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Approved Tech Krayt Dragon's Talons

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  • Intent: Create a set of Gauntlets/Weapons for her to use that replace the need for a Lightsaber
  • Image Source: Artstation - Crimson Cell, Roman Grigorev
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Gauntlets
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: High
    • Kinetic: Extreme
    • Lightsabers: High
    • EMP: High
    • Force Nullify: None
  • Sith Alchemy, akin to a Sith Sword. (Canon Effect)
  • Absorbs Lighting/Electrical Currents, stores and then can be released upon contact (Canon Effect)
  • Aids in usage of the Dark Side of the Force. Amplifying power to potentially become a walking short range force nexus. (Canon Effect)
  • Can redirect and block blaster fire as if it were Magnetically sealed. (Canon Effect)
  • Can rapidly heal from damage done to the armor so that it is always up to the task of being used as a weapon. Influenced heavily from the Alchemy.
  • Has claws. Good for some slashing. Sharp against skins and maybe leathers, but not like a legit bladed weapon.
  • Rapid Healing of the Gauntlet, Most damage would be "healed" within a couple minutes.
  • Lightning Rod for Electrical based attacks. Including Ionization. Can later be discharged when striking.
  • Builds in affinity to the Dark side of the force the longer it is used during a time period. Potentially acting as a localized Force Nexus.
  • Force Nexus ability could reach to others within close proximity to the wearer. Typically within range of melee based combat.
  • Extreme durability.
  • Claws, good for scratching and grabbing people.
  • Force Nullification completely removes any force based effects of the gauntlets. Including the ability to rapidly heal as it is affected by Alchemy
  • Healing requires the gauntlet to have a majority of its volume and surface area to be in tact. thus, if its missing chunks, it would require them to be held in place like a bone, or require extensive work after the fact to replace larger parts.
  • Just gauntlets. Can't protect much else on its own, other than her arms.
  • Requires the user to punch foes in order to release the electrical charge. Getting well within Lightsaber, or Melee range.
  • No Range based utilities.
  • Dark Side Corruption upon wearer
  • Force nexus event can potentially corrupt Light siders. (PC requires permission)
  • Force Nexus is strongest in the center where the wearer is, and fades out the further you are. Getting out of melee range of the wearer, one would feel no effect.
  • Force Light can damage, reverse healing, or completely destroy the gauntlets.
  • Claws are sharp, but they don't have the cutting power comparable to a full fledged Sith sword.
Vora Kaar, A master Sith has been pressing Lucina to create a weapon for herself. One that would aid in usage of not just the force, but to also accompany her fighting style. When learning she was just a bruiser, fighter, and enjoyed the feeling of her fists doing the work, Vora suggested using gauntlets that had been altered so that she could use them instead of just a saber. While she would still carry one eventually, for now, her choice of weapon was a set of gauntlets/armor that would cover her hands, all the way up to her shoulders. In working with Lucina to create this weapon as it would be more technical than a simple lightsaber, Vora aided with Sith Alchemy. Requiring a blood sacrifice of Lucina so they were tied to her.

Once created, Lucina tested them. Able to increase her power to thrust her hand into the chest cavity of a droid, and rip out components.

Lucina Approved.
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Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
Lucina Centaris Lucina Centaris

Hello, I shall be handling this.

To start it is fairly well crafted and you do have the balances. There are just a few things.

  • Manufacturer: Lucina Centaris
  • Affiliation: Lucina Centaris
One of these will need a link to the character profile.

Aids in usage of the Dark Side of the Force. Amplifying power to potentially become a walking short range force nexus. (Canon Effect)
The first part is fine though will need some clarification of how much it amplifies the abilities. If it is making it so she can use some abilities with less strain on the body or is she going to be chucking moons like it is the infinity gauntlet?

The second part is tricky as mobile nexi both small and large have been getting looked at closer and largely are required to be removed from submissions. The gauntlet can make you somewhat stronger it can't coat an area outside personal space.

Can rapidly heal from damage done to the armor so that it is always up to the task of being used as a weapon. Influenced heavily from the Alchemy.
Rapid Healing of the Gauntlet
This is going to need to be clarified, how fast of a healing factor are we talking. Empowered hypermembrane which could take days when it was damaged? Or wolverine healing factor where any damage is being repaired near instantly and it can never be stopped?

Force Nexus effect can potentially corrupt Light sided individuals should it be powerful enough. (Requires PC approval for it to happen)
This will tie into the nexus and depending on how it is reworked/removed this will likely need to be removed as it is not really a weakness.

All and all you did good work, really it is only needing more clarification in certain areas.
One of these will need a link to the character profile.

The first part is fine though will need some clarification of how much it amplifies the abilities. If it is making it so she can use some abilities with less strain on the body or is she going to be chucking moons like it is the infinity gauntlet?

The second part is tricky as mobile nexi both small and large have been getting looked at closer and largely are required to be removed from submissions. The gauntlet can make you somewhat stronger it can't coat an area outside personal space.
Added some information in strengths that the Nexus event is within Melee range, rewrote the weakness to be a little shorter, and added a line in weaknesses to state that getting outside of melee range one would not be affected by said nexus. Waning and Waxing in power depending upon how close one is.

This is going to need to be clarified, how fast of a healing factor are we talking. Empowered hypermembrane which could take days when it was damaged? Or wolverine healing factor where any damage is being repaired near instantly and it can never be stopped?
Added that it could be healed in a couple minutes for most smaller forms of damage, and added a weakness that said damage can be broken by removing chunks of armor, thus requiring Lucina to hold said chunks into place for it to heal, like setting a bone in place, or extensive work after the combat has ended to repair it.

Thank you for going over the submission, and catching some of the things I had forgotten to mention.

Krass Wyms Krass Wyms
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