Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Kingdoms & Krayts


The obscure Colony world didn't possess much that made it notable, but there was a curiosity about it which fascinated scientists, at least those few who were still awed by the mundane wonders of the galaxy. The planet rotated around its own axis just slow enough to keep it in a perpetual tidal lock with its parent sun. One half scorched under intense heat, while the other half froze, never once seen the light of day. This unique position only left a small strip of land easily inhabited. The Ring, which ran the entire circumference around the edge where solar and nocturnal halves of the planet met, held a complex, unending chain of cities and settlements supporting a moderate mining industry that traded in crystals of various sorts.

A set of jewelry wasn't the lure that brought Bernard to Hok, however. Several months ago, in the dustiest, most abandoned sections of Prosperity's library, he'd come across a scroll fragment that documented a rare treasure of the galaxy. The scroll had claimed it an artefact that, when used, could greatly enhance the connection a person held to the Force. Bernard had, at first, thought the idea silly and dismissed it as one of the dozens of translation errors one had to be wary of when reading from the Archives. But, after a solved case landed evidence of a map that detailed the location of an object eerily similar to the one described in the scroll on his desk, he found it hard to ignore the idea of, at the least, giving it a shot.

"We're just at the edge of Hok's solar half," Bernard said.

He hopped off the

"There," he pointed to a lone dot sparkling red far off in the distance, drowning in the dark blue ocean of shadows where day never started. It sat there, nestled between two cliffs, at the end of a canyon that began where Bernard and the Eiopie stood. From their vantage point, it appeared almost like a massive road leading down below the earth.

"That's where we're headed."

Small wooden posts connected with black wire marked a faded pathway that disappeared into shadows a stone's throw into the canyon. On either side of it, two withered stones rose out of the ground right where the canyon began. Millennia ago they might have been statues, but age and weather had eroded their form. That was the only evidence anyone had ever walked this ground. A strong gust of wind blew over the dusty earth, quietly howling and billowing the tans and furs covering the Eiopie's back. The beasts of burden gave a quiet croak and shifted on their feet.

Bernard glanced back to the other Padawan.

"You coming?"

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A steady breath of wind eased Creed out of the Eiopie’s saddle. Once her feet touched the ground, she swept the rogue tendrils of hair from her face and went about righting her robes. The Padawan had insisted on wearing them. What’s more, she’d managed to lose her last remaining set, and the only available replacement on such short notice had been several sizes too large.

She tottled after Bernard, adjusting the belt around her waist where the fabric bunched and gathered. Squinting to the shadows down below, she shivered from the vestiges of a chilly breeze.

“That looks like a long walk, Master Jedi.”

Bernard may not have been a Jedi Master, but Creed didn’t tend to bother with things like precision. The ballpark was good enough for her. Besides, Bernard had been a Jedi far longer than she had, and had a responsible demeanor. That was good enough for her.

As they ventured along the marked path, a rare thought struck Creed.

“What about the Eiopie? Are we leaving them there all alone?”

She twisted back to look at the creatures as she spoke, then tripped on the billowing hem of robe.

Bernard of Arca Bernard of Arca

An abyss almost devoid of light stretched before them. Deep shadows painted the path and canyon walls, revealing little more than their outlines. A figurative line at the edge of those shadows marked the border between the mundane world of Hok and the realm of its deeper secrets. What lay beyond was not known to Bernard, but if the scrolls were to be trusted the end of this path concealed the key to his predicament. A cure to lift the silent curse the Force placed on him.

That looks like a long walk, Master Jedi," the Padawan's voice seemed distant to Bernard.

"It will be," he replied, barely turning his head.

The possibility of dangers along the path crossed his mind. It was unlikely that the previous owners of the artefact had left it unattended. His eyes scanned the ground around the path, and the canyon walls. Even in the infrared nothing seemed out of place, maybe they had-

What about the Eiopie? Are we leaving them there all alone?” She asked.

"The what-" but he was cut off before he could finish the sentence.

A sudden thump made Bernard flinch. He turned, looking for the Padawan with apprehension. Had he missed a trap already? Concern flashed a chill down his spine. Aaran would kill him, more so than he already wanted to.

He glanced down, finding relief for his worries. She'd fallen into the sand, tangled up in her robes.

"You ... you okay?" he asked, extending a hand to help her up.

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Creed took the proffered hand, lacking the good sense to be embarrassed. Instead, she smiled airily up at Bernard.


It took the girl a few moments to sort herself from the tangle of robes, appearing even more childlike in the billowing fabric.

“It’s slippery here, Master Jedi. Please watch your step.” Sand was not notorious for its smooth nature, but perhaps Creed was not genuinely convinced.

Her gaze tracked into the shadows, and how they bunched into an opaque darkness not so far from where they were standing. Perhaps the extra large robes would keep her extra warm during their travels.

As the pair ventured down the marked path, Creed ventured with her own questions.

“What are we after, Master?”

If he’d explained it to her before, he would simply have to again.

Bernard of Arca Bernard of Arca

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