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Approved Species K'paur

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Name: K’paur
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Kanakura [Extragalactic]
Language: Kias-Galactic Basic Creole (terribly uncommon), Pure Galactic Basic (common) [formerly: Kias (K’paur native tongue), now extinct]
Average height of adults: Males - 6’9”; Females - 6’3”
Skin color: Generally Pale, though 15% of population is darker, and 12% is redder.
Hair color: Predominantly Black. White at extreme age. Other colours rare, but not unheard of.
Eye color: Full range of human eye colours, plus black, purple, orange, yellow, and vibrant greens.
Breathes: Type I - Oxygen/Nitrogen/Hydrogen mix

Strengths and Weaknesses:
+Long life - K'paur are capable of living a few thousand years. See 'Average Lifespan', below.
+Keen Sight - K'paur have perfect vision, are not susceptible to ocular degenerative conditions.
+Night Vision - All K'paur have enhanced night vision.
+Deep Connection - Most Force-Sensitive K'paur are keenly aware of the ebbs and flows of the Force. Also, all K'paur bond with their mates in such a way that it can never be undone, as the probability of death for both parties is high.
+/-Force-Sensitive - A blessing and a curse. While 55% of the entire K'paur population is sensitive, 40% of that force-sensitive population is susceptible to contracting the Fade. See 'The Fade', under 'Distinctions', below.
-Crippled without the Force - Only applies to Force-Sensitive K'paur, pure or otherwise.
-Sensitive to the Dark Side - More susceptible to the pull of the Dark Side. Only applies to Force-Sensitive K'paur, pure or otherwise.
-Extremes of Temperature - Most K'paur, as a rule, are extremely sensitive to extreme heat or cold, suffering temporary respiratory illness from exposure, or at an extreme, cardiac arrest from significant lengths of exposure. One in ten million K'paur are the exception, either tolerating extreme cold or extreme heat with exposure, but never both, and experiencing recurring colds during acclimatization, over a period of a month or more. Time away from the tolerable extreme requires re-acclimatization. Dilution by hybridization is dependent on the hybrid species.
-Bloodlust - Due to their predatory heritage, bloodlust is common amongst the K'paur, varying on a spectrum from mild arousal and sharpened focus at its scent (highly uncommon), to barely controllable rage (more common). Hybridization dilutes this effect, but by no means entirely.

Aside from the obvious height difference, K’paur present as human, at first blush. However, aside from the culture, there are distinct physiological differences, as follows.

  • Predisposed to Long Life, thanks to their connection to the Force.

  • Age markers: Translucent markers, beginning at the nape of the neck and running down the spine to the tailbone; varied shades of red and purple. Marks develop at approximately every one hundred years of life, for a full-blooded K’paur.

  • Dual hearts: K’paur have two hearts. Rare birth defect makes for one-hearted K’paur, and they do not live long.

  • Strong bone structure: Bones in general incredibly difficult to break - e.g. 2 ½ to 3 times the pressure required to break normal human bone. Rare condition makes for weaker bones, brittle at an extreme.

  • Strong fingernails and toenails. Cultural habit of sharpening fingernails into claws, amongst the Edri.

  • Sensitivity to light inherent in lighter eye colours, and black eyes, on a variance. Some are considerably more sensitive to others, leading to the choice or medical insistence of a nocturnal lifestyle.

  • The Knowing: It takes a K'paur to know one. K'paur are aware of K'paur blood in any other individual, pure or not. K'paur genetics permeate into the sweat glands and pheromones, enabling K'paur to know each other by scent.

  • Innate ability for one skill, manifesting at an early age. This one skill will always be more powerful than any other skill the innately able K'paur is capable of using, forcing them to specialize. This ability occurs for 0.0001% of the force-sensitive population, but they are the most highly susceptible to the Fade. Limited to the base line or second degree of a power, but never the most advanced level of it, unless they pursue the absolute way of the Light Side (alignment of Force abilities still applies, as well as limitations on powers inherent to other species), keeping in mind that they are susceptible to the draw of the Dark Side in the first place. For example, Force stun and Force Stasis, but not Force Stasis field, unless light side. A difficult proposition. Refer to Force Power List on Wookieepedia.

For example, out of a population of four billion K’paur between the homeworld and the colonies…

….2.6 billion are sensitives of varying degrees…

…. 2.08 billion of that 2.6 billion possess mostly minimal sensitivity, just enough to manage themselves in terms of the way of control, but otherwise possess no further power beyond this that is trainable…

….and 0.52 billion are sensitive enough to be able to train in the ways of the Force, to varying degrees, but not overly powerful. No more than an average knight or master.

