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Kit Symthe

Kit Symthe

Information Changes Everything
A secret can change a life. But a lie? That can change the Galaxy.
Name: Kit Skyrei Symthe
Alias(es): Gamebird
Rank: Lieutenant (Formally)
Age: 25 GSY (894 GSY Chronologically - Born 43 BBY)
Homeworld: Kwenn
Citizenship: N/A
Affiliation: Galactic Republic (Formally)
Occupation: Information Broker, Private Detective
Force Sensitive: No


Father: Andrus Cormal Symthe (Deceased - 22 BBY
Mother: Keiceli Marcel Symthe (Deceased - 27 BBY)
Siblings: --
Extended Family: --
Romantic Interest: Single


Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 178lb
Build: Mesomorph
Hair: Mid-tone Brown
Eyes: Grey-Green
Cybernetics: --
Notable Features: Horizontal, Half Inch Scar Beneath Left Eye
Status: Alive


Sanity: 80%
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Personality Type: ISTJ
Tarot Card: The Magician
Virtues: Resourceful, Confident, Adaptable, Direct, Loyal
Vices: Inconsiderate, Aggressive, Blunt, Impulsive, Judgmental

+ Athletic: Already a natural athlete, Kit’s years in both the Academy and SIS have further refined the Human, bearing great strength, speed, and agility, more so than the common Human, capable of running great lengths and easily carrying his own body weight in free-running environments. Despite his great fitness, he does not possess any superhuman level of strength or agility.

+ Silver Tongued:Torture isn’t the only means of information extraction, and is certainly not the most effective. When required, Kit is a master at persuasion and social integration, able to assume a wide variety of personas and roles in a rather convincing manner. Even in non professional settings, quick wit and a rather calm mind make the Agent a very engaging conversation partner.]

+ Weapons Expert: From pistols and rifles to shock batons and blades, Kit is well-versed or at least knowledgeable in nearly every weapon system found within civilized space, both a crack shot and skilled martial artist, having easily overcame even the beefiest of humanoids. His experience in engaging Force-sensitive individuals, however, is rather lacking, one of the Agent’s largest weaknesses in terms of physical combat.

- Bold and Brash: Impulsive in his duties, Kit finds difficulty in delaying action, preferring rapid adaptability to meticulous planning. He finds great difficulty in sitting still, and has a nasty tendency to charge into problems without fully recognizing the risks. Though adaptable and resourceful, long term consequences often rear their head around the Agent.

- Stubborn: Years of operating alone or with the reign in his hands has built a superiority complex within former Agent. For Kit, he tends to know what’s best in his line of work, and is slow to accept outside points of view, even in strange, unfamiliar circumstances. Though he has been forced to open his mind up to a strange, new world, he does so with great reluctance. Who’s going to tell a master spy how to do his job, after all.

- Loner: Emotions have a nasty habit of complicating business, Kit learned that early on. Sure, you need a passion and drive to give you that extra bit of motivation, but friends, lovers? They can be used against you, to hurt you. Kit made a decision early on to spare others of the risks that came with befriending a spy. Eight centuries later, Kit has difficulty shaking this mindset, and, as such, often comes across as cold or insensitive.

Kit was born in the year 43 BBY, onto the world of Kwenn, nestled comfortably in the borderlands of the midrim. Son to a pair of Judicial Force personnel, Kit would find little time to appreciate the static, sturdy ground of a celestial body, uprooting from his temporary residency just a year later, joining his parents as they diverted from posting to posting, planet to planet, station to station. Though the frequent movements might place a hamper on most, for the young, impressionable Kit, he paid it little hostility, the life of the wayfarer being all the junior knew. From the window of a orbital station, Kit grew enamored by the vast, thrilling space that lie beyond. Centralized propaganda adorning the living sectors afforded to the Republic’s peacekeepers rattled on and on of the great contributions and services the military forces brought to peaceful systems of the Republic. For the young Kit, it seemed his parents were nothing short of galactic heroes, though, they certainly would never admit it to the child. A future among the fighting men and women of the Judicial Forces, or even the elite ranks of a Planetary Security Force, was quite apparent in the dreams of the Human.

The brutal cost of war first struck Kit at the age of 11. His father, employed as a security personnel within the Forces, found himself assigned to the security and protection of one of the dozens of Republic Naval Officers, coordinating the assault upon the Corporate Alliance during the Battle of Malastare Narrows. Serving beneath Captain Wulf Yularen, Kit’s father, and his vessel, were nearly entirely destroyed during the engagement, just one of the many casualties of the costly battle. His own ship victim to a close range volley of turbolaser fire, Kit’s father lost both legs, appendages incinerated from the blast. Though surviving to return to his family, Kit’s father soon received a medical discharge from the Judicial Forces. Alongside the physical damages, the young Kit was quick to witness the mental scarring the conflict had inflicted upon his father, from paranoia to recurring nightmares.

