Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kira Novak

Kira Novak
FACTION: Order of the Silver Jedi
RANK: Jedi Padawan
AGE: 21
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5 ft 7 in
WEIGHT: 125 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White

Strengths and Weaknesses

+ Fitness: Kira is in exceptional shape. She often takes to exercise and training to distract herself from her problems of the mind.

+ Swordsmanship: Kira shows great aptitude for lightsaber combat, and particularly excels in the use of Form III, though she wishes to branch out and learn more aggressive styles.

- Paranoid Schizophrenia: Kira suffers from various symptoms as a result of this mental disorder. She frequently experiences auditory hallucinations, and in moments of extreme stress, visual hallucinations may manifest themselves. Her thinking and speech can often become disjointed and disorganized due to the voices she hears. She works hard to hide her anxiety and agitation to those around her, but more often than not, others are left with the sense that she isn't quite right.

- Addiction: Kira has developed an addiction to sedatives and drugs over the past couple years as a means of quieting the ever growing intrustions she deals with. Sleeptabs and dipills are her choice of medication, but often she will use whatever she can get her hands on: anything to make the noise stop for a moment. Without these substances she finds it extremely difficult to sleep.

- Poor Force Control: Kira is capable of all the standard force feats the average Padawan can perform, but has to work harder than most to control her powers.
It all started with a whisper.

A whisper heard only in her head. A word from her "imaginary friend," as she would later name the source. At first it was only small comments and observations, but even those were distracting to a child. Her parents dismissed her complaints as typical childish behavior: for what kid didn't have a friend that only they heard? As she grew, so did the whispers, in both depth and volume. With age her parents became less tolerant of her problems with her imaginary friends, and she learned to cope with and ignore the words as best she could. Nobody else talked about their secret friends anymore, she figured, so neither would she.

Around the time the voices started, so too did her force sensitivity begin to show itself. During times of emotional difficulty, or even excitability, things around Kira would shake and tremble. Though her parents were often blind to her mental issues, even they did not fail to notice the strange and untamed power that their daughter seemed to have. They sent for a Jedi Master to come visit her and assess her potential. Their suspicions were confirmed after a few tests which determined that Kira was indeed force sensitive, and had untapped potential that could be put to great use, for the good of the galaxy. Her parents decided that this was a golden opportunity for their daughter to be something special in life, and it was also one less mouth to feed for a family that was struggling to make ends meet.

She was shipped off her homeworld the next day.


as a Jedi Padawan of the Order of the Silver Jedi
[Storm's End] - Kira meets Matsu Ike
[A New Partnership] - Jyoti Nooran takes on Kira as her Padawan
[Eat, Drink & Be Merry] - Order of the Silver Jedi social event
[Starlight Festival | CIS Dominion of Falleen] - Kira and Jyoti attend the festival
[Padawans Unite: Training] - Kira trains with her fellow Padawans
[As You Know, Our Blockade is Perfectly Legal | First Order Invasion of Galactic Alliance Held Hex L, 49] - The SJO helps defend the GA from the FO
[It's a Wonderful Life (Day)] - Life Day Celebration

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