Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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~ Family

  • Intent: To create a planet & society with heavy influences from the culture of Feudal Japan with a twist of Star Wars-level Technology placed on top
  • Image Credit:
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Planet Name: Kazoku
  • Demonym: Kazanese
  • Region: Expansion
  • System Name: Jitaku
  • System Features: [Here you may list suns, moons, other planets, important asteroid belts, spatial anomalies, or other features of the star system. You may also include moons, suns, orbital position, rotational period (length of day), and orbital period (days in a year) in this section.]
  • Coordinates: B-47, same Hex as Neo-Polis, to the left of Dossun
  • Major Imports:
    Galactic Standard Technology

[*]Major Exports: [What does the planet produce and bring to the galaxy, note that not all planets have to produce things. They can be barren or have riches yet to be discovered.]
  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Temperate
  • Primary Terrain:
  • Mountains, Hills, Canyons, Valleys
  • Grasslands
  • Oceans, Rivers, Islands

Major Locations:


  • The Shiro Castle ~ The Shiro Castle is both a military symbol of dominance and a political symbol of authority and freedom. The castle's design is superior to many others created by the Kazanese, due to its defensive emplacements, luxuries, and it is a monumental feat of engineering which took six years to make and billions of credits. The original castle was built five years before the Clone Wars when the Kazanese people were still being governed and controlled by the Military Dictatorship of Bukkubana, or the 'Book Burner.' Bukkubana was infamous for the burning of Kazanese literature which painted him in a bad light along with the burning of many books expressing ideas of individualism, freedoms, civil liberties, and equality between all species and genders. During the Clone Wars, Bukkubana supported the Separatists and he attacked the Republic forces mercilessly when they invaded. His rule of twenty years was cut short when a group of rebels overthrew him and later executed him for treason and war crimes. The republic helped to rebuild and establish a Republic. From this newly established federal republic, stemmed years of peace, fair judgment, and equality among all species and genders. Then, in a swift invasion, the castle was burned to the ground by the Imperials. Years after the fall of the Empire, the castle was rebuilt as a symbol of unity and freedom now, where it once has been seen as a symbol of terror and fear-mongering. To this day, with yearly renovations, the Shiro Castle remains a historic landmark and a symbol of political authority from which the Emperor or Empress meets with their advisors to discuss major political and military matters.

  • Shrine of Meiyo ~ Known as the 'Shrine of the Goddess of War' in basic, the shrine is a powerful religious symbol to the Kazanese people. The shrine stands at a great thirty meters, standing high like a monument up into the air, with lavish red and white paint with intricate carvings on its walls. It is not the only shrine, or the only worshipped god, though it's a sign of the testament of the Kazanese people in difficult times of political and military strife that would've destroyed other people's. The shrine has stood for centuries and has never been damaged. The Kazanese see it as a message from the Goddess that they will not ever be forgotten by her. When one steps inside of the shrine, a feeling of peace and protection will instantly wash over them.

  • Hotaru Forest ~

  • The Saishu Tree ~
  • Native Species:
    80% - Neitibu (Will be Created After Planet Approval)

[*]Immigrated Species:
  • 10% - Humans, Chiss, Noghri

  • Moderately populated ~ 6 Billion

  • 80% - Neitibu (Will be Created After Planet Approval)
  • 10% - Humans, Chiss, Noghri
  • 10% - Other Non-human Species

[*]Primary Languages:
  • Primary - Gengo (Native Tongue of Neitibu)
  • Secondary - Galactic Standard Basic (Primary Tongue of Non-Neitibu)

[*]Culture: [General overview of the planet, should include information about daily life, society, arts, sports, religion.]
  • Government: Constitutional Federal Monarchy
  • Affiliation: No
  • Wealth: [Low, medium, high? Describe, briefly, why.]
  • Stability: [Low, medium, high? Are there major issues causing unrest? Is this a planet of chaos or one of peaceful law abiding citizens? Is it dangerous for travelers to visit or are you safe as an outsider? Describe the general feel and theme of any over-arching government or rulers/leaders in this city. Are the people fairly free or is oppression of society and commerce heavy?]
  • Freedom & Oppression: [Describe the atmosphere of freedom on this planet. Does it have a dictatorial ruler? Is fear of the ruling body prevalent? Relaxed and open? Is anything unusual illegal or permitted?]


  • Military: [Describe the military capabilities of this planet. Is it completely demilitarized? A fortress world complete with heavy defenses? A space-faring world with a substantial navy? Is it a hive of scum and villainy with no discernible defense structure other than what it's inhabitants have to offer? Or maybe due to low tech the people here are still in the bronze age.]
  • Technology:
    On Kazoku, the technological level is a unique mix of different levels. The inhabitants of Kazoku, or just simply the Kazanese, use a blend of old ancestral methods that have always helped them and been with them...along with new, more foreign concepts to help improve the lives of every person in society rather than a single individual or technological principle or idea above all else. The Kazanese still use 'old' feudal methods of warfare, such as cavalry, swords, and occasionally bow and arrows. Though, these are further changed with the 'new' technology, the normal level of technology within the Galaxy. Instead of wooden bows, they now have bows of metal that shoot either metal arrows or energy-based arrows to penetrate armor. For katanas, they use new technological methods to create a stronger and lighter blade that can go toe-to-toe with modern equivalents of vibroswords and armor. As for cavalry, more advanced methods and systems of armor have been created for the mounts of the Kazanese military force along with modernized spears meant to skewer threats to their way of life as Kazanese.

Be sure to cover the following information:
How was the planet discovered? How was planet settled? When was it settled? Why was it settled? What major events specific to the planet helped shape its inhabitants to what they are today?
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