With her husband’s conditions making employment an unlikely ,difficult occurrence,, Kit’s mother chose to remain with the Judicial Forces. As a means to support both Kit and his father, Kit’s mother accepted missions and deployments of increasing length and risk, utilizing the bonuses of hazard pay to provide something of a comfortable life for the pair. For the better part of his early teenage years, Kit grew up in a single parent household, on the ecumenopolis world of Denon, managing to see his mother only a few months out of the year. Despite the scars a life of military service had inflicted upon his father, Kit grew to idolize his mother, he himself preparing for an application into the Judicial Academy. The teen’s continued glorification of service soon created a rift between himself and his father, who had since adopted a scornful, cynical outlook upon his tenure in the Force. This rift would nearly swallow the two whole when, in 27 BBY, Kit’s mother would perish in the line of duty while serving as an officer within the Republic Special Tactics Force. Kit’s father quickly grew unhinged, adopting a variety of deadly vices in a desperate attempt to cope with the death of his love. Kit, though disturbed, put forth a stoic face, his aspirations unchanged. This desire led to an abusive relationship between father and son, Kit’s father enraged by the idea of his own son following the same path of death and destruction that cost him his own legs, and the life of his mother. Faced with this abuse, Kit’s blue-eyed optimism quickly transformed into a bitter sense of anger and rage, fights, petty crime, and other acts of dissidents becoming a norm to the boy.

Kit’s singular saving grace lie in his eventual admittance into the Judicial Academy, at the age of 19, leaving the toxic life of home behind him. With a clean cut and a pressed set of cadet uniforms, Kit was on his way to finally living up to the ideal presented by his mother. Or, at least, that’s how it should have been. The demons of his previous lifestyle clung tightly to the Human, with a novel-like disciplinary record by the end of his first year. With fights, tardiness and missing assignments, it was only Kit’s stellar class work that maintained his presence within the academy, scoring top marks within various central and extracurricular activities, from language and psychology to game theory and team sports. By the year 22 BBY, however, the presence of the Judicial Forces in the galaxy was waning, the Academy itself appearing third rate to many private institutes catering to system-based navies and militaries. Kit himself began to develop a second opinion, his mother’s storied past within the group one of the few points anchoring to the aging organization. In the year 22 BBY, however, things would quickly come to change. With the growing tension of war with of the Separatist Alliance, Kit, and many of his peers, found themselves quickly transferring to the newly-reorganized Republic Navy War College, training to become the next breed of Naval Officers in the war to change the Galaxy.

With the influx of new cadets, the competitive nature of the College became more and more apparent. Kit’s ruffian behavior was soon catching up to him, with greater and greater reprimands falling upon the cadet. The final straw was pulled towards the later half of his first semester. Sparked by a colleague's vulgar recollection of the Judicial Forces, Kit found himself in a fist fight so intensive, it ended with the man’s admittance into the medical ward for the next foreseeable month. For Kit, his dreams of command in a starship were dashed. With packed bags, Kit stumbled forth to an unknown future, home having disappeared a few short months ago with the death of his father via a rampant Death Sticks addiction. His murky fate was quickly short lived, however. Quite literal upon the steps of the Academy, Kit was approached by a man, a stranger, in his eyes. Revealing only the bare-minimum about himself, Kit was eventually informed that the stranger was in fact a representative of Republic Intelligence, offering a chance at contributing towards the war effort in a way that best fit the fiery-headed young man. With little of a life to lose, Kit accepted, joining the ranks of the highly classified Strategic Intelligence Service.

Undergoing months of training in a wide variety of pursuits, from blasterarms, close quarters and unarmed combat, intelligence extraction and observation, among other fields, Kit was quickly developing into a bonafide agent of the Republic, granted the rank of Lieutenant, though, this was almost entirely a formality. Though formally undeclared, anyone who was anybody within the intelligence community knew war was teetering upon the horizon. Demand for field ready agents surged. Classroom training was sliced, with a sharp diversion towards practical application. The first of these for the budding agent brought him into the rancid underbelly of Coruscant, assuming a deep cover operation within the levels of 1313, a hive of scum and villainy. Tasked with the elimination of a so-called ‘Jedi Hunter’ by the alias of Pash Klusto, Kit, operating beneath the callsign of ‘Gamebird’, would soon find his skills put to the crucible, spending months navigating the hostile environment, chipping away at possible leads and trails.

