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Lore Review Keganites



  • Name: Keganites.
  • Classification: Ethnic and cultural.
  • Origins: Kegan.
  • Affiliation: Empire of the Lost, Drey.
  • Symbol: N/A.
  • Domain: The Keganites hold domain all over the planet Kegan, but are mostly centred in a single city found on the planet surface. This city is connected by a series of circles that have a designated purpose for each building. For example, the Gathering Circle is where meetings are held, and there is a Garden Circle where fresh fruit are grown. Outside of the city there are wide fields and rugged countryside, as well as plateaus. The local populace use these fields to cultivate animals, livestock, fauna and material for the creation of foodstuffs that are either sold in the city, or transferred off planet to other systems belonging to the Empire of the Lost.
  • Estimated Population: Planetary.
  • Demographics: Humans.
  • Description: The Keganites are farmers. They appear to be simple people, who have no desire or bother to join in with the affairs of the wider Galaxy. They were a remote system seemingly unaffected by the wars waged across the Galaxy, but this changed when their homeworld was annexed by the Empire of the Lost. In the modern day their purpose is to put their cultural heritage to work on behalf of the Empire. They are fantastic farmers, and animal cultivation specialists which made them a desirable addition to the Empire's citizenry.
  • Distinctions: These Humans possess a thick accent that makes them distinct from others belonging to the same species. Their clothing is rural in nature and designed for a life on Kegan. There is nothing fancy about the Keganites or their technology.
  • Force Sensitivity: Rare. Like any Human population there are some who are Force-sensitive, but it's not a common thing.
  • Membership: Most people are born as Keganites. Being born on the planet Kegan will instantly make you a Keganite. If you are an outsider, from a far distant world, who wanted to become a Keganite it would be difficult. This is because, throughout their entire history, a Keganite was distinctly Human. However, the Keganites are not an isolationist or xenophobic people in general. It is entirely plausible that if an alien were to immigrate to Kegan, settle and integrate into their society they would become a Keganite. This would likely involve them becoming apart of the planets infamous animal cultivation trade, or becoming a farmer, as they are mainly the two forms of employment on Kegan. However, if you are an Imperial chances are you will not be accepted in any regard whatsoever. This is because the Keganites hate the Empire of the Lost.
  • Climate: The Keganites are not an isolationist people. If you are an alien, or belong to a culture outside of their own, they would be curious and interested in getting to know you, so long as you are friendly and not xenophobic. However, if you are an Imperial they would be aggressive, or hostile towards you. The only time an Imperial would feel 'safe' about the Keganites is when they are guarded or protected.
  • Reputation: To the wider Galaxy the Keganites are neutral. They aren't relatively known beyond their sector to most people. To the Imperial, however, a Keganite is distinctly untrustworthy. How can you trust a people if you are their occupier?
  • Curios: N/A.
  • Philosophy: The Keganites were once ruled by Benevolent Guide but this practice died out by the end of the Four-Hundred Year Darkness. In the modern day the philosophy of the Keganites is to be hard working, support your family, raise a good child, and now under the tyranny of the Empire, support each other.
  • Outward Views: These people were neutral to other cultures and societies they had heard of. They do not necessarily think of themselves better than anyone, although they have pride for themselves and their work, of course. When it comes to the Empire of the Lost, however, they are outright hateful. This is because, during the Empire's invasion of their planet, hundreds of thousands of Keganites were lost in the battle.
  • The Arts: The Keganites have no known art or opinions of 'the Arts'.
  • Architecture: They prefer circled buildings that are connected too each other, and each building has a designated purpose, such as the Gathering Circle, which is a place for holding meetings.
  • Habits: The Keganites are obsessed with hard work, and graft. This is why they are excellent farmers. They don't know how to do anything else.
  • Lifestyle: Some live together, others alone. A lot of Keganites have families that are interconnected. A strong, family unit is what drives their lifestyle choices.
  • Laws: The Keganites are beholden to the strict laws of the Empire of the Lost since their home was annexed by the Empire in 902 ABY.
  • Customs & Traditions: They are extremely punctual, and polite, but in their own unique, rural way. Whereas the Imperial expects respect immediately from others, a Keganite expects you to earn theirs. They don't bow to each other, and greetings are often given with a polite handshake. They will be polite to you if you are polite to them, but it is not always a given, and this is especially true if you work for the Empire.
  • Education & Training: Animal cultivation, and farming are their main forms of education and training. A Keganite is raised to look after animals, and how to grow livestock to produce foodstuffs for each other. Now that they are under the thumb of the Empire of the Lost they are expected to have a basic grasp of the Basic language, Aurebesh and the understanding to adherence of Imperial law.
  • Diet: Their diet consists of fruit, fauna, livestock, animals and forms of grain native to their planet. They are omnivores although it is not uncommon to find the odd Human who engages in veganism, or vegetarianism.
  • Language: Keganites possess their own language and words. But they have a decent grasp and understanding of Basic. Since their planet was conquered by the Empire they have also begun to integrate Aurebesh into their language.
  • Excellent Farmers: The Keganites are in a pedigree of their own when it comes to cultivation land for growing livestock, fauna and foodstuffs.
  • Animal Cultivation: The raising and subsequent harvesting of animals is like a second nature to these people. It doesn't matter what animal it is they know how to raise it, and then cultivate it for an assortment of things such as the tanning and use of their hides for clothing or other materials, and of course, the creation of foodstuffs.
  • Not a Fighter: It would be hard pressed to find a warrior Keganite. Of course there are some who know how to handle themselves physically, but when it comes to military training or fighting a well armed force, these men and women are useless. They are farmers. Not a fighting force.
  • Imperial Occupation: Since 902 ABY the Keganites have suffered under the occupation of an Imperial faction known as the Empire of the Lost. This occupation saw hundreds of thousands of them killed during the invasion, and now under occupation, they serve at the mercy of their new occupiers.

