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Kossak the Hutt


Social Information
Name: Kossak Hestilic Vann
Nickname: Kossak the Hutt
Faction: Hutt Cartel
Rank: Crime Lord
Homeworld: Nal Hutta
Known Locales: Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa, Balosar
Force Sensitive: Yes
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Physical Information
Age: 348
Sex: Hermaphroditic, masculine personality
Species: Hutt
Height: 3,5 meters
Weight: 1,023 kg
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: N/A
Skin: Green

Appearance: Typical for his species, Kossak is an immense slug-like creature with a thick body with a long muscular tail, with small arms located on the upper body.On top of it all rests his large, bulbous head. He has two large reptilian eyes, that appear almost slightly hidden beneath folds of leathery skin. Like other Hutts, underneath his wide nostrils and upturned nose he has a broad lipless mouth, spreading from one earhole to the other.

Kossak has green, oily skin. His underbelly shows a more pale tone. His body is covered in an oily mucus. To accompany his large and imposing appearance, there’s a very distinct body odor, strong enough to upset a sensitive humanoid stomach.

Kossak is large even by Huttese standards, but not so much that he is unable to move. That being said, you are far more likely to see him move about on a hoversled, rather than slide across the surface himself. Both his size and the fact that he is carried around are matters of pride.

Traits and Abilities
Strengths and weaknesses:

  • Hutt Skin Care - A Hutt’s epidermis was able to resist all but the most corrosive of chemical substances. Furthermore oil and mucus sweat made a Hutt difficult to grasp as its body was slippery to hold.
  • Love Layers - Should anyone manage to puncture the skin, heavy layers of blubber and muscle protected the vital organs from harm.
  • Poison Resistance - Hutts were resistant to many poisons and diseases and seldom fell ill.
  • Force Resistance - Hutts are notoriously difficult to influence or read through the Force
  • Tasty Hooman - Hutts were able to open their jaws to miraculous widths that allowed them to devour almost anything, and were even able to consume a grown humanoid. A specialized radula located deep within their throats allowed them to shred food in preparation for digestion.
  • Regeneration - Perhaps their most remarkable racial trait, Hutts could even regenerate body parts when injured. However the process seems slow, some injuries anticipated to completely regenerate only after a century or so

  • Slow Snail - Hutts were not known for their mobility or speed of movement, and required smooth surfaces to navigate their environment. Carpets or upholstery served as obstacles to the layer of slime generated by their bodies when moving.
  • Don’t Fight Me Bro - Due to the Hutt’s size and form, Kossak is not particularly designed for combat. Though able to fire a blaster and swing his tail with devastating effect, he lacks the mobility and finesse to engage anyone in combat.
  • Hutt Morality - Kossak is greedy, prideful, vengeful and depraved. These are not exactly the kind of traits to build lasting friendships with. If it benefits him and his cause, he will accept bribes, betray friends, and sell servants into slavery. His one redeemable trait is that he does not go back on a contract.
  • Oh, stop it you - Flattery is often considered the best policy when approaching Hutts, and with Kossak it is no different. A sure way to have him look favourably upon you and your requests made to him is to shower him with gifts and flattery.

Languages: Huttese, Galactic Basic
Personal skills:
  • Excels at manipulation, finding people's weak spots and exploiting them for personal gain
  • Has a natural mind for all things business and profit
  • Inspires loyalty through a perverse web of hate, fear and affection

Kossak is a proper Hutt, through and through. He is intelligent, selfish and manipulative. That in addition to him being both powerful and ruthless makes for a scary combination. His primary concern is for his Kajidic (crime/ business syndicate); expanding his influence and holdings to generate great wealth. Kossak’s appetite for power is as insatiable as his appetite for food.

Like many other Hutts, Kossak is also paranoid. Very rarely does he trust, and when he does his trust is never blind. Some theorise that Hutts feel threatened on a subliminal level, and this fear is the reason why many Hutts turn out paranoid. He is well aware of the things he is capable of doing, and would be foolish to ignore the possibility of others doing the same to him. Loyalty is something he only feels towards his family and his Kajidic, as everything he does is for the benefit of those two things.

