Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Silara Kuhn"]

“There's only two people I want there.” Alric said with a smile. “And one of them already said yes.”


Alric smiled as he watched his soon to be wife, a distinct hint of smug satisfaction hanging in the air around him. Perhaps once he would have cared about the Krath. Perhaps once he would have wanted vengeance, perhaps once he would have destroyed this entire building simply for them doing what they had done.

Yet today he didn't care.

Silara was his. Was going to be his. Permanently. His name would be hers, and everything that they had dreamed about would soon start. Really start. It made his heart soar, his head feel light, and his lips spread out into a smile.

Some would have called him a fool, some would have called him an idiot. Alric didn't care.

He was happy, and now when he stood among those who would have seen him dead, those who would have tortured and killed his wife, he found himself with more than a hint of smug in the air about him. Everything in his life was going well, and nothing could take that away. Not the Krath. Not the Sith. No one, because Alric wouldn't let them.

When Silara spoke to him he smiled. “Only one thing my love, but you already know what.”

A small wink, and Alric would finish speaking. This was her place now. The Krath, the company, and soon this planet would belong to her. Alric would not interject, he would not take control, he would only help when asked. He eyed the two kneeling forms, then admired his wife once more.

He loved her like this.
At long last it was done. The Krath that held a minimized grip on the planet of Empress Teta and its city of Cinnegar were now in the stages of transition between leadership from the slob of a man whom had held her against her will to herself. She sought not only a plan to rule some secret society, not simply as a criminal underworld leader as her now-predecessor, but instead to propel it to its former glory, to reinstate the royalty of the planet, and whether Alric was fond of the idea or not, he was soon going to be a part of it all. A world where the two of them could live in relative sanctuary, a home not only for them but for the child she was expecting, all of it was a vast dream of pleasantries lined with a path of blood and tears in her way. She would walk that road, bringing about assassinations as she had on Sorrus but on a massive scale. The puppet state of Empress Teta would not quite crumble as it would fall, directly into her hands. And standing not quite a meter away was the man that had been at her side through it all, and not once had she used him - not once had she even thought of such a thing. Of all the strings she pulled, of all the puppets she played, he was cut loose the moment he caught her interest. Or maybe the other way around.

"Such a dork." She said teasingly, smiling contentedly. She returned to her fiance's side as the other two peons were allowed to leave the room to have the remainder of the Krath made aware of the change in leadership. Doubtless she would face friction for some time, but she knew as well as they knew that her goals for using the organization would not only lead to her own personal prosperity but theirs as well. "I'll try not to scare you again if you promise to pick out names." She cooed, not quite certain herself if she sounded like she were joking or hinting to something more. She'd drop the bomb on him once they left, there was enough stress for the day that telling him such things probably wouldn't be the healthiest for a man that had suffered a heart attack at such a young age. She reached out and wrapped her smaller arms around him in a tight embrace, the right side of her face resting on his chest. "I have a place we can stay the night, so we can figure things out - I have some important things I want to talk to you about." She said, sliding her fingers up to his shoulders to knead them with her fingers. "Is that alright with you, or would you rather go home?" Silara asked, re-positioning herself so that she stood facing him with her chin resting lightly against his sternum, head tilted back as though she were staring up at him while her eyes seemed to see right through him. The knowledge that she was pregnant was the most important topic of discussion, but there was also the issue of where they lived - Coruscant was great, but she wanted a future on Teta. Perhaps it was because she had the ambition to rule it, not quite with an iron fist, but unlike Coruscant the homes they could have would be sprawling and giant rather than compact as her penthouse apartment had been.

[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Silara Kuhn"]

He smiled down at her, planting a kiss on her forehead.

Empress Teta was haunted grounds for him. It was here that his family had lived for thousands of years, and it was here that they had died. His mother and his father he could not care about, but his sisters, Violet and Fiona, they still mattered. Even after their deaths they still influenced him, still pushed him.

That was why he hardly returned, the shades of their memory, the ghosts that walked within his mind stirred whenever he came here. Yet with Silara at his side, with the woman he loved standing here in front of him, arms wrapped tightly around him, he seemed to be okay. The past was the past, and acceptance came to him as he stared into the eyes of his wife. Large muscular arms wrapped around her, squeezing slightly as he planted a kiss on her lips.

“Here is fine.” He said with a smile, planting a kiss on her lips.

Whatever she had to say, it didn't matter. There was no worry in his heart, no fear. They were together, and soon they would be married. There was no going back from that, no want to do so from either of them. He could see it in her body language, her face, the way that she touched him.

She was just as eager as he.

“Besides.” He said suddenly as his hands fell down the small of her back and found his own name. “I wouldn't want to be too tired when we got to a bed.”

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