Just when his pursuit began to grow stale, Kit happened upon a rather peculiar encounter; another hawk circling his mouse, only, this hawk at telekinesis. Like a fish out of water, Kit was quick to identify the foreigner to 1313, a woman claiming to seek the hunter for personal gain. Though she only revealed herself as ‘Blackbird’, the agent was swift to realize there was more to this woman than first appeared. Half desperate for a fresh set of eyes, and half intrigued by the mysterious figure, Kit soon found himself collaborating with the female Kiffar, investigating track after track of the now coveted Jedi Hunter. Shortly into the pair’s pursuit, Kit learned of his partner’s explicit identity as a Jedi Padawan, seeking to complete her own trial for sorts. The temptation to return the favor nipped upon the agent, despite the clear protocol against such acts. Before a decision could be made, however, the two soon found themselves at the opposite end of a blaster, Klusto and his merry band of followers having since learned of his would-be hunters through a pair of loose lips. Perhaps Kit had grown complacent, unknowingly leaving a trail straight to his door, or maybe his eyes skipped an observer, a simple, yet lazy mistake. Whatever the reason, Kit found himself on the run, dashing through the alleyways and corners of 1313, his Jedi partner in tow.

Between the ever present threat upon their lives, and the strange, yet exotic landscape provided by the underbelly, Kit found himself cracking another directive wide open, one of personal connections. Maybe it was the danger that brought the two together (After all, it's not an uncommon occurrence), or perhaps it was the Jedi’s strangely calming aura, one that couldn’t help but lower the Agent’s guard into a sense of security. Kit had never been one for Jedi, in fact, speaking ill of most, yet something was off about this woman. He was drawn to the Padawan, and something told him, she felt the very same. In different circumstances, maybe something could have some to fruition between the two. Unfortunately, in this line of work, true love tends to create an early grave. With his cover nearly scrambled, Kit was forced to come to a consensus. Ensuring his superiors that his new found ‘contact’ would swiftly eliminate the Jedi Hunter, Kit began to bury his persona.

Hastily preparing an ambush for the pursuing Klusto, Kit just so happened to find himself at the wrong end of a thermal detonator, leading to his complete and utter incineration. Or, at least, so his companion thought. Though wracked with guilt, the Agent slipped from the confrontation in the midst of confusion, his apparent demise leading to a quick resolution, the Jedi spurred forth by a period of rage and passion. His mission a success, Kit returned to the sanctity of his safe house. Yet, despite the completion of his first assignment, the lieutenant could feel nothing but scorn and dread. His first operation, and he had marked off enough rules to color a page black. Despite every reason to be elated, Kit remained in a state of disappointment. Following a short debrief and week of rest, Kit found himself back in the frying pan. After all, there was a war to win.

Over the next three years, Kit would train and operate in a variety of fields and activities, across dozens of star systems, observing, stealing, and assassinating anything he was rightly assigned. Though months had passed since his fateful encounter with the Jedi padawan, the Agent couldn’t help but retain his repressed feelings. A younger, more recklessly man might have very well acted upon them, chasing the Kiffar back to her residency in the temple like some star-crossed Romeo, but not Kit. Growing cold and indifferent by the often questionable nature of his operations, Kit slowly shut off his personal life, devoting himself entirely to the pursuits laid out before him. Relationships and connections were held on a strictly professional level, with less than a handful of fellow agents and handlers being able to describe Kit as an acquaintance, least of all a friend. Despite his cold disposition, Lieutenant Symthe was a highly efficient and steadfast agent, soon embodying the characteristics of an ideal servant to the Republic, morally and ethically unshakable in regards to his duties. For the agent, the ideals of the Republic were one of the few unsullied aspects of his life. His belief in freedoms and liberties it brought to its citizens provide ample justification for the often times questionable acts his work entailed.

As the war progressed, victory seemed to lurch over the horizon. With the Confederacy pushed to the outer rim, the intelligence community sat on edge, concerned for a desperate, last attempt by the Separatists at engaging the Republic’s now largely undefended core worlds. Assuming a position as a counterintelligence agent, Lieutenant Symthe redeployed to the heart of the Republic, Coruscant, infiltrating its underbelly once more in order to monitor information slipping through its black market channels. Though the work was much less physically exciting and risky as his previous infiltration duties, Kit nonetheless performed admirably in his work, a key figure in providing some level of forewarning to the surprise raid on Coruscant. It was in this line of duty that the unthinkable would occur: Order 66. Although Kit was never one to quickly trust the Jedi, even he could hardly believe the news as it broke headlines. Dozens of thoughts rushed through the Agent’s head, many of them concerning his previous engagement to the Jedi Padawan. Had she used him as a simple pawn? Were there signs to this? Could he have caught it early? All of this thoughts rushing through his head, setting him on fire with burning red veins. Through before his frustration could grow bigger, bigger and bigger changes quickly distracted the human.

