Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Khal Garran

Khal "Kal Doren" Garran


NAME: Khal Garran, aka Kal Doren

FACTION: None/Freelance

RANK: Scrapper/Mercenary

SPECIES: Keshiri

AGE: 25

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'11"

WEIGHT: 180lbs


HAIR: Darker Purple, shaved along all but the top which is kept in a long series of dreads.

SKIN: Light Purple, though prone to soft tone shifts due to Keshiri mood sensitive biology.

FORCE SENSITIVE: Sensitive, Unaware.

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Keshiri Genetics: Being a Keshiri means a form that by nature is both powerfully built, and to other humanoid races may come off as more attractive than normal. Though Kal boasts a smaller physique than many of his kind, he's still rather stoat and physically strong when compared to the average human (While still falling flat against many others of his own kind, and other powerful races like Wookies or Trandosians.)
+Mechanical Expertice: Being a scrapper, the ability to take things apart and put them back together comes with the territory. Kal's got a bit of experience when it comes to machines and engineering. While those who have practiced in the field will give him a run for his money, he can boast enough capability to not only juryrig things together but take them apart with only a SMALL chance of ruining the machine in question in the process.
+Survival By Any Means: Kal has managed to get by in life by a mixture of pure luck, and the willingness to scrape by even at the cost of a bit of himself in the process. He's picked up a couple tricks here and there, aimed mostly at escaping confrontation or using dirty tactics to get a leg up in a fight. But of course, just because he knows how to fire a blaster doesn't mean he's anything close to a deadeye.

-/+Force Sensitive: Kal is unnaware of it, but he has some potential with the force. He has never been trained in the ways, nor has been made aware of his potential, and by keeping to the odd jobs he does has by pure luck managed to avoid any issues with it. However this does prove both a potential risk and benefit for his life...

- Lack of combat training: A large frame and a few tricks doesn't mean Kal has anywhere near the expertise anyone with proper combat training has. While he has a few tricks, he will always be rather woefully unmatched in any proper head to head situation and will find himself struggling to win short of pure luck or just having the pure strength advantage.
- Gambling Addiction: There is no riskier siren song then a hand full of cards, some dice rattling across the table, or even a good competitive match of Dejarik to cause credits to become loose. Kal is far from immune to that curse, and if anything finds a major weakness when anyone even so much as utters the word "bet."
- No Bonds, No Memories: Having no history outside of his bonds means Kal is more or less alone among the stars, outside of the brief groups he has worked alongside and made a few credits with. Because of this, he has few who have his back, and fewer who even know his name or face should problems arise.
- Second Generation Slave-Escapee: Someone, somewhere, is looking for their lost property, and that property's name is Khal Garran. No official paperwork, no proper trails, everything about the man named "Kal Doren" will eventually lead back to the evidence of fake paperwork, forged identity, and worse. While any who manage to find the slaver's seal on Khal will find he's got a nice return bounty waiting on him.

Kal, to most, appears just as your slightly smaller Kenshiri. A toned form boasting his hereditary strength, light purple skin that fluctuates with his mood, and an oddly natural beauty. But that is where what is expected begin to diversify into what makes the man unique. The man in all rights bears the look of someone wordly and streetsavvy rather than elegance or proper military upbringing. His head shaved around the sides and back leaving a mess of dreads that hang off his head loosely, only tied back during work. A lightly trimmed line of facial hair kept just around the area of his chin with a small patch under his bottom lip, the rest kept almost to skin level but with enough present it can be felt at touch. A set of twin ring piercings on his right earlobe which lightly click against each other when he travels quickly stands out as well. Though he doesn't let it be visible at all, on his right wrist he bears his old slave brand, dark markings that signify him as prisoner B7L00P2.

His attire is picked both for form and functionality, long sleeved tops with breathable fabric to both help hide his marking but keep him from burning up. A vest worn beneath bearing a number of pockets full of both random objects and tools, but bearing a few patches from the various places he's travelled. Sometimes a light purple cowl is worn over this, wrapping up properly to provide a hood and hanging low enough to hit past his hips. Cargo pants with an urban camo styling to them meet a pair of ankle high leather work boots. A toolbelt worn with more pouches, a pair of welding safe goggles hanging off of them as well as a pair of thick leather gloves.


