • Teenage Years:
Once he grew old enough to travel, he began searching for any sort of civilization. Once he found Forak, he found that he wasn't the only Trandoshan on Trandosha, a whole new world revealed itself to him. The Trandoshan government informed Kreenk, that his family must have lost him as an egg, making it virtually impossible to find out who his parents were. Impressed with Kreenk’s survival on his own, the Trandoshan government decided to give him an opportunity to learn of their culture and granted him permission to live in Forak and learn of Trandoshan ways. That’s when Kreenk began his studies and training in Blaster Weaponry and Bounty Hunting. Despite his progress, many Trandoshans treated him as an outsider, mostly because Kreenk believed that the Trandoshan culture was silly and their belief in their goddess, The Scorekeeper, was ridiculous.
  • Adulthood:
Once he was 25, taking the example of many other Trandoshan Bounty Hunters, he traveled to Tatooine. Starting with virtually nothing in his pockets, he was forced to steal any kind of weaponry he could get his hands on, which meant that his arsenal was constantly changing. He spent two years working for different employers, taking on different jobs for the right price, however, he didn't accept any job he found, he took his time, choosing an ideal job that fit his abilities at the time. He also, instantly turned down any job offered by The Republic, or the Empire, because he knew that such employers would create more enemies for himself. After two years of constant work, Kreenk was finally able to get himself enough credits, to grant himself decent living conditions and the equipment he felt comfortable with.




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