Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Khaalt Vyelirr

Khaalt Vyelirr


NOTE: I know its the epitome of stubbornness, but I refuse to RP in anything related to the Mouse's episodes VII-IX, due to the fact that there's no proper worldbuilding or even basic in-universe history in any way, shape or form (as of 2018). EU and the occasional fanon only for me.


Name: Khaalt Vyelirr

Faction: Currently independent.

Rank: Former Lieutenant in the Galactic Alliance Navy.

Species: Devaronian

Age: 32

Sex: Male

Height: 6'1

Weight: 203 lbs.

Build: Athletic, average build.

Eye color: Orange

Hair color: Red

Horn color: Midnight blue.

Skin color: Light gray.

Force Sensitivity: No

Occupation: Former Long Range Reconnaissance Pilot with the Galactic Alliance, currently an independent scout and cartographer.


Naval Training: The functions of Khaalt's ship, (or practically any ship, though he VASTLY prefers his own) are almost second nature to the Devaronian thanks to his years of training in the Galactic Alliance Navy; his knowledge of the mechanical aspects of starship engineering are nearly all-encompassing; with the right tools and, if necessary, replacement parts, Khaalt can diagnose and repair nearly any problem that might afflict whatever ship he might be on.

Stealthy: Countless hours playing with his sister growing up enabled this Devaronian to slowly hone the ability to sneak, in addition to learning the best places to hide in a great number of situations.

Observant/Analytical: A patient and clever man, Khaalt is observant and his fine eye for detail even led to him being considered by his peers to be a candidate for detective work later in life. While in the Alliance Navy, the Devaronian's natural patience, observational skills, strategic knowledge and analytical mind, among other things, easily led to several rapid promotions during his time in the Alliance Navy.

Scout and Survivalist: While he much prefers to be in a cockpit rather then on a planet's surface, Khaalt's piloting training included the necessities of what to do and how to survive over weeks in the event of his crashing in any known environment, or even being jettisoned into space for hours on end. As most pilots will tell you, knowledge of how to survive on a great number of worldly environs is essential, as no pilot spends all of their time solely shipboard.


The Only Good Ship: The Mind's Eye has gotten Khaalt out of many scrapes since he purchased the used ship roughly seven years into his military career for personal, off-duty use. Upon being placed on leave after his tours of duty, the Devaronian was eager to explore the Galaxy according to the whims of his natural wanderlust. Several adventures and eight crashes later, during which the ship was only mildly damaged, the Independent Scout has begun to develop an unhealthy obsession with the maintenance, upkeep and maintaining the "blessing" of having this old Imperial ship in his life, with behavior that is slowly becoming obsessive...

Womanizer: The standard female form's curves, loveliness have always been appealing to the Devaronian and with their distinct, various personalities of all kinds, Khaalt is weak-willed around women, especially younger ones, who are more susceptible to his youthful adventurer's wiles and stories, be they real or embellished; sometimes, his inherent shyness can even serve to attract them to him all-the-more. A result that Khaalt can fail to see is that duplicitous and malicious females can all-the-more easily seduce or even make attempts on his life due to his carelessness...

Appearance: This Devaronian stands out from his fellows, being of the less common, light gray variety and, while thin, his torso and limbs are nonetheless muscular and athletic beneath his clothing. His orange eyes surveyed the Naboo tourists all around him, his features placid and calm as the barest hint of an amused smile tugged at the left side of his mouth. The commonplace horns on virtually all Devaronian males extended up and diagonally along the back of his head, glinting midnight blue against the harsh paleness of his chalk-colored head and the rest of his lightly-muscled form, as well kept as the rest of the Devaronian's body. The man's stance and his obviously cared-for and athletic body, to say nothing of his casual twirling of a freshly-cleaned blaster pistol with one hand as he surveyed the Naboo natives and countless tourists around him, spoke of some form of military service, as did the dog-tags hanging from a chain around his neck. A midnight blue travelling cloak hung from his shoulders, matching his horns, while a sleeveless black undershirt was covered by a worn, forest green jacket. Thick, dark brown, pocket-covered travel breeches adorned his legs and his crossed ankles as the Devaronian contentedly crossed his arms over his chest as he twirled his pistol and people-watched, looking to be without a care in the world...


Alignment: Neutral Good

Voice Example:

Equipment: Datapad, Model 434 heavy blaster pistol, ammo cartridges, spare clothing, C1-Series comlink, standard tool kit, A99 aquata breather/rebreather

Standard Tool Kit Contents: electroshock probe, fusion cutter, hydrospanner, laser welder, power calibrator, power prybar, probe sensors, sonic welder, vibrocutter, welding goggles and various spare circuits and wires.

Ship: The Mind's Eye, a heavily modified, refurbished black-painted, red-trimmed TIE/sr starfighter armed with two SFS laser cannons and two (one fore, one aft) repeating autoturrets.




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