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Approved Lore Keeping Up With the Perls

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  • Media Name: Keeping Up With the Perls
  • Format: Holoseries of Questionable Legality
  • Distribution: Common; an easily accessible scourge upon entertainment.
  • Length: Recurring; HoloNet series, episodes generally run from between twenty and forty standard minutes.
  • Description: Keeping Up With the Perls is holoseries of questionable legality following the lives and exploits of the Perl family, most often without their permission or even knowledge. Despite various instances of its "journalists" being stunned, arrested, or marooned on frontier worlds, the series is quite successful in collecting usable footage - and when this is not possible the Neurocogitator in charge is more than willing to make up its own content using advanced video editing techniques. As such, its depiction of the Perls' lives is dubious at best.
  • Author: A single unusually eccentric Neurocogitator Overmind ("the Editor") and its hirelings.
  • Publisher: Self-published; streamed through a dedicated HoloNet page hosted on a Nar Shaddaa-based server.
  • Reception: Variable. Scoffed at by those who dislike reality TV and blatant criminality, but reasonably popular nonetheless.
Keeping Up With the Perls, often abbreviated KUWTP, is organised into seasons lasting one standard Coruscanti year. The length of these seasons varies based on how much footage is available and how much the responsible Overmind is able to make up on the spot. The credits on the show and the HoloNet page alike lists a long list of roles (e.g., assistant camera manager), most of which are filled by "the Editor"; the cash-hungry but ethically lacking "journalists" it employs rarely wish to have their names publicly noted, given the legally dubious nature of it all.

While quite a lot less disjointed and far more realistic than TRAA, KUWTP remains a somewhat dubious source; from the illegal ways in which its footage is procured (or created outright) to a complete lack of respect for the personal privacy of the Perl family and their associates and a "loose relationship with the concept of truth", few people would consider it even remotely trustworthy. At least it's entertaining.

A typical KUWTP episode is as lacking in social or intellectual merit as the average HoloNet reality show; on rare occasions the focus will shift from fashion, gossip, and the like to more serious matters like Nida Perl's stay in Sunspot Prison, but this is a rare affair indeed. The Editor is not normally terribly interested in matters of galactic importance - if a Perl's involvement in, say, a defensive effort against the hordes of the Bryn'adûl is covered, the focus is likely to be on whether or not their makeup is holding up while providing life-saving medical care or whether they look "dishevelled".

How or why KUWTP was established is not a matter of public records; at some point, the Perls may have noticed a sudden uptick in stalkers and the subsequent publication of a pilot episode, but why anyone would do such a thing is unclear. The truth is no less confusing.

Eccentric even by the standards of other Neurocogitators, the Overmind known simply as "the Editor" created the show on its own, without any sort of official permission from its Shadow masters, while it was supposed to be monitoring socio-economical trends on the galactic stage. Since its true purpose was not unduly interfered with and the requisite funding largely self-procured through clever investments, it never became an issue.

At least for Greystone Mercantile, blithely uncaring of the laws with which organics self-regulate on the societal level.

The Perls themselves may well vehemently disagree with such an assessment, given how inconvenient the attention of self-proclaimed "journalists" can be, especially ones with no respect for privacy, local legislation, or common decency. More than one of these "bold freelancers" have ended up in prison cells or, on at least one occasion, in a Coruscanti psychiatric hospital after particularly brutal criticism courtesy of Joza Perl.
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