His beloved Republic soon turned face, trading in a storied history of individual freedoms and social justice for an authoritarian police state of repression and iron will. Though many of his colleagues accepted the security of the Empire with open arms, for the Agent, he was living within a foreign entity. Despite his anti-social nature, Kit’s time within the underworld of Coruscant afford him many, many contacts. Dissidents of the former Republic grew, organizing into rag-tag groups, seeking any way, shape, or form to rebel against the overarching arm of the Empire. Individuals who he once monitored and stalked were soon to become his only like-minded companions in the system. All though he shared their distaste to the regime, Kit was suppressed in his acts of disobedience. Instead, still filed within the ranks of Imperial Intelligence, Kit began the dangerous act of feeding his findings onto the rebels of Coruscant. Anyone could curse out a soldier, but who could infiltrate a galaxy wide spy ring?

For the next year, Kit maintained this direction, an insider source for the growing groups of rebels. Though his reports, many a sweep was avoided, or cargo vessel ‘shockingly’ emptied. Progress seemed to slowly come to pass as these cells grew more and more organized, cooperating and passing off their intelligence to separate groups across the Galaxy. But this was not built to last. Mistakes and slip-ups began to mount on the Agent’s end, a bread crumb trail leading straight to the mole’s front door. With an investigation overseen by his father’s former CO, Captain Wulf Yularen, encroaching on Kit’s position, the Lieutenant was running short on options. The resources and contacts he had grow so used to were dried and cut-off, with nothing but his wits and a few underworld miscreants to rely upon. A wanted man, Kit sought whatever option he could to escape the planet. Lying at the heart of the Empire, security was tight, and seemingly any attempt at escape would end at the barrel of a blaster, or wrapped in chains. Just as all seemed lost, as luck would have it, another stranger would appear. They had a nasty habit of changing his life.

Claiming to represent one of the burgeoning rebel cells of the Galaxy, the Stranger offered Kit a rather unconventional means of escape. Although it would be nearly impossible to leave Coruscant space, hidden away in a cargo vessel, this worry only applied to the living. To inanimate objects, say, a chunk of carbonite, there was little concern, save for a quick sweep of the eyes. Offering to freeze the Agent and transport him to a gathering cell, well from the eyes of the Empire, the Stranger made a very enticing offer. With little in the way of options, Kit reluctantly accepted. Meeting the man behind an undisclosed building, Kit stepped inside, and entered a deep, deep slumber.

What Kit thought would be a few days rest turned into a few, short centuries. His would-be savior was in fact a mercenary, employed by one of the many gangs Kit had sabotaged during his days as a Republic Agent, his employer cherishing at the inanimate remains of the man who had cause his enterprise so much trouble. For the passing of the years, the slab of carbonite that held the Agent passed from hand to hand, collector to dealer, to even a few politicians and billionaire eccentrics. For the next 869 years, Kit Symthe, the Agent, the Lieutenant, would lie, blissfully unaware of the rise and fall of empires and republics all around. In 851 ABY, this would change, with his slab now possessed by a salvager residing on Durmos. Seeking a quick buck from the carbonite scraps, the salvager decided to crack the case wide open, jaw dropping in shock as a real, flesh-and-blood Human sat encased within. Though charity on his behalf, the salvager nurtured the former agent to health, briefly employing him in his own scrapper duties as he brought him to speed of the past eight and a half centuries. As the shock eventually subsided, Kit, with a curt response of appreciation, stepped out.

Hitching a ride to what once sat as the jewel of his Republic, Kit would Coruscant to be a smoking wreck, rising from just one of the hundreds of wars that transpired over his rest. With dozens of new flags flying throughout the skies of the Galaxy, Kit gave little time to mourn over his lost nation. With a blaster on his hip and a fresh coat on his shoulders, the Agent picked his head up and marched forth. After all, there’s a lot more secrets to pass.


Arc One -- Frostbite (Ordered Chronologically)
xxx - 'xxx' (w. xxx)


Apparel: Clothes
Weaponry: HBS-01 Heavy Blaster Pistol, H.T.E. Blaster Pistol
Vessels: --
Property: --

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