Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Krath
RANK: Sith Acolyte
SPECIES: Unknown
AGE: Unknown
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'11
WEIGHT: 150 lbs
EYES: Unknown
HAIR: Unknown
SKIN: Unknown


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Though basic, the electrokinetic abilities of the Acolyte are quite impressive
+The speed and agility possessed by Krath seems to be largely what acts as his defense
+Has a natural affinity for telepathy
-His skills with a lightsaber are rudimentary at best
-Very rarely communicates vocally, and the use of telepathy isn't all the effective when your allies are Sith Lords who don't want you in their heads
-Krath's defensive abilities literally are only his speed and agility, and some basic saber defense
-His skills with the force outside of lightning seem nonexistent

Krath is a somewhat tall and lanky individual who is never seen unmasked. Ever. Like seriously who the feth is this guy. Kidding, you're all smart, you can figure it out.

Up until recently Krath never existed, but after the fall of Coruscant the white masked ghost of a man seemingly appeared from nowhere to serve the will of the Dark Lord. It seems that he may share some form of bond with Darth Metus, but that is merely speculation. And he isn't telling. Most seem no to mind the enigma, he follows orders without a question and keeps his mouth shut, and to a group bent on bringing order to the galaxy with an iron fist, obedience is a big plus.




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Evasion Studios
I have no desire to rain on a parade, but I will offer up an opinion.

Listing so many attributes about him as unknown doesn't make him as much mysterious as it does kind of cardboard-ish. We understand if you want him to be shrouded in secrecy, but you could elaborate things that the characters simply won't know IC wise. For instance, I can clearly see black hair, unless he's wearing a wig. Just a thought. Happy hunting.
TO continue with Evads point, this can also be said for his skin as well as his species. I mean, of course he is not going to be a Rodian or Gamoriean. Put something like "Near human" to get more desired effects.
You are making a character clouded in secrecy and mystery, and he has the opportunity to be badass,
but you can still share the details about "Eyes, Hair, Skin" so we know OOC'ly, people don't need to know IC'ly it is just helpful to know OOC'ly, other than that you have potential kid.

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