The Keganites have lived on the planet Kegan for over thirty thousand years. A full detailed history of their canon can be read here. The rest of this submission focuses on their modern day history.

In 902 ABY their homeworld was attacked and annexed by the Empire of the Lost. The defence of their city and planet was conducted in conjunction of a local militia force that they had produced to defend their home as well as a mercenary band known as the Wayward Children. Up until the invasion the Keganites had barely been involved in the on-going conflicts that have littered modern history since the end of the Four-Hundred Year Darkness. Not since the Yuuzhan Vong conquered their world have the Keganites been involved in any galactic affairs. Such has been the time since their last occupation by a galactic force, combined with the effects of the Gulag Plague (a disease which ravaged and destroyed entire cultures, civilizations and planets for over four centuries), that their former occupiers in the Yuuzhan Vong have been condemned to being nothing more by myth and fabled tales told to scare children.

The same cannot be said for the Imperials who serve the Empire of the Lost. The Empire, under the directives of Velran Kilran Velran Kilran , adopted expansionist efforts to conquer nearby star systems unaligned to them at the turn of the new century, and Kegan became one of their first targets. Seeking to bring the Kegan system into the territories of the Empire it was annexed after a successful invasion that saw the single city on the planet surface fall. In the aftermath of the fall, which saw hundreds of thousands of Humans killed by the assault, the Keganites were forced into subjugation by their new occupiers.

During the invasion and subsequent annexation of Kegan the Empire killed hundreds of thousands of Keganites who valiantly defended their homes, or were caught in the crossfire between their raised militia force, the Wayward Children and the invading armies of the Empire. This has severely affected the populace as entire generations were lost to the fighting, and the day in question is known locally to the Keganites as 'the Blip'.

Oppressed by the Empire the Keganites were put to work immediately afterwards. Using their refined skillsets as farmers, and animal cultivation specialists, these people were instrumental in providing foodstuffs all across the Empire. The presence of Imperials found in their solitary city became common place, and this led to a period of depression of the people as they recovered from the subsequent invasion which saw their planet fall to the Empire. Under the directives of Alicia Drey Alicia Drey , the Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau- a shadowy organisation, and cabal which worked within the Empire of the Lost- the Keganites and their work was to serve not only the Empire but also her corporation: Drey.

The Drey company was founded on Lianna and specialized in the manufacturing and distribution of foodstuffs across the Empire. When Kegan fell to Imperial occupation at the turn of the new century the farming and animal cultivation skillsets of the Keganites came into service of the company. Jobs were offered to the local populace to begin working for Drey after the occupation was complete, and it became widely known among these Humans that working for the company was better for them under the occupation as it provided them a sense of security and secured basic rights.

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