Father of Titans

Source: Original image - http://insanitysorrow.deviantart.com/art/Goldbrand-408449329?q=favby%3ALucianGraveheart24%2F60937185&qo=115, Edited Image - http://i1279.photobucket.com/albums/y540/shawn_huff1/goldbrand_by_insanitysorrow-d6r6hip_zpspkixonro.jpg
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Intent: Creation of a Master ranked Sword, Much like a Master ranked Lightsaber, only in the form of a sword as Nickolas wants to keep his roots as a Shaper alive. Replace his current katana Storm.
Development Thread:
- The Beast Hunters Guild Holonet Storefront - Acquisition of Night Hunter bone, and Using the last of the Terentatek Hide. (Used most of it for This)
- Time Passes Between Lives - Creation of the sword. Completed creation, continuing for story purposes.
Model: Kraujas iv tave Auksifas Saud - Sith Translation, Blood of the Golden Fire
Affiliation: Nickolas
Modularity: None
Production: Unique
- Alchemized Electrum (Blade, Guard, Pommel, Accents on sheath),
- Alchemized Level 5 Titanium (Core)
- Terentatek Leather (Leather wraps),
- Night Hunter bone (Shaft/Grip, Sheath body)
Size: One handed & Two handed
Length: 70 cm
Weight: 1.8 kgs
- + Resilient to dulling, and breaking (Canon)
- + Lightning rod effect (Canon)
- + Deflects blaster fire (Canon)
- + Continuance of holding the sword slowly increases Force powers to become much like a Force nexus. However this does not mean the wielder will become infinity powerful. There is a limit, but it is unknown. (Canon)
- + When in possession a person other than Nick (or related bloodline) The sword will feel immensely heavy.
- + When in possession, slowly taints the wielder of the weapon, becoming stronger in the Dark side of the force. However this does not mean the wielder will become infinity powerful. There is a limit, but it is unknown (Site Canon)
- + Shorter than most other swords, thus having a longer reach can be effective against the wielder.
- + Heavier than a standard katana due to Sith Alchemy, however lighter than most Sith swords simply because of the thinner blade and lighter materials.
- + Can only be effectively used by Nickolas Imura and his bloodline, as anyone else holding it would find it heavy to an extreme degree.
- + As the Sword slowly taints the user regardless of using it, the wielder will become more quick to anger, and will find their body becoming darker and darker the more they use it. Falling even further into the dark side of the force. When the wielder first uses it, they will feel empowered, and feel a small taint of the dark side. Much like putting one dot of dye in water. And the more the wielder uses it, the more dots are added to the water. As such the wielder will deviate to the darkside about twice as fast than without it.
- + The sword can increase the capabilities of the wielder as stated above, however, once the sword is out of the users possession, they will fall into a relapse much like drinking, and then quitting cold turkey. At first it will feel just like a simple hangover, but after longer and longer times, or the more it’s used the more drastic the effects become. It is unknown where the effects may stop at, but projected to possibly kill the user if taken away for a long time as the relapse could cause heart failure, secures, convulsions, and/or Rapid decay of the body while the victim is still alive.
Simplistic looking while in the sheath, The katana is a very older styled weapon. One that Nick knows how to use very well. With Nick becoming or considered a Master. He is now wanting a Master ranked weapon. Thus the creation of a sword that would be named appropriately, Auksifas Saud, or Golden Fire in the Sith Pureblood language.
Created with the help of Krest, the sword is made of Electrum. A metal that is used in many forms on a lightsaber, armor, or even trinkets of becoming Master. Or for those who are not force users, to show they are wealthy or have the availability to use such a rare element. Nonetheless, the sword blade is made with a core of a grade 5 titanium. This is to keep the sword at a more durable level and to lessen the costs of having so much Electrum. While the guard is also made of electrum, the grip or shaft is made from the bone of a Night Hunter. The bones are porous and light. In essence, the grip is a lighter than normal. Moving the center of mass to be closer towards the middle of the blade. Allowing faster strikes, and easier use. As well, the pommel is made of electrum. However, the wraps are made of a hide from a beast known to have thick skin. A Terentatek.
While its living form can resist the force with the aid of sith alchemy, Nickolas does not see the purpose of having it as such. If someone were to take the blade from him, it would be very hard, if not nearly improbable for someone to use the blade against him with the force attunement to be heavy towards them. So easiest way for Nick to have it, is to simply take it back with the force. Having attuned hide on the grip, would only hinder him in that endeavor. This hide is more along the lines used simply because it is comfortable for Nick and having the hide signifies the rank at which he is at.
The sheath is formed from the bone of a Night Hunter as well. Dyed a darker hue, and with intricate designs carved into the sheath for a more aesthetic look. The Electrum on the sheath is for the same use.