Only around 2600 would be capable of this at any given time, therefore, if they make it through and do not suffer the Fade… an incredibly difficult proposition for these particular sensitives, in the first place.

  • Little sleep required: Thanks to the deep natural effect the Force has on the body of a K’paur, they require, on average, no more than three hours of sleep every two to three days. Without force-sensitivity, or when severely ill or grievously injured, K’paur require 160% more sleep than the average, healthy human.

  • Regenerative ability: can heal rather quickly, but requires a long block of sleep (amount dependant on the nature/extent of the wound) beyond the minimum needed for day to day functionality, and significant caloric intake to do so... but there are limitations for obviously fatal wounds. Applies to all k'paur, force-sensitive or not, pure or not. Some minimal advantage for master-level specialized healers of this species, in that the amount of sleep needed is reduced by 25%. Without the increase in sleep and protein-heavy caloric intake, K'paur only heal at a rate of 5% faster than the average human.

  • The Fade: A degenerative neurological condition unique to Force-Sensitive K’paur. Basically, a breakdown of the Force connection, thus affecting the learned self control, and so on. Generally characterized by the sufferer being reduced to little more than an animal… a highly volatile, dangerous being with little to no control over him/herself, and erratic, uncontrolled spurts of Force use, dangerous to the sufferer, and those around him/her. Little can be done for one utterly consumed by the Fade, other than to put them down. Often one consumed with this condition will attempt to avoid the consequences, only to be hunted down and destroyed - lives of the hunters are greatly at risk in this practice, due to the extreme volatility of the affected. Reversal of this condition, once onset has happened, is extremely rare. This condition does not discriminate on age. Occurs in 40% of the force-sensitive population.

  • Note: Hybridization is the answer to the Fade, but this is not under any circumstances a known fact amongst the K'paur, due to xenophobia and sentiments of species purity, the threat of death for being impure, and for causing impurity. That being said, mating is most successful with human and near-human species, as other mating pairings result in miscarriage, or death for the mother and severe disability or disfigurement for the offspring. K'paur blood is dominant in the shaping of offspring, if it is present in the offspring at a rate of 50% or more. Further dilution reduces the overall benefits of K'paur genetics, including lifespan. Also, lifespan of the hybrid is still long, but determined on the basis of the non-K'paur species' average lifespan, so it will never be as long as the best a pure-blooded K'paur could hope for. Hybridization only happens outside of K'paur territory and the K'paur half of the mating pair never sticks around for very long, for the safety of his or her offspring. Therefore, these offspring have no connection to their heritage. They largely not aware of what exactly they are, and chancing finding out will likely result in their death at the hands of the K'paur, for the foreseeable future.

Average Lifespan:

3000 years: best most Force-sensitive K’paur can hope for.

1200 years: most common age of onset for sectors of the Force-sensitive population prone to the Fade.

500 years: typical for Non-Force-sensitive members of the population, if they survive puberty.

**Oldest known individual in species living memory died at 4927 years of age.**

Half-blooded: Unknown, due to little incidence of interspecies mating, under pain of death. Assumed to be 2500 years, at best, if Force-sensitive… an extremely over-generous estimate, according to biased species experts.

Physical races are not a basis for separating out the K’paur, and have not been for eons.

-> Hayi (Pure Kanakurian) - members adhere to the way of control (learned control and mastery of self from a young age), and maintain peace. (Considered Force Alignments are Dark Jedi, Neutral, and Jedi. Sith-aligned rare from this sector of the population). Susceptible to the Fade.

->Edri (Errant Ones) - Eschewing the way of control, accepting their basest natures. Population growth is part-nature, part-rejects from the Hayi. Reduced susceptibility to the Fade. Residing offworld, in the ‘colonies’ Ishrit and Adrey (much like sending criminals to Australia in the past. Sith-aligned by default).

->Nuut (The Invisible) - Non-Force Sensitive K’paur. Interestingly, the lack of ability to use the Force makes them more docile, yet are still subject to the normal ravages of K’paurian puberty, when the predator nature begins to assert itself. They are seen as ‘not one of us’ in the eyes of most Force-Sensitive K’paur. Poorly treated, heavily discriminated against - servant class, mostly, and are denied training as their ‘superiors’ are, from birth, making resisting their lot in life difficult. Still of higher stature than the mere thought of a half-blood. Not subject to the Fade. Approximately 45% of the population is Nuut. Found on Kanakura, and in the Colonies. Strong sentiment to permanently leave K’paur space is common amongst the Nuut, but is met with significant opposition, even the threat of death.

