Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Kaul of Duty

Location: Coruscant Mall

Kaul leaned against the bench legs spread apart as he observed the people of Coruscant go about their day to day lives. It was hard to believe merely two and a half weeks ago that the entire planet was under attack by genocidal cultists. Yet here these people are walking around acting like as though nothing happened. Squeezing on the chocolate frosted Doughnut he bought from the stand, Kaul took a quick bite some of the sprinkled landed on his clothing. The pilot shrugged ignoring it he didn't feel like moving his hand to wipe the sprinkles off too much stress. His mind was occupied by the attack and how these people could just move on so quickly. Kaul wasn't here when Coruscant was invaded as he was running patrols around the Outer Rim. Yet he could imagine himself being horrified at the slaughter that the Brotherhood did to the people. How could the residents here just shrug and move on? Then again Kaul was from the quiet planet of Dantonie where the only bad thing was if the Womp Rats ate into the food. Maybe these Coruscant citizens were conditioned to accept horror, after all they've been attacked multiple times in the past.

He continued to nibble on his Doughnut, trying to mentally prepare himself for battle. The Brotherhood was about to make their move into the Core Worlds, command just learned that they'll start a two pronged invasion to Jakku and New Jedha. Kaul was to deployed within the week something that for the first time scared him to the point where Kaul considered to desert. The Brotherhood had caused so much devastation and death, they even blew up a planet! There was no way that the Alliance can win this.

Melolei Kardul
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Melolei Kardul

Mel had been working plenty during the two and a half weeks doing various jobs for the temp agency. As the most experienced asn senior member of staff for them, she oversaw a number of their employees working to cleanup the fallout from that unhinged attack on their planet.

One day coordinating for the manual laborers to and from different sites, following behind them with design and construction teams down to the final act of cleaning crews.

Thankfully the business that remained in the streets had fallen to a different company. Something that still made her pause in her day to day life as things slowly returned to a sense of normality. She pulled her hair behind her ears, waiting in line for a sweet treat as a reward for the overtime she had pulled of late. Her rental was caught up, all of her transportation passes had been caught up.

She'd even been able to manage tucking some away after vitals were purchased for rainy day funds. A bright smile was given to the cashier as she gave a small hop of delight to the donut in her hand. A small warm drink paired with it as the days work finally began to come off her shoulders.

The amount of times she'd had to step on toes and stand her ground with more stubborn members of the temp agency had sent her emotional empathy through the ringer as she tried to distance herself from other people's feelings for the moment.

A spike of fear caught her attention however, spying someone sitting on a bench some ways away. A swift internal battle with herself had her actions decided as she slowly approached Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos and tilted her head a touch to catch their eye.

"H-hello. Um. Are. Are you, alright? You seem. Nervous?" She wasn't about to admit that she'd accidentally caught his emotional spike, but being half zeltronian had its boons and banes all in the same vein.
Kaul looked up at the sky sighing he saw reddish sky filled with speeders going on with their day to day business. Part of him felt tempted to desert the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. They stood no chance against a bunch of cultists and the fracking Sith! They were organized and they had eyes everywhere. How could Kaul trust anyone in command now. What if Commander Tren was part of the Brotherhood? The prick was a hardass for sure but honestly it was foolish to think that a loyal man like Tren would ever sell out the Galactic Alliance.

He closed his eyes, this is stupid, this whole war was stupid. Kaul was going to be trotted up in space to be blown up by a bunch of Brotherhood and the Sith will once again retake Coruscant and the Core Worlds. That's it, the end, the final Revenge of the Sith It's game over man. Instead of being sent to his doom, It was best for Kaul to hightail it out of here. This wasn't his fight, he didn't join the Defense Force out of love for the Galactic Alliance, he only joined because his parents forced him to as an out after he killed Delgad: The Dug who he worked under back at Malastare. Delgad was a famed Podracer and Kaul's engineering skills helped him to win multiple grand prix. Hah! More like helped him cheat to win and if Kaul refused to comply then his head would serve as ball for his slave girls to play with.

After missed paycheck, after missed paycheck, Kaul had enough one day and wanted to move on with his life, but Delgad didn't want his "prized possession" to leave and the two of them had an argument that quickly turned sour. Kaul began to crush his donut as he remembered grabbing Delgad's blaster pistol and shooting him in the chest. His mind was flooding over seeing the Dug's eyes become glassy as he drew his last breath. Kaul did it, he killed a person point blank.

Just then Kaul yelled when a girl's voice told him that he seemed nervous. He quickly jumped out from his bench and placed his hands up. "Oh!" He quickly realized it was Zeltron and a cute one at that. "I'm sorry! You startled me! I was just thinking you know?"

Kaul chuckled nervously. "Name's Kaul," he said holding out his hand for the Zeltron to shake.

Melolei Kardul

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