Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kel 'Vuzam



    • Birthplace: Xantos
    • Age: 32 GSY
    • Species: Xanti
    • Gender: Male
    • Height: 2.29 Meters
    • Weight: 156 kg
    • Hair: None
    • Skin: Greyish
    • Eyes: Golden Yellow, and lizard like
    • Force Sensitivity: No
    • Voice: Ron Yuan as Scorpion
  • There is a proverb spoken amongst Clan Vuzamee, which speaks, "Dishonor is like a scar on a tree, which time only helps to enlarge". It is lesson that young Kel 'Vuzam was taught repeatedly in his upbringing. Like the Mandalorians, Xanti like Kel's clan prided themselves on martial prowess and bringing honor to your clan. He was raised in his people's culture, rigorously learning how to fight with various weaponry.

    Yet, he would not always have his clan by his side. When he was 20 GSY, young Kel butted heads with his elder brother over tactics during a skirmish between their forces and a rival clan. Their argument came to blows, coming to a head in an honor duel. In a fit of rage, he killed his brother when he disarmed him, a taboo act in his clan. He was soon after arrested and brought back to his clan's elders.

    In accordance with clan law, he was given a choice: death or exile. Kel chose exile, and was marked. He was branded and burned on the left side of his face, forever marking him as an exile. He could never return to Xanti space without risking death.

    For years, he drifted the stars in a Galaxy of turmoil. He finally found his way to the Confederacy of Independent Systems after a number of years. He managed to eek out a living on Tatooine. Among the Confederacy, he seemed to find comradery once again. In light of recent events, he has chosen to depart with the remnants of the Confederacy, feeling the obligation to help his new people rebuild anew.
  • Strengths
    • Imposing: Despite his hunched, saurian-like stance, Kel stands well over two meters in height. In addition to his muscular weight and armor, his visage creates a truly terrifying image to behold on the battlefield.
    • Warrior Heritage: Like the Mandalorians, the Xanti are a culture of clan-based martial warriors. As such, Kel was raised by his clan to be effective at fighting, both with melee and with ranged weapons.

    • Intimidating: A downside to his alien nature is that some species find his tremendous size and strength as intimidating. He finds more often that people are afraid of him.
    • Shamed One: Having been exiled, and mutilated to mark himself as such, he feels shame of looking at his own face. Adding to the fear people have of him is an aloofness about removing his helm in front of others.
    • Zealot: Despite his exile from Xantos, he still holds onto the faith of his people's gods. Like others of his kind, he feels strongly about his religious conviction, sometimes finding offense in others who mock the Moross Gods.
  • Equipment



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