Khal was born to parents he would never meet, as in his world he was born as a commodity and not a person. A second generation slave, born to parents who were captured years ago and put to work in mines, and whom upon his birth and discovery were parted from him as he was raised with the idea that all there was in his world was work. From the day he could reliably carry tools or ore he was put to work, from dusk until dawn, and from there put to learning more about the tools he would slowly become proficient with. Two meals a day, and enough sleep to have the energy to continue working. Free time was limited, but he learned a deal of the galaxy from the other captives who, unlike him, were not born inside of those mines. It would be many years like this, long into his adulthood where he would still be grinding his day away, though now manning some of the equipment and trusted with repairs and mining both. He had learned quite a bit, however, in that time. Ways to sneak things under the guard's noses, how to talk his way around prolonging work by faking issues with tools and using the time to chat and relax while 'fixing' the issue. Even at times how to sabotage gear to cause certain guards to have more of a headache with their day. But for him, this was all life had to offer. All that he would be allowed to know or expect. That was until some of the other captive had been working on a means of escape, a plan that would get many if not all of their block of captives to the hangars and away from this nightmare. Khal was hesitant, but ultimately agreed to the situation, aiding in sabotaging gear and forcing a lot of distractions so that they could arm themselves with power tools and take the fight to the guards. Many were lost, but freedom was achieved.

Khal would join the others for a short time, moving to less savory areas of the galaxy to avoid too much wandering interest. Khal would learn a bit about ship repair and flight during this time, getting some soft education to help him prepare to be on his own. All up until the group went their own ways. Deals made and plans struck to get fake identification for everyone, some of them putting up their line of work to assist those willing to help and entering into a different form of servitude. Others then making way to get off of the planet and return to their respective homes, hoping to recover any of their lost lives. For Khal, he had only a name now, Kal Doren. He would find himself hired up to do salvage work, much of the job similair to what he already knew but this time with genuine pay, though the employers were almost as shady as the slavers he had escaped. A few years spent living on the street, and picking up the tricks needed to survive after several thefts and robberies left him struggling. Eventually saving up the credits he needed to purchase his own ship, to get out of here and travel the galaxy at large. Though, unfortunately, his line of work barely changed. He would bounce between Spaceports and Planets alike picking up work for both salvage jobs, and a couple less savory mercenary jobs which for some people may impact the moral compass, but Kal didn't have that sense of wrong or right to gauge the jobs closely. He didn't shoot innocent people, he didn't harm the population at large, that was the extend of his ideals of 'wrong and right' when it came to these jobs. It did, however, mean he learned a bit more about survival he never would have expected to need. Enough to fire a blaster, and the bruises to show for the number of brawls he ended up in.

Now, years later, he still has that old beat up ship, and just a few more tricks under his belt to be able to keep flying about and follow his own path.

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Record Keeping

-Blurrg-1120 Holdout Blaster: A small holdout blaster, known for having a number of firing options and customizability.
-Electrician's Toolbelt: A toolbelt with various tools to work with wiring and electronics, though loses reliability with more military or high quality devices. The belt has been modified as well to allow one of it's pouches to serve as a hiding place for his Holdout blaster with additional charges.
-Falsified Identity Chips: A chip that will display the false identity of "Kal Doren" and enough information that casual identity checks will be fooled. Though any in-depth inspections of the background will find it lacking.
-Datapad (With Falsified Identity): Standard datapad, though it's been modified as well so any inspection leads to the false credentials of "Kal Doren."
-Portable Welding Tools: A number of small welding tools used for small grade repairs or salvaging.
-Comms Unit: A portable earpiece serving to allow long distance communications.


The Unreliable:
YT-1760 Small Transport, A used model that has some very glaringly obvious wear to it held together by scrapjob work. Verypresent graffiti that looks like someone ATTEMPTED to scrub it off, but the caked on layers of dirt have proved to defend it from the initial wash job. It's only operational weaponry are the top turret mounts, the main lasercanons having been rewired to direct power elsewhere and the bottom turrets equally offline for other rewiring purposes. It's speed and engines are still functioning, and by all accounts it can still serve as a transport vessel, though anyone worth their salt would have long upgraded or replaced this particular ship.

Ship Current Stock:
2 Months of Rations
Fuel (Enough for Short distance Space Travel)
Small Grade Salvaging Equiptment
A small Insect Problem



Just Wanted A Drink... (OP, Social, Open)
Carrion Birds (Open, Mission)
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