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Keth by name, and Kira by Nature. The reversal of history. [Kira Vaal]

Post-Clone Wars

The pains the droid’s racked on their Master’s form was beyond what most would understand, there was surgical precision from the assassin droid's metal cage of bodies, skilled in their arts. That was till Kira had interrupted them, managing to draw them away surprised. There was always a cost on this path, and here it was plain as day. The armor would be needed to sustain Raien from here on out, it was all or nothing. His wounds were deep, but he was to be that feared force again. As the battle reached its conclusion and apex, he called forth, “Massassi hear me, witness who your Master chooses to carry his legacy. Not this imitation, but one who endures.” His leadership reversing some of the fighting going on, to minimize losses, the beasts ceased to pull each other apart.

Believing himself to be the only one who could survive in this armor for long enough for his and its purpose to be achieved, he crawled his way back to Stryfe. Unable to even stand, but that didn’t matter, his limbs had been taken from him before. Every droid around him was crushed, two had grips around their necks, as their heads popped off. One was spared long enough, long enough that he would learn of how their programming had been altered, its legs and arms pulled off instead.

Darth Krayt’s black form rose nearby, giving the order. “Now.”

Both combatants had to stand, one last time, and so both did, slow lumbering and tired.

Poisoned, tortured, deeply wounded and defying reason to stand, Raien pushed on muscles that were torn or taken from him, on bones that could not bear his weight anymore, only the force was keeping him up at all. The black clad form of Darth Surtr hurled himself, mind body and soul at his destiny, a deafening roar carried across rippled currents of the temple, tore through his opponent in one great swing of his weapon, shattering Stryfe’s grip on his own, and then cleaving him in two, impaling himself on the armor of the other.

It was done.

Silence fell for a time, as the fighting finally finished.

Several surviving Massassi picked up the body of the Betrayer and carried him to the throne, the armor of Stryfe coming away. In it they sealed Raien Keth in stone walls surrounding the chair, along with the armor around him, adding the blood and alchemy from Stryfe 's Sithspawn body to heal the wounds and finish this pact.

That left the spirit of Darth Krayt standing beside Kira looking on, his work almost finished, the battle all but done.

[member="Kira Vaal"]​
Raien was removed from view and Kira found herself alone.
No not alone. The dark spirit of Darth Krayt stood yet again mere feet from the frail beaten form of the salvager. It was not a welcome company.

She tried to reach out to Raien with her mind, something that she was told was something these Force types did in times of peril yet all she got was blank nothing, she couldn’t reach out, she couldn’t use the Force like all these around her said. She was a nobody among the gods.

“You and he are so alike.” The spirit said, the words coming from her mind rather than through her ears. “He sits there though, chosen and useful. I wanted you, yet your path is not as mine or his.” Krayt slipped forward coming down to Kira’s level not responding as she took several steps backwards.

“I’m nothing like him.” Kira said looking at where Raien supposedly was. “Nothing like him at all.” She didn’t know what made her say it, if he was so evil, so scary than why was she hanging around for him. The Credits? The thrill? Or was something else telling her to stay, something more grander than any scheme that Raien put forward.

“Can you be so sure. Kira Vaal.” Around her the room darkened only empathising the black form of Krayt. “I too was one of the light. A Jedi. Then I found true power.” His appearance flickered and shifted, a younger man appearing before her with a noble posture. “I withered away in that form Kira Vaal, I rotted.” Age began to set in, shifting his form to a mere shadow of its former self. “As will you if you carry forward as you are.”

“I am not a Jedi!” Kira yelled in fustration, all these spirits and mentions of the Force, it was all in her head. Tricks played by a place that held gasses and methods of hellucination. None of this was actually real.

“Not yet, but you will be.” Krayt faded completely and disappeared.

A different voice echoed the other, “When you are needed you will find your quality.”

Then he was gone leaving Kira alone among a vastly dark room with no more than a corpse of her employer.

[member="Raien Keth"]
Becoming a Knight

Though there was no begging possible inside a Sith such as Raien Keth, who had walked this path for two decades, with no guilt, or regret. As he felt his old body taken from him, there was a loss of that pride in the wounds he had achieved to get him here. Not what [member="Serian Loria"] had proposed, far from it, his old brother would doubtless be terrified at what he was about to become, but it was a loss of the pride he took from his battle scars that he sacrificed here. A final Sith emotion he’d often battled to embody, not just be ruled or guided by.

It was a fight to stay conscious, he wanted to be aware of everything happening. The wound in his side would not be removed, sealed away in this throne tomb, Krayt’s claw that had pierced him was becoming his first transition. It was a battle, a duel between the old and new, the old wounds leaving him were fighting to stay part of his form. This was not healing, this was replacing, re-making and he willed himself to stay in control, watching vigilantly through the process.

Feeling like years inside the stone throne, the killer of his pride, pride that had fathered his course so far, tracking every wound to be claimed anew. Old Sith pride that tried to reclaim, to have him die as the man he had fought to be for so long. His former Master the sith Sphere, even shattered as it was hunted to keep him as he was, but it the was vain last attempts to assert influence over its former prisoner.

Certain DNA wasn’t compatible and was thrown out when the armor became part of him, his skin became as red fire as Stryfe’s had been, like the runes on his robes had been building to, burning red, becoming the pride of the old ways to dominate it.

The throne tomb opened and out walked Krayt’s reborn armor, in its new host, the death of his father the Sith meditation sphere was complete, and peace talks would soon begin. If you could call it peace talks, the remaining Massassi still alive simply dropped to one knee as the re-imagined form of their Master walked forward. He was not Krayt, but he carried his legacy, driving it forward.

“I am a Sith, and every day I have trained for this day. You are no longer one with the temple, you are one with me. One Sith” He called to the Massassi and the ones still alive stood tall, the beginnings of what would come.

“Are you ready for more Kira Vaal?” The rebuilt powerful voice of Raien Keth announced, no longer the rasping pains or wounds of old, this was something far worse. More what, did she want to find out? More credits, more work? Just what had she got herself in for.

[member="Kira Vaal"]​

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