Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kimava Solai

Kimava Solai


  • Name: Kimava Solai
    Species: Mirialan
    Age: 23
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 145 lbs
    Homeworld: Mirial
    Faction: Agents of Chaos
    Rank: Copper Coin of the Agents of Chaos

    Growing up is hard and no one understands. At least growing up moving from planet to planet with parents who rarely seemed to be concerned with the law but strict on their traditions and morals seems to complicate the situation. As a result, you have a less than trustworthy and suspicious adult who has become well-versed as a con-artist. Kimava began as most troubled teens do, by running away from her family. She left behind her older sister and parents under the guise of "I got a great job on a far off planet and the ship leaves tomorrow, bye!" The oldest trick in the book.
    She then went through a series of actual jobs and learned to rely on only herself. People, locations, and jobs were all transient for the time and often blended together as she traveled across the Outer Rim. That was before she found herself on Scintilla and saw a chance to make a more permanent residence by swindling tourists and some unsuspecting locals. For a time she was a dancer and acrobat for small performances until she had started to gain a taste for the good life. After observing some of the more simple tricks of the trade Kimava decided that tips weren't enough and decided to take more direct action.
    Soon after she began her stint as a con-artist and this is where we find her now. The best trick up her sleeve, pretending to be someone she never was, a wealthy socialite from a distant planet in need of some semblance of a good time. Over her life, she learned basic combat and has no issues defending herself hand to hand if the situation called for it.

    In the end, she loved living lux and who was going to tell her that she would go back to being hungry and on the run.

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    Kimava stands at a relatively average height for most Mirialans and has dark green skin. As is typical, she has had her face tattooed which is a tradition in Mirialan culture to signify accomplishments in one's life. She has a total of eight diamonds across her cheekbones, four on each side. She has auburn hair that falls just passed her shoulders in thick waves. Typically she tries to wear clothes that fall on the nicer end of the spectrum, as a result, she tends to spend a good deal of her meager budget on these pieces. Otherwise, she dresses plainly and indistinctly along with a black hooded cloak to keep her identity secure from those who might recognize her from previous cons.

  • Strengths and Weaknesses

    • Adaptable - Years of living and surviving on the streets has taught Kimava the importance of going with whatever the Force feels like throwing at her.
    • Determined - Resourcefulness and determination have been her bread and butter for her entire life. If at first, you don't succeed? Well, you should have done it right the first time.
    • Charismatic - You can't be a good con artist unless you know how to get what you want.
    • Arrogant - It takes time and money to look this good, Kimava holds herself and her looks in high regard. Does it get her into trouble? Yes. Will she take it down a notch? Absolutely not.
    • Selfish - She didn't get this far by being generous, it's every man, woman, and alien for themselves and that's that.
    • Distrustful - After living her life being taught by her parents to look out for number one, it's hard to open up to others and place trust in a stranger's hands.

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