Nagi Duchannes

Name: Kazuya Maxwell
Fraction: One Sith
Rank: N/A
Species: Devaronian
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Height: 3 feet
Weight: 46.1 lbs
Eyes: Black
Hair: None
Skin: Red
Force Sensitive: Yes
- Determined (once hes ask to do something he will make sure that it's done even if it kills him)
- loyal (He is loyal to anyone he works with or anyone he consider to be a friend)
- fighter (despite him being short. He makes up for it in knowing how to defend himself either unarmed or with a blaster)
- Unusually short (he has dwarfism)
- Short temper (He tends to lash out in anger when someone calls him 'short' or 'runt')
- Greedy (Growing up with in a wealthy family he wants anything that catch his interest)
- Spoiled (living a wealthy life as a kid it's hard for him not to stop dressing up all classy or to have expensive things)
Usually can bee seen wearing a black suite with a dark gray tie. At first look people get the falls sense that he may run some sort of business.
A lot of people have problems trusting him do to his piercing black eye's and the fact that he looks like a short version of the 'devil' from several different myths.
Kazuya, grew up with in a wealthy Devaronian family. Being pampered and getting whatever he want when he wanted it. As a young devaronian this was the life, having any thing he wanted and saw fit.. well almost anything. The one thing he couldn't get with his family wealth is to be tall, he was unusually short for devaronian and with in his family the staff referred to him as the 'runt'.
The kids were the worse for him seeing that they were relentless in their teasing on how short Kazuya was. After years of listening to his family staff and the kids that lived near them teasing him about how short he is he develop a tamper to anyone who called him short. By the time he was six years old he began private school tho his first day and a few day's after resulted him getting kicked out for assaulting a student who dear called him short, the same result happen when one of the house staff called him runt.
His father decided that his son had too much energy that for his own good, in order to solve his son outburst problem he higher a private tutor to teach him how to fight. In doing this having his son learn how to fight at there home help keep him in check for the most part, up until someone called him short or runt again.
Through the years Kazuya, continue his lessons and even demanded/ask his father to hire someone to teach him how to handle a blaster. His father agreed seeing he carried on him at all times during his business meetings.
With his knowledge to defend himself he begin use it to manipulate people , starting a small business as he would take credits from some of the students. He would claim it was for protection from others who wish to do the teens harm in their school, tho with his devil look it was sometimes hard to get the others to believe him. He had no trouble in dealing with the other bullies in making sure that they stay away, what was different between him and the other is that he took care of things himself instead of sending someone else to do it for him.
Soon Kazuya, begin to become board with his life he didn't find it exciting and a thrilling as it use to be. He decided that he was going to make a life for himself if the excitement wasn't going to come to him then he will go find the excitement himself, with that in mind he pack some business cloths and took all the credits he earn from his little 'business' and left his house without glancing back.
Ship: None
Kills: None
Bounties Collected: None