Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Khaleel Malvern's Master Promotion

[member="Khaleel Malvern"] is not the most typical member of The Primeval, a criminal mastermind but hardly a zealot... Yet his adventures with Catalys have been some of the most engaging, fun, and incredible activities conducted by this character and the writer behind him.

We all know him, he's been part of Chaos much longer than I have, he's been promoted before with each time just as deserving as the last, and once more it's time for a promotion.

I am casting my vote for Khaleel to be promoted. He's got a lot of threads--more than some when they're promoted--nearly all his posts are in-character, and he's always been creative, fair, and intelligent in his writing and attitude. As a master I believe he'll bring something to roleplay that no one else can due to the unique circumstances of this character and his involved activities. How many criminals are also Jedi? How many of them will steal a space station for those who'd kill indiscriminately but have the balls to make sure they do it his way?

Khaleel Malvern is going to be the most unorthodox Jedi Master for sure, and I like the sound of that.

So of course I'm voting yes as the one calling for his promotion. You can look at his thread tracker here.

[member="Keira Ticon"] | *sobs* I don't even know who all of our masters are!

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