Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kip Radon

Kip Radon

I like the way you bleed, boy
NAME: Kip Radon
RANK: None
SPECIES: Human, Corellian
AGE: 23
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'10
WEIGHT: 130 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian



Survivor: Kip is a realist, he knows when you can't win a fight and he'll run and hide or even sell the man next to him out in order save his own skin.

Detached: Kip has a emotional detachment from everything and everyone. He's cold and while he can exhibit some emotion the man is a grade A sadist with sociopathic tendencies.

Bleeds blood when shot: This one is pretty self explanatory, he's mortal and is made of flesh and blood.

Ambitious: Kip is a man of ambition, he wants more and more and this can place him in trouble. Sometimes he bites off more than he can chew.

APPEARANCE: normally wearing a button up casual collared shirt and canvas pants, the man is dressed as a casual civilian. However what does help set him apart is a dark cloak that he wears when needed.


Kip was nineteen when he lost it all, born and raised on the Corellia he and his parents owned a foodstuffs company on the beautiful little world. However when the planet went boom the happy family of three was off world on a vacation to Zeltros. Stuck with nothing Kip and his family were reduced to the lives of the average joe. For the next few years Kip lived and worked in the casinos in every position from busboy to bartender and everything in between up until his twenty second birthday. And on that special day the headaches had started, gradually going through the change of his budding force sensitivity.

So on the planet of sin and lust his new and developing powers drove him down the path of the darkside. With no one to keep him in check the man robbed, looted, burgled all that he could to give himself and his parents the life they previously had. This continued until the man was twenty three where a job had gone horribly wrong. Killing a man during a robbery, Kip fled the planet by way of Hutt smugglers that quickly sold him into slavery.

Being sold to a rogue Sith knight, Kip was trained in the darkside of the force and constantly abused he learned the values of the Sith code and the ways of old. This of course continued up until the point where his master was slain by a Jedi knight on the planet of Tatooine. Now Kip wanders space as a rogue Sith desperate to find a new home.






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