Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aros Varr

If there are any Republic characters or Jedi, who want to RP with mah Sith Apprentice as Aros chills and lurks Korriban tombs for training purposes. Let me know. I don't really have any set ideas, just gonna RP in Korriban and see where it goes.

Carn Dista

My character is currently stationed on Korriban, bar the odd return to Coruscant for meetings with the Jedi Council. I'll be starting a thread soon leading Jedi into the tombs that have been uncovered during the invasion, so should you wish to appear in any Korriban based thread, feel free. :) It'll make things interesting.
@[member="Carn Dista"] is this some time after the Invasion or directly after we jump ship? Because if it is some time after, I might be able to get a few of my Warlords to skirmish the place (since we're minor atm)

Carn Dista

@[member="Darth Voracitos"]

I'm presuming in the weeks / months post-invasion, simply because we've not had a decent chance to have a looksee at the planet yet.

Maybe early next month would be a good time for sith to start skirming the planet? Or you could roleplay remaining sith forces in the places we investigate to bolster the numbers and stuff if you want?

Arors Drusus

Oooh! This can be my Intro! The Invasion didn't seem to work out and the pubs don't seem to care about me very much...

Arors Drusus

@[member="Carn Dista"] yay! (sorry for invading your thread a little bit @[member="Aros Varr"]) :p

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