Diet: Omnivorous - High Protein, Low carbohydrates. Prevalence of: grain sensitivity - toxic at high levels; dairy sensitivity and allergy[non-lethal].

Communication: Verbal, non-verbal (body language), and bond-regulated telepathy.

Culture: Warrior/Hunter culture, predatory by basic nature. Natural predators, excellent hunters and warriors. General belief in species superiority cuts across races. Rampant moderate xenophobia, due to events in species past. Largely isolationist culture (borders not closed, but heavily monitored - trade still occurs to a certain degree), in part due to xenophobia, but largely due to events in species past. Colonies heavily monitored. Impurity, and causing impurity, is in the majority of cases, met with death. Families and Clans are close-knit; marriage and mating is in most cases exogamic. Males and females are equal. Ruled by council of Clan elders, and a council-elected leader. Generally non-religious, though nature-based religion permeated the populace in bygone times, and very small pockets of practitioners and believers do exist, as each generation learns of its past.

Naming in this culture works on a basis such as 'John, of Harold' - eg. Marsuo'ur'stalis is the son of Stalis'ur'talin. Both males and females are named 'givenname'ur'fathersname', with the given name being decided by the female parent. Most K'paur adopt other names outside of the home territories, and may choose several, owning to lifespan, and/or moving amongst different cultures. Marsuo'ur'stalis, for example, may have chosen a name such as Phoenix Mars Whyte, or something even so simple as John Doe. The K'paur name is typically private to its owner outside of K'paur territory, and the giving of it is at the discretion of the owner.

(Note: Naming conventions do not apply to hybrids.)

Technology level: On par with current universe, but generally eschews non-practical (read: mostly entertainment) uses of technology.

General behavior: Warrior culture - K’paur are born and raised to be excellent combatants, but society is maintained as generally peaceful (but not pacifistic), with some cultural exceptions (i.e. the Edri). Dominant species attitude is one of superiority, though the breadth of personalities is as differing and fluid as humanity.

History: In the beginning, the K’paur were more animalistic, less self-aware. As they evolved, over a few million years, they became more aware of what they were capable of, what gifts this life had given them, and began to develop a culture around their abilities, as hunters, warrior, predators. They began to explore their predisposition to the Force, experimenting with what it was, and what it could do for them. The species, as a whole, went along with discovering the control they could exert over their nature, and as they gained more control, they had more clarity of mind to progress in technology, and eventually, found themselves amongst the stars.

Somewhere along the way, as they began to separate themselves into different classes of people, dissenters (now known as the Edri) began to voice and practice the desire to return to ‘simpler’ ways - the ways before this culture of self-control and mastery of self. There was civil war, and in the end, the Hayi (as they are now called) won, and rounded up the Edri, sending them off for a harsh life on one smaller nearby world, and cutting off contact, save for shipping away any Edri that cropped up as they always would.

Things remained this way, for eons. Tens of thousands of years. The Hayi ignored the Edri, and in the blindness of the Hayi, the Edri raised a force, under the lead of a man history labels a terrorist - Stalis’ur’talin - and waged war for a thousand years against the Hayi, with the aide of other species. Again, the Hayi put them down, but at great cost on both sides, as the ‘other species’ and half-K’paur hybrids had turned on the Edri while continuing to assail the Hayi. Eventually, the non-K’paur and the hybrids were defeated, the Edri were put in their place, and the entire clan line of Stalis’ur’talin was hunted down and eradicated. Treaties were drawn up, agreements made. But as a species, they were wary. Others, outside of them, were not to be trusted… but what about trade? To this day, the sentiment of moderate xenophobia and species purity because of these events, and the situation of heavy borders still stands. There is a peace, though heavily controlled.

Notable Player-Characters: Ilias Nytrau (Human-K’paur hybrid); Lucianus Adair (Human-K'paur hybrid).

Intent: To bring to life a species I have had in my character lore for many years that wants to claw its way out (ouch!), and to provide the opportunity for others to write them, as I have had friends express interest in the past.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Very interesting concept, before I can approve it I will need some clarification.

Firstly: Sensitive to Darkness. Elaborate on this, are you talking about the Darkside of the Force and that they are more susceptible to the allure of it? Or are you talking about the actual darkness when there is no light.

Moreover I am a bit worried about the Extraordinary ability of a small population of Force Users. Elaborate on that, on the top of their strength with what can we compare it? What can they do, what are they unable to do and cetera.

Tag me when you are done.

@[member="Lucianus Adair"]
@[member="Jared Ovmar"] Edits have been made. A few more details on other matters have been added, as well as information on hybridization, and so on.
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