In Kossak’s mind, the Hutts are a superior species. All others are lesser beings, regardless of lands and titles. Some might be more notable than others, however. Similarly, he believes adherence to morality to be the occupation of such lesser beings. He does not measure his actions based on things such as good or evil, only on how much benefit and profit he stands to gain. Unconcerned with morality, Kossak however stays true to the laws and customs of his kind. His one redeemable trait is perhaps that he does not break a contract. That being said, if someone has given cause to offense he may see that as justification to break said contract, but he will not do so unprovoked.

Kossak’s sense of humour would be described by most as dark, twisted and macabre. Torture is amusing to him, as is abusing his many slaves. He is without a doubt a megalomaniac who has no qualms about abusing his power. Kossak expects others to treat him with the respect he deserves. While he is fluent in Basic, he avoids speaking it unless absolutely necessary. Much like he considers his species to be superior to others, so does he consider the Huttese language to be superior. Failure to use proper etiquette is likely to present you to his bad side.

In his mind, Kossak is both generous and charitable. Though what Kossak considers to be generous charity, others might simply regard as proper manners. It might be something as simple as him taking the time out of his day to speak to you. The Hutts have a reputation for being cruel and unreliable in the wider galaxy, but this is not a perception entertained at his court. People who treat him with respect, flatter, offer gifts and/or speak Huttese are more likely to receive his ‘charities’.

Like many other Hutts, Kossak keeps slaves. The more he has in his retinue, and the splendorous they appear, all the more prestige for him. Therefore he likes to keep many and flaunt them. Similarly, the less he does himself the more prestigious he appears. Therefore he avoids physical labour and combat as far as possible, leaving this to his slaves. Even to see him move on his own is a rare thing indeed.

A trait he shares with some other Hutts, although it is unusual for a species so far from humanoid, is his weakness for female humanoids. He finds them both attractive and fascinating, and likes to keep them around. It’s unclear whether this is similar to art appreciation, a sexual thing, or merely as status symbols.

It has been said that if not for the thrill of getting vengeance, every Hutt would simply die of boredom. Kossak holds a grudge like no other and does not forget easily. This is perhaps something that comes with long age, though more likely it has something to do with Hutt culture. He lives by the law of revenge, meaning once an enemy is made, he will not retreat unless they or him are killed.

Kossak was named after the great General Kossak Inijic Ar’durv, also known as the Devourer of Despots. The general was a Hutt famous for defeating Xim the Despot at the climax of the Hutt-Xim conflict in 25,100 BBY. He was considered one of the great Hutts. The name was given to Kossak because he too was expected for greatness. His full name is Kossak Hestilic Vann, but he goes by Kossak the Hutt. This was part of a common practice to protect the clan name from the schemes of untrustworthy and unreliable lesser beings. The Hestilic clan is an ancient, respectable clan. However it has long since fallen from its former power. It is up to Kossak to bring glory to the clan name once more, and restore its Kajidic to its former power.

Even from a young age, Kossak showed an aptitude for dealing with criminals. What he lacked for in resources and power, he made up for with the ability to manipulate and use others for his benefit. Competitors turned against each other, and more and more joined his cause. Eventually he set himself up on the polluted planet of Balosar. He wrestled control from rival gangs and eventually established himself as a dominant player in the spice trade on the planet. With more of a starting capital, he branched out into weapons trade and general smuggling.

The time came when Kossak was called upon to take formal control over the Hestilic Kajidic, increasing both his power and influence significantly. His seat of power moved from Balosar and back to Nal Hutta, but he left someone loyal to look after his affairs and enforce his will in his absence.

With his clan’s Kajidic to run, he began surrounding himself with all sorts of extravagance, from slaves to lavish feasts, to trophies of various kinds.His retinue that followed him around increased significantly. He also became more aggressive, sometimes turning to outright piracy.

Most of his time after his ascent to power was spent on Nal Hutta, managing business and the expansion of his crime empire. The times he did leave, he did so on a hoversled or a sail barge. Kossak was pretty clear on what was his ambition: restore the Desilijic Kajidic to its former glory and beyond, and leave behind a legacy for his children that would last a millennia.
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