Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ke'Cholo's Crew

Who we are:​
Ke'Cholo's crew (duh)​
Where we are:​
Ke'Cholo's crew currently resides on Tek-1​
Other locations:​
None, none in the works​
Qualifications to join:​
To get high rank: Be a master of some sort of field, and be wiling to take orders.​
Low rank: be willing to do grunt work and get me what I want.​
PC Members:​
None yet​
NPC Members:​
1000+ Gasiirians​
Ke'Cholo - Captain​
Qaeth - Senior Pilot​
Worwir - Finance​
T'Chungo - Head Mechanic and Engineer​
Shaleel Jal Qaevan - Security​
Ghaacko - None currently​
Raxo Trax - Overseer of the cargo hold​
Zobacca - Armory​
The plunder, smuggle, and steal our way to wealth.​
Factions Assets:​
Slave I​
Several million in credits.​
Is this faction page bare bones?​
Am I creative?​
Will the RP be great?​
Don't judge a book by it's cover, join today!​
[member="KeCholo"] - Just remember, you do have a benefactor in terms of getting funding, aid, and more. So anyone joining your crew would be a subcontractor for Akure, and get substantial discounts, gifts, and other things from us. Benefits of association!
[member="KeCholo"] - Ummmm.. I wasn't claiming ownership, right to order, or anything broheim... I was offering help... I don't ever intend to collect on anything. Just being kind and offering alchemical goodies and one of the larger corporations on the board as a backer to help you out. But your choice. All deals can be retracted, and this one is, effective immediately at your own desire. Best of luck.
[member="KeCholo"] - Also... Just as a note... Any canon items are regulated here on the site, such as Slave I, which I believe is either already claimed/owned, or in process. You can ask [member="Vilaz Munin"] on that one, as he was going for it last I knew. But here are the guidelines for claiming unique canon items, so good luck m'man!

Sorry for the overreaction yesterday.

The way I understood it was is that I worked for you guys and had to do work for your corporation. Either way the deal is still off, it's just the feeling that Ke'Cholo's underneath someone that doesn't flow with his character. Plus, you might not want to support a pirate. Anyway, I overreacted, jumped to conclusions, and made a hasty judgement without explaining. I profusely apologize :)

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