Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Keep The Faith

A bulkhead was all that stood between the Jedi Master and retribution.

He'd made landfall on the station easily enough. The Sith had grown confident in their ascendancy, some would even say arrogant, and weaseling a single ship through the heart of the empire was not as difficult as it had once been. The Sith Empire was entering an age of chaos of which Cedric had every intention to exploit, and this would be where he started his crusade. The research station sat nestled in the heart of the Empire, relatively unimportant, but costly enough to be noticed should it disappear. Its position within the imperial heartland left it relatively unguarded, something Cedric had noticed keenly when making his way through the hanger.

There were initially around forty soldiers on board, subtracted by the twenty-three he'd counted in the hanger. Most had died; imperial dogma bread zealots. A handful had surrendered, and had been rendered unconscious via Malacia. It would keep them out of the fight for several hours - more than enough time for Cedric to do some damage and be on his way.

A hand pressed against the bulkhead doors. He drew the energies of the empyrean through his body, flowing into his hands as if he were a living conduit. It was a simple thing to will that energy outward. A thunderous clap rang out through the station as a sizable hole was blown through the doors. Cedric simply ducked and walked on through, finding himself in a darkened hallway.

Mounted blaster turrets on either end of the hallway greeted him. The handful of soldiers teaming the guns roared as they unleashed a plasma hell upon Cedric from both sides. The Jedi Master stood his ground, extending out both hands instinctively. Once more he drew upon the empyrean, and his perspective of the world slowed dramatically. Acting solely upon instinct and training, he focused upon the arrows of energy that were cascading toward him. The ethereal energies he'd called upon before leapt to his call once again, forming small barriers around each of the bolts to suspend them in mid-air. Another expression of telekinetic will shifted the trajectory of those bolts, and with a flexing of his fingers, Cedric willed them to return to their sources.

For a moment the hallway was cast in violent crimson as the blaster rounds returned to their senders. The soldiers had little time to react, let alone realize what was happening before their bodies were rendered as little more than plasma ridden husks.

"Ashla take your souls," the Essonian prayed as he continued through the blackout.

Beatrice Govan Beatrice Govan
This was troublesome.

Less so the distress signal that came from the research station, and more the fact that she had to be the one to investigate and quell such a disturbance. Was there nobody more suited? Why her? It almost seemed like a slight, something to keep her out of the way in the face of this new civil war. Cast into irrelevancy away from the focal point of obvious conflict. Or perhaps she was simply the closest to respond.

Nothing to do but grit teeth and accept the call of duty regardless.

The state of the hanger was of larger concern as the petite woman came across the scene of carnage, emerald eyes surveying the bodies that littered the surrounding area with a casual distaste, a scowl gripping her lips. Some still lived, the small ebbs and flows of life trickling forth from their souls. Not a complete waste then. They would not doubt be questioned later.

At least the source of destruction was creating a path to be followed, as her searching gaze laid eyes upon a hole in the bulkhead. Cause for concern. Was she out of her depth? An eyebrow larked at the hole, the ominous dark hallway awaiting her like a carnivorous maw. It wasn't too late to return to her ship and summon the waiting Crownguard to investigate in her stead.


The crutches of her father were something that the woman needed to shake off. How would she find her own strength otherwise? A small considerate smile. Yes, she was out of her depth, the story of Evelynn's life.

Yet, it wasn't always about raw strength.


Choosing to remain unarmed, the Emperor's daughter stepped through the hole and into uncertainty, seeking out whatever foe would await her.

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It wasn't much surprise that the slicing tool he'd brought along was insufficient for the job at hand. Technology had never really been his forte, and the effort to gain information from the research lab was little more than a pretense for the mission. If the Alliance wanted more details on the Sith's internal workings, they should have sent a professional slicer.

Maybe they would have if they'd authorized the mission.

"Hey," he asked the Twi'lek technician he'd found hiding in the databanks of the facility. The Twi'lek visibly flinched when Cedroc spoke. "You think you could get me access to what's in here? Otherwise I'm just going to have to blow the whole place up."


The Jedi canted his head to the side in irritation. "You access the network, and seed my datapad with every last bit of data you can fit onto its harddrive. Otherwise I have to destroy this place. Just orders."

Definitely not orders. Also very real threats.

"O-of course. As you wish my lord." The technician snatched the datapad from Cedric's outstretched hand, jacking it into one of the large data-slate towers that lined the room.

After the first few squads, resistance had been reduced to nil. The civilians he came across were left alone, or gently threatened into helping move his task along. He'd make sure they all got off the station before he rigged it to explode, but that didn't mean he was above extorting their help if he had to.

His brow furrowed as something shifted in the empyrean. The once clear seas were momentarily reddened, a sort of crimson that could only be blood staining the waters. There was a predator about, or perhaps he was the predator here? Time would tell.

"How long is this going to take?"

Beatrice Govan Beatrice Govan
The trail of death was evident, men and women practically evaporated by what seemed to be the station's own defences. Thoroughly unpleasant but at the very least for their sakes it was quick. That very thought surprised her if she had been known for anything it was as an advocate for delicious suffering, but now it seemed as if such rampant cruelty was so unnecessary. Unless of course, it was in the name of purpose.

Or pleasure.

There was a distinct lack of evidence that suggested the identity of the culprit, or perhaps even culprits. No motive discerned as yet. One had to presume that the research data of the station would be the focal point, but you could never be entirely certain in such a chaotic galaxy.

As she continued deeper into the station there were flutters of sensation, mostly smatterings of fear alongside something far more steadfast lurking in the distance. However, it was the terror that piqued her interest, given that there was a closer pitter-patter emanating from what appeared to be a supply closet.

Opening the door revealed a cowering worker, who flinched as the Emperor's daughter was revealed to be standing upon the other side. If she had to hazard a guess the woman assumed that the civilian had actively witnessed the carnage and wisely chose flight instead of fight. The terror did not leave the man's face in her presence, his new assumption being that he would meet his end by Evelynn's presence instead of the intruder's.


She waved a hand to dispel notions of formalities, face impassive as her voice crept into his mind.


“D-da-duh-d-d-don't kn-n-n-”

Useless. The minds of some were not suited for the realms of death that so often surrounded them. As her gaze appraised his fear she could hardly blame him, after all, she had been him once upon a time. Oh, how things can change.

The way to the hangar is clear, my ship is there. You will be safer. Go.

Whether or not his brain cooperated with his legs was not a matter Evelynn stayed behind to witness as the blonde swept away and deeper into the facility. Logically the focal point of this station was its data, and that was where she would find her cause for concern. Perhaps it would be better to try and draw them out?

Her golden hand reached out for the wall as she traversed the hallway, the sharp fingers of her prosthetic dragging along as metal screeched and echoed with an elongated scraping sound.


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