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Korribean Brand Caf

In Umbris Potestas Est

Out of Character Information

  • Intent: To give Cerita something to do.

  • Parent Company: None.

  • Subsidiaries: Zel Medical Clinic
Company Overview

  • Name: Korribean Caf

  • Tier: III

  • CEO: Cerita Serova

  • Locations:

    Sith Space. Korribean Caf’s main facilities in Sith Space are located on the planets of Korriban, Ziost and Dromund Kaas. The later two are the main production plants where the caf is manufactured and made ready to be shipped off. Korriban serves as the main headquarters of the company, situated around an isolated shadowport located in the desert of the world. Most planets within Sith Space have at least one coffeehouse that primarily serves the beverages created by Korribean Caf.

  • Former CIS/TU Space. A chain of coffeehouses exist within the former space of the CIS and Techno Union.


  • Beverages. Korribean’s primary source of revenue is the creation and experimentation with different sorts of beverages. Its most famous one being the coffee brand ‘Korribean Caf’.

  • Shipping. The company has a small and modest shipping infrastructure that allows for the resupplying of products from its in-house suppliers. Larger orders and intra-sector transportation is still being outsourced to larger concerns like Arceneau Trade.

Company Information
Rationale: Korribean Brand Caf started as an enterprise formed by the infamous Sith Lord Circe Savan for unknown reasons, but the assumption can be made that placing it under a secret identity Korribean was a fall-back option if her main sources of money were ever compromised.

Most of this information is unknown to the wider public. After negotiating with the last owner, Vitor Imperieuse, Cerita acquired the sole ownership of Korribean Brand Caf to do with as she pleases.

History: The forming origins of the Korribean Caf Company are nebulous as most things Sith touch are. It served primarily as a shell company and possible fall-back solution to the illustrious Sith Lord, Circe Savan, in the event that her other holdings would be compromised by her many enemies. This seemed to have never formally happened, which led to a fairly low-key company presence across the Galaxy.

Only two regions are currently being actively stocked by the company and as such the profit margins are… modest, to put it nicely.

After being approached by Vitor Imperieuse for an employment opportunity Cerita Sarova was offered the sole ownership of the company. To which she agreed - with some stipulations here and there.

Now Sarova is researching the various means and ends to put Korribean on the map as one of the finest beverage creators in the Galaxy.

Operations: The Korribean Caf Company currently had modest operations located on the worlds of Dromund Kaas, Korriban and Ziost. Its production facilities on two of these worlds are secluded and fairly fortified to guard against possible intrusion attempts - especially after the assault of one Matsu Xiangu and her zombie hordes on Dromund Kaas.

Pertient Development Threads:

  • Ways To Go: Vitor Imperieuse and Cerita meet on Tash-Taral where the former signs over KBF